0353-2545622  |  99334 02478


0353-2545622  |  99334 02478


0.1. Don Bosco, Priest and Educator, founded the Salesian Congregation to carry out his educational and pastoral project for young people with a focus on the marginalised. His vision is carried out today by the Salesians. For organizational purpose they are divided into provinces and individual institutions and need policies for their personnel. This policy is for institutes of Higher Education in the Province of Kolkata.

0.2. Every college/institution of Higher education which is a Don Bosco institution of the Province, is owned and administered under the authority of the Salesian Province of Calcutta (Northern India) which is the Founder Body. Each such Institution, if a separate Registered Society, is a subsidiary of the above mentioned Founder Body, and/or of such an Institution that has only the use of the properties, both moveable and immovable, and not the ownership thereof, and/or incase acquired by the society in loco, it will belong to the said society.

0.3. The Head of the Institution as well as all other Religious personnel of the College are to be appointed by the Founder body, which in this case is the Salesian Province of Calcutta (Northern India), headed by the Provincial, who retains the right to transfer the Religious personnel or to change their duties.

0.4. The Ordinary affairs of the college are to be managed by a duly constituted Governing Body following the directions of the Founder body.

0.5. The day-to-day administration of the College is vested in the Principal in collaboration with the Vice Principals of the respective campuses, who carry out all the activities in consultation and collaboration with other religious members appointed by the Founder Body.


In this Policy, unless there is anything repugnant to in the subject or the context thereof:

1.1. Founder Body means The Salesian Province of Calcutta (Northern India) i.e. The Provincial and his Council, which established, owns and manages the College.

1.2. Society means the Salesian College Sonada Registered Society. 1.3. College Coordination Council: means the Salesians (Rectors/Principal/Vice Principals/Bursars) entrusted by the Founder body with the responsibility for all the activities related to the Institutions of Higher Education.

1.4. Governing Body means the Governing Body of the Institute, constituted in law and duly appointed by the Founder Body. Governing Body is to manage the ordinary affairs of the college in respect of the curriculum, ratification and approval of the appointments, discipline, legal matters, new initiatives and carrying out of the educational policy of the Founder Body.

1.5. College means the Salesian College Sonada affiliated to the North Bengal University (1935/1962) and its campus, Salesian College Siliguri (2009), its research centre at Dhajea (2017) belonging to the Salesian College Sonada registered society and including its future expansions.

1.6. Minority College means a college owned, established and run by a minority community by virtue of rights conferred by Clause 1 of Art. 30 of the Constitution of India.

1.7. Rector means the Religious Head of the Institution (s) appointed by the Founder Body, who is responsible for the implementation of the policies and objectives of Salesian Higher Education in the respective campus(es).

1.8. Secretary: The Secretary, on behalf of the Governing body takes care of major decisions, such as appointment of staff, all correspondences for new initiatives, legal matters, liaison with public bodies and extraordinary matters of discipline.

1.9. Principal means executive head of the College who is ultimately responsible for the implementation of the policies and objectives of the college as per Govt. / UGC /University rules and norms, the overall administration of the College with its different campuses and the liaison with other authorities, educational or civil or otherwise. On all decisions related to the faculty and students of the campus (es), the principal will consult the college coordination council.

1.10. Treasurer means one who has the responsibility of the financial administration of the College and matters assigned to him by the Constitutions and Regulations of the Salesian Society in keeping with Govt/UGC/University rules. He may also be referred to as the Bursar/Economer.

1.11. Employees/Faculty/Staff means all persons appointed to function in the College as Faculty/Researchers, Office/Clerical or supportive/Grade IV or such other staff employed/appointed by the College.

1.12. Academic Council means the academic consultative body consisting of Principal/Rector(s)/Vice Principal(s)/Assistant principal(s)/Registrar/Deans/Heads of Departments/Campus Minister(s)/ and Campus Coordinators and who are entrusted towards the ordinary planning and review of the day to day affairs of the academic life of the college and its campus.