0353-2545622  |  99334 02478


0353-2545622  |  99334 02478

The purpose of Value Education course is to inculcate in the students values to check levels of goodness and desirability in human living. It is part and parcel of every tradition of Indian culture. It is a matter of great regret to note that values are crumbling down which affects the very fabric of human society. Hence to it is of utmost importance to develop men of good will who do not cheat, or steal, or kill; however value self and mankind. If human values take root in the educational system, the emerging individuals will have the following attributes:

They will want peace & justice in a world that acknowledges the rule of law and in which no nation or individual need live in fear;

1. Freedom and self-reliance to be available to all;
2. The dignity & work of every person to be recognized & safeguarded;
3. All people to be given an opportunity to achieve their best in life; and
4. They will seek equality before the law and the equality of opportunity for all.

(Sindhwani, A. & Kumar, R. / Educationia Confab ISSN: 2320-009X, Vol. 2, No. 2, February 2013)


Written examination – 50 marks
Attendance – 10 marks
Academic-application – 10 marks
Social project and report – 20 marks

General performance in the college – 10 marks (marked by the mentor taking into consideration the personality assessment grades)

(Total of 100 marks per semester which can be converted into grades for certificate)

Year 1: Certification course Part I: Two credits with a social project of 6-8 hours

Social Project/Field work: weekly two hours or one day of 6-8 hours

Semester I

1. Constitution of India; preamble, basic concepts, history,
2. National policy on education
3. Issues of citizenship: intolerance, violence, superstition, secular India, cultural heritage
4. Moral values in Education (what & why), value based life, values of compassion, love, honesty, hard work and others
5. Principles of major religions
6. Time management
7. Don Bosco and his life
8. The Pandemic world and its impact on human lives.

Year 1: Certification course Part II – Two credits with a social project of 6-8 hours
Social Project/Field work: weekly two hours or one day of 6-8 hours

Semester II

1. Environmental awareness
2. Life skills and Soft skills Job skills and Interviews
3. Civic sense and its awareness generation
4. Life management and stress
5. Generation gap and positive living
6. Respect for life – Present scenario
7. Attitude formation and assessment
8. Loneliness and Friendship

Year 2: Diploma Course Part I – two credits with a social project of 12-16 hours
Social Project/Field work: weekly two hours or two days of 12-16 hours

Semester III

1. Political structure of India, RajyaSabha, LokSabha, Sacredness of Democracy
2. Ethical, social and spiritual values
3. Values for harmonious life: unconditional love and kindness, Honesty, respect for others, cooperation, forgiveness
4. Self-awareness and self esteem
5. Discipline and responsibility
6. Don Bosco and the world
7. Media and value education
8. The Pandemic world and its impact on human lives.

Year 2: Diploma Course Part I – two credits with a social project of 12-16 hours
Social Project/Field work: weekly two hours or two days of 12-16 hours

Semester IV

1. Children’s rights
2.Health and Hygiene
3. Inclusiveness and pluralism
4. Addictions – drugs, alcohol
5. Interpersonal relationship and intra personal relationship
6. Leadership skills and qualities
7. Dating, courtship
8. Examination skills – Oral, written and group discussion

Year 3: Advance Diploma Course Part I – two credits with a social project of 18-24 hours
Social Project/Field work: weekly two hours or three days of 18-24 hours

Semester V

1. Plurality of cultures in India, ethnicity, harmony
2. Cooperation, justice, responsible citizenship, peaceful conflict resolution
3. Integrity, equality
4. Manners and etiquette
5. Human rights
6. Salesian college and Nation building
7. Use of technology and Human promotion
8. Peace Education and Nation building
9. The Pandemic world and its impact on human lives.

Year 3: Advance Diploma Course Part II – two credits with a social project of 18-24 hours
Social Project/Field work: weekly two hours or three days of 18-24 hours

Semester VI

1. Gender sensitivity
2. Marriage
3. Family – nuclear family, joint family
4. HIV/AIDS; awareness and concerns
5. Film appreciation
6. Globalization and human welfare
7. Fundamentalism or fanaticism
8. Emotional wellness

Year 3: Advance Diploma Course Part II – two credits with a social project of 18-24 hours
Social Project/Field work: weekly two hours or three days of 18-24 hours