0353-2545622  |  99334 02478


0353-2545622  |  99334 02478

M.A. in Psychology

Programme Overview

“Master of Science (M.Sc) in Psychology is a two-year professional degree program with specialization in Clinical Psychology and Organizational Psychology.”

Programme Objectives & Outcomes

After completion of the programme, a student will be able to:






PO01: Grasp the advanced theories in behavioral sciences.

PO02: Acquaint him/herself with the nature and process of research and testing in Psychology.

PO03: Relate his/her understanding of guidance and counseling, practice various psychoanalytic, behavioral, and humanistic theories in counseling and psychotherapies and apply them in real-life settings.

PO04: Gain awareness about the various contemporary innovations in psychology practice.







PO05: Demonstrate his/her communication skills through paper presentation on subjects as well as various interdisciplinary themes.

PO06: Construct abilities in assessment, diagnostic, and intervention practices in psychology.

PO07: Integrate and apply various behavior analysis methods and practices in individual and group applications of psychological theories.

PO08: Acquaint him/herself with the diverse current evidence-based practices in Psychology, including development in quantitative and qualitative research domains, and design independent researches.





PO09: Explore new ideas and thoughts through the application of theoretical knowledge of psychology in the service of individuals, groups, and society in general.

PO10: Initiate self-sufficiency, sincerity, independent thinking as psychology professionals to practice in clinical and non-clinical settings, providing methods, tools, strategies, and approaches in practicing psychology for the welfare of all.

PO11: Enable the students in functioning diversity of psychology within and outside the nation and promote interest in research and development of multifaced subjects and domains of psychology at a pan-national level.


PO12: Observe and maintain professional ethics, gender equality, and other human values.

Programme Specific Objectives & Outcomes

After the completion of the programme, a student will be able to:











PSO01: Develop an idea about Cognitive Psychology and the role of perception, memory, learning, language, and thinking in behavior functioning.

PSO02: Develop knowledge about the biological basis of behavior and different methods of bio-psychology, and neuropsychology.

PSO03: Develop the concept of psychological research, quantitative and qualitative, and statistics, descriptive and inferential, in conducting psychological data analysis and theoretical formulations.

PSO04: Develop knowledge about psychological testing and its application.

PSO05: Develop knowledge about different theories of personality and emotion, motivational processes, health psychology, and stress management.

PSO06: Develop Knowledge about Clinical Psychology And its Application.

PSO07: Develop Knowledge about Industrial Psychology And its Application.









PSO01: Develop a clear idea about the role of perception, memory, learning, language, and thinking in Behavior.

PSO02: Execute the educational implications of different theories of psychology.

PSO03: Construct assessment and diagnostic skills using laboratory experiments for diagnostic, clinical, and non-clinical services.

PSO04: Develop the skills for research and data analysis.

PSO05: Advocate the importance of counseling and psychotherapy in behavior modification and psychological treatment services.

PSO06: Develop the skills for diagnosing different neuropsychological disorders and its treatment.

PSO07: Develop the skill for diagnosis, prognosis of different disorders.

PSO08: Develop the skills for organizational stress management and employee well-being.







PSO01: Demonstrate competencies required for counseling, psychotherapy, and other behavior modification techniques and treatments.

PSO02: Analyze the data using descriptive and inferential statistics.

PSO03: Systematize the concepts of adjustment, maladjustment, and the various interpretations of psychological tests.

PSO04: Correlate various qualitative and quantitative data for psychological research.

PSO05: Envision a society where people from all walks of life enjoy equal and equitable rights and opportunities in the workplace.

PSO06: Diagnose different psychological and neuropsychological disorders.

PSO07: Analyze the contemporary trends in psychology.

PSO08: Analyzing data using SPSS.


PSO01: Understand the professional ethics and human values.

PSO02: Develop a sense of gender equality and an environmentally friendly attitude and behavior in professional practice.

Admission & Selection Process


* Scanned copies of the class 10, class 12 and Degree marks card (of all the Semester/Year marks card issued by the college/university) should be uploaded while filling up the application.

Fee Structure
Master of Arts – Eng / Psy / Edu (with specialization)
From Session 2025-26 to 2026-271st (Jul)2nd (Oct) 3rd (Jan) 4th (Apr) Total
1st Year30889.0030887.0030887.0030887.00  1,23,550
2nd Year             25,514.00                    25,512.00  25,512.00  25,512.00  1,02,050

It is to be noted that though the fee is fixed for four years, there may be a periodic nominal increase to meet the rise in costs.

“Master of Science (M.Sc) in Psychology is a two-year professional degree program with specialization in Clinical Psychology and Organizational Psychology.”

After completion of the programme, a student will be able to:






PO01: Grasp the advanced theories in behavioral sciences.

PO02: Acquaint him/herself with the nature and process of research and testing in Psychology.

PO03: Relate his/her understanding of guidance and counseling, practice various psychoanalytic, behavioral, and humanistic theories in counseling and psychotherapies and apply them in real-life settings.

PO04: Gain awareness about the various contemporary innovations in psychology practice.







PO05: Demonstrate his/her communication skills through paper presentation on subjects as well as various interdisciplinary themes.

PO06: Construct abilities in assessment, diagnostic, and intervention practices in psychology.

PO07: Integrate and apply various behavior analysis methods and practices in individual and group applications of psychological theories.

PO08: Acquaint him/herself with the diverse current evidence-based practices in Psychology, including development in quantitative and qualitative research domains, and design independent researches.





PO09: Explore new ideas and thoughts through the application of theoretical knowledge of psychology in the service of individuals, groups, and society in general.

PO10: Initiate self-sufficiency, sincerity, independent thinking as psychology professionals to practice in clinical and non-clinical settings, providing methods, tools, strategies, and approaches in practicing psychology for the welfare of all.

PO11: Enable the students in functioning diversity of psychology within and outside the nation and promote interest in research and development of multifaced subjects and domains of psychology at a pan-national level.


PO12: Observe and maintain professional ethics, gender equality, and other human values.

After the completion of the programme, a student will be able to:











PSO01: Develop an idea about Cognitive Psychology and the role of perception, memory, learning, language, and thinking in behavior functioning.

PSO02: Develop knowledge about the biological basis of behavior and different methods of bio-psychology, and neuropsychology.

PSO03: Develop the concept of psychological research, quantitative and qualitative, and statistics, descriptive and inferential, in conducting psychological data analysis and theoretical formulations.

PSO04: Develop knowledge about psychological testing and its application.

PSO05: Develop knowledge about different theories of personality and emotion, motivational processes, health psychology, and stress management.

PSO06: Develop Knowledge about Clinical Psychology And its Application.

PSO07: Develop Knowledge about Industrial Psychology And its Application.









PSO01: Develop a clear idea about the role of perception, memory, learning, language, and thinking in Behavior.

PSO02: Execute the educational implications of different theories of psychology.

PSO03: Construct assessment and diagnostic skills using laboratory experiments for diagnostic, clinical, and non-clinical services.

PSO04: Develop the skills for research and data analysis.

PSO05: Advocate the importance of counseling and psychotherapy in behavior modification and psychological treatment services.

PSO06: Develop the skills for diagnosing different neuropsychological disorders and its treatment.

PSO07: Develop the skill for diagnosis, prognosis of different disorders.

PSO08: Develop the skills for organizational stress management and employee well-being.







PSO01: Demonstrate competencies required for counseling, psychotherapy, and other behavior modification techniques and treatments.

PSO02: Analyze the data using descriptive and inferential statistics.

PSO03: Systematize the concepts of adjustment, maladjustment, and the various interpretations of psychological tests.

PSO04: Correlate various qualitative and quantitative data for psychological research.

PSO05: Envision a society where people from all walks of life enjoy equal and equitable rights and opportunities in the workplace.

PSO06: Diagnose different psychological and neuropsychological disorders.

PSO07: Analyze the contemporary trends in psychology.

PSO08: Analyzing data using SPSS.


PSO01: Understand the professional ethics and human values.

PSO02: Develop a sense of gender equality and an environmentally friendly attitude and behavior in professional practice.


