0353-2545622  |  99334 02478


0353-2545622  |  99334 02478

Department of Sociology

Subject Combinations
  • Sociology & History
Programme Overview

Bachelor of Arts in Sociology is a four-year degree programme with the possibility of completing the fourth year with research if a particular student secures 75% CGPA in the previous examinations.

Programme Objectives & Outcomes

After completion of the programme, a student will be able to:




PO01: Acquaint him/herself with the basic and essential understanding, definition and features of sociological concepts and tools.

PO02: Grasp the diverse sociological thoughts and theories which has shaped the

subject in becoming a disciplinary Programme.

PO03: Relate his/her textual knowledge with the empirical world for a critical and diverse

learning and understanding process.

PO04: Gain awareness about the various contemporary issues based on sociological





PO05: Demonstrate his/her communication skills through paper presentation on subject

as well as various interdisciplinary themes.

PO06: Formulate objective and unbiased work taking into account his/her

subjective experiences as well through research-based writings.

PO07: Integrate and apply ICT in learning process.

PO08: Familiarize him/herself with the diverse sociological approaches in contextualizing his/her theoretical and empirical knowledge.




PO09: Explore new ideas and thoughts through the application of theoretical and empirical


PO10: Build him/herself as a competent and self-aware individual with a

sense of responsibility and liability towards a greater society.

PO11: Contribute effectively to the welfare of society, address the local and global challenges,

respecting one another’s culture, environment, and sustainability.

Programme Specific Objectives & Outcomes








PSO1: Students would develop a clear idea about the nature, scope and subject matter of sociology.

PSO2: Students would learn the classical, modern, contemporary and post-modern sociological theories.

PSO3: Students would have a clear understanding on the emergence and historicity of

sociology as a discipline.

PSO4: The student would internalize the basics of Sociology, the philosophy and utility of the Discipline

PSO5: Students would learn the ideas and theories given by Indian and Western

Sociological thinkers

PSO6: The student would get familiar with; and develops understanding of various specializations (urban sociology, rural sociology, agrarian sociology, sociology of media, visual sociology, sociology of religion, sociology of gender and so on) of the discipline.

PSO7: The student would learn the philosophy and essentials of sociological research









PSO1: The students would learn the essentials of sociological imagination and use it as

an essential tool in everyday life

PSO2: The students would learn to use sociological theories as a guide to frame their arguments and defend their stance

PSO3: The students would be able to critically evaluate and sociologically appraise

socio-political and cultural phenomena

PSO4: The students would be able to cater to real life issues and practice the values of inclusiveness, tolