The National Service Scheme (NSS) is an Indian Government sponsored public service program conducted by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports of the Government of India. Popularly known as NSS, the scheme was launched in Centenary year in 1969. Aimed at developing student’s personality through community service, NSS is a voluntary association of young people in Colleges, Universities and at +2 level working for a campus-community (esp. Villages) linkage.
Aim of the Club:
NSS program aims to inculcate social welfare in students and to provide service to the society without bias. NSS volunteers work to ensure that everyone who is in needy get help to enhance their standard of living and lead a dignified life. In doing so, the volunteers learn from people in the community, how to lead life despite scarcity of resources. NSS also provides help in natural and man-made disasters by providing food, clothing and first aid to the disaster victims.
Vision of the Club:
1. To understand the community in which they work.
2. To identify the needs and problems of the community and involve them to develop problem-solving skills.
3. To develop among themselves a sense of social and civic responsibility.
4. To develop competence required for group-living and sharing of responsibilities.
The Motto of NSS “Not Me But You” reflects the essence of democratic living and upholds the need for selfless service. NSS helps students develop appreciation to others point of view and also show consideration to other living beings.
1. To gain skills in mobilizing community participation.
2. To Identify The Needs And Problems Of The Community And Involve Themselves In Problem-Solving Exercise;
3. To acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitudes.
4. To Develop Among Themselves A Sense Of Social And Civic Responsibility;
5. To Utilize Their Knowledge In Finding Practical Solutions To Individual And Community Problems;
6. To develop capacity to meet emergencies and natural disasters, and
7. To practice National Integration and Social Harmony.
Benefits of Being a NSS Volunteer
A NSS volunteer who takes part in the community service programme would either be a college level or a senior secondary level student. Being an active member, these student volunteers would have the exposure and experience to be the following:
1. An Accomplished Social Leader
2. An Efficient Administrator
3. A Person Who Understands Human Nature.
The NSS Badge Proud to Serve the Nation
All the youth volunteers who opt to serve the nation through the NSS led community service wear the NSS badge with pride and a sense of responsibility towards helping needy. The Konark wheel in the NSS badge having 8 bars signifies the 24 hours of a day, reminding the wearer to be ready for the service of the nation round the clock i.e. for 24 hours. Red colour in the badge signifies energy and spirit displayed by the NSS volunteers. The Blue colour signifies the cosmos of which the NSS is a tiny part, ready to contribute its share for the welfare of the mankind.
There are two types of activities: Regular Activities (120 hours) and Annual Special Camp (120 hours). All the NSS Volunteers who have served NSS for at least 2 years and have performed 240 hours of work under NSS are entitled to a certificate from the university under the signature of the Vice-Chancellor and the Programme Coordinator. The Annual camps are known as Special Camps. Camps are held annually, funded by the government of India, and are usually located in a rural village or a city suburb. Volunteers may be involved in such activities as:
1. Cleaning
2. Afforestation
3. Stage shows or a procession creating awareness of such issues as social problems, education and cleanliness
4. Awareness Rallies
Inviting doctors for health camps
There are no predefined or pre-assigned tasks; it is left up to the volunteers to provide service in any way that is feasible. Camps typically last between a week and 10 days, although camps for shorter periods are also conducted by NSS.
Some of the major activities carried out by the College are:
1. Inauguration & Orientation
2. Special Camping Program
3. Biweekly meeting
4. Environmental awareness program
5. Health awareness program
6. SwachhBharath program
7. Observation of important national and international days such as Anti-Corruption Day, World AIDS day, Constitution Day, Yoga Day, World Environment day
8. First-aid training program
9. Annual Appraisal
NSS Programme officer: Mr. Deepak Sharma
NSS Programme coordinator: Ms. Rini Bhadra
Mr. Manish Sharma