We live in a world where the use of statistical data is pivotal to comprehending many issues around us. Department aims to instill scientific temper, analytical skills and intellectual vigour among students that they may contribute to the needs of society. Department of Statistics started as a general course in the year 2014. Students from departments of Computer Science, Economics, Mathematics and Physics take statistics as a general elective subject. The department also renders its service to other departments namely, Commerce, Education, Geography, Management and Psychology where statistics is part of the curriculum.
Enhancing the quality of life for individuals and societies through the intelligent and ethical use of statistics and provide students with a life-oriented education through projects of social relevance.
1. To devise and develop statistical and probabilistic theories and techniques, and to disseminate statistical knowledge through teaching, advising, and outreach programs, in order to serve the needs of the College and the University, and local, state and national bodies in research, government, business and industry.
2. To establish the department as a leading organization in attaining excellence in research and education in Statistical Sciences.
3. To improve and strengthen Statistical Services to the entire research community of the College,University and beyond.
4. To contribute to the advancement of science and technology through interdisciplinary research.
1. The central objective of the undergraduate major in Statistics is to equip students with consequently requisite quantitative skills that they can employ and build on in flexible ways.
2. Majors are expected to learn concepts and tools for working with data and have an experience in analysing real data that goes beyond the content of a service course in statistical methods for non-majors.
3. Statistics is the science that deals with the methods of handling data, including the organization and analysis of numerical information arising out of a systematic plan technically called research design which within the context of a specific study is characterized by a structure that yield answers to specific questions.
4. The main goal of the department is to impart quality education and promote theoretical and applied knowledge in the subjects of Statistics, which enables the students to pursue their future careers either in the field academic, insurance firms or broadly in analytics industry.
Paper Code: STSGE1
Paper: Descriptive Statistics
Course Objectives:
The main objective is to provide students with pragmatic tools for assessing statistical claims and conducting their own statistical analyses. The objective of this course is to provide an understanding for the undergraduate students on statistical concepts to include types and presentation of data the measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, fitting the polynomials up to third degree by least squares method, correlation andregression analysis.
Learning Outcomes:
Students will acquire
1. Knowledge of Statistics and its scope and importance in various areas such as Medical, Engineering, Agricultural and Social Sciences etc.
2. Information about various Statistical organisation in India and their functions societal developments.
3. Knowledge of various types of data, their organisation and evaluation of summary measures such as measures of central tendency and dispersion etc.
4. Insights into preliminary exploration of different types of data.
5. Knowledge of correlation, regression analysis, partial & multiple correlation and rank correlation.
Teaching Methodologies:
The core Module syllabus for Descriptive Statistics includes theory and practical parts. The theory syllabus is divided on four units and seven practicals are there. The fourunits covers 40 lectures which are class room based to enhance knowledge skills and attitude to basic tools of Statistics. The other portion Practical unit covers 20 lectureswhich are demonstration cum lecture and assignment based to grow up the knowledge of practical situations.
Paper Code: STSGE2
Paper: Probability Theory and Distribution
Course Objectives:
The course is aimed at providing students with a formal treatment of probability theory. It is equipping students with essential tools for statistical analyses at the graduate level and also fostering understanding through real-world statistical applications. The course explores the basic concepts of probability theory and its application for decision making in economics, business, and other fields of social sciences. Our everyday lives, as well as economic and business activities, are full of uncertainties. This course is heavily oriented towards the formulation of mathematical concepts on probability and probability distributions and densities with practical applications.
Learning Outcomes:
Students will acquire
1. Ability to distinguish random and non-random experiments.
2. Knowledge to conceptualise the probabilities of events including frequentist and axiomatic approach. Simultaneously, they will learn the notation of the conditional probability including the concept of Bayes’ Theorem.
3. Knowledge related to the concept of discrete and continuous random variables and their probability distributions including expectations and moments.
4. Knowledge of important discrete and continuous distributions such as Binomial, Poisson, Hyper-geometric, Geometric and Normal, Exponential, Gamma, Beta etc.
5. Acumen to apply standard discrete and continuous probability distributions to different situations.
Teaching Methodologies:
The core Module syllabus for Probability theory and distributions includes theory and practical parts. The theory syllabus is divided on four units and twelvepracticals are there. The four units covers 40 lectures which are class room based to enhance knowledge skills and attitude to basic tools of Statistics. The other portion Practical unit covers 20 lectures which are demonstration cum lecture and assignment based to grow up the knowledge of practical situations.