* Scanned copies of the class 10, class 12 and Degree marks card (of all the Semester/Year marks card issued by the college/university) should be uploaded while filling up the application.

1st Installment (Jul)
2nd Installment (Oct)
3rd Installment (Jan)
4th Installment (Apr)
Total Each Year
1st Year
2nd Year

It is to be noted that though the fee is fixed for four years, there may be a periodic nominal increase to meet the rise in costs.


This department, started in the year 2012, is the pilot department even in the University of North Bengal where the College is affiliated.The department offers both honours and  elective in the subject. The department facilitates peer counselling in the campus.
To prepare competent psychologists who would excel in knowledge, orientation and practice of psychology, with high ethical standards and social relevance.
To function as professional and socially conscious psychologists whocan achieve excellence in knowledge generation, serve the society by making innovative contribution in the field of mental health and in the process of social change”.
The department of psychology, Salesian college Siliguri campus being the only college to offer psychology honours course in the entire north Bengal region withholds the mission to address and understand various psychological and psychosocial phenomenon pertaining to this region and to produce effective and sensible human resources in the field psychology
Keeping in record with the disciplinary advances the Department (course) would address learning about psychological functioning at individual and social levels in an inclusive manner.


To build professional psychologists who would excel in knowledge, competency, orientation, and practice of psychology, with high ethical standards and social relevance.


To function as professional and socially conscious psychologists who can achieve excellence in knowledge generation, and serve society by making innovative contributions in the field of mental health and in the process of social change.


Associate Professor
Head, Department of Psychology


M.Sc Psychology, M.Phil-PSW-NIMHANS, Ph.D-TISS, Mumbai
MSW, MBA, MHRM, MA in Education, M.Sc Environment Sciences.
MA in Human Rights and Duties Education,
PG Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication

Teaching Experience:
20 years

Industry Experience:
11 years

Areas of Specialization:
Marital Therapy and Family Counselling, Grief  and Trauma Counselling, School Counselling, Organisational Behaviour and Development, Human Resource Management

Papers Presented/Published:
19 papers first author peer reviewed journals, 10 papers co-author, one book-international, chapters published in two books including Springer

Academic Responsibilities:
Head Department of Psychology,
Vice-Chairman Board of Studies UG and PG Psychology,
Member BoS, PG Psychology NB University,
Community Psychology Project Co-ordinator

Email: cpprincepsw@salesiancollege.net


Programme Co-ordinator


B.Sc., M.Sc., M.Phil (Psychology)

Teaching Experience:
6 years

Areas of Specialization:
Social Psychology, Organisational Behavior, Emotional intelligence

Papers Presented/Published:

Academic Responsibilities:
Programme Co-ordinator

Email: khaling1991@salesiancollege.net


Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology


B.A , M.A, Diploma in Counseling, NET, WB-SET, GATE-AIR 47

Teaching Experience:
1 year

Areas of Specialization:
Clinical Psychology, stress management and counseling, Social Psychology, physiological psychology, neuropsychology.

Academic Responsibilities:
editor of college magazine, sparkle (Ssocial Science Deanery)

Email: sagarikaroy343@salesiancollege.net


Assistant Professor
BoS Secretary


B.A (Psychology), M.A (Applied Psychology), WBSET

Teaching Experience:
1 year

Areas of Specialization:
Stress Management and Counseling, Developmental Psychology, Health Psychology, Positive Psychology, Psychometrics

Papers Presented/Published:

Academic Responsibilities:
BoS Secretary

Email: agni.psy2@salesiancollege.net


Department of Psychology


B.A, M.A (Clinical Psychology)

Teaching Experience:
3 years

Areas of Specialization:
Psychopathology, Neuropsychology, Cognitive Psychology

Papers Presented/Published:

Academic Responsibilities:

Email: nikitachettri26@salesiancollege.net


Department of Psychology


B.A, M.A 

Teaching Experience:
4 years

Areas of Specialization:
Clinical Psychology

Papers Presented/Published:

Academic Responsibilities:
Brainbow Animator,

Email: chhetrirubina65@salesiancollege.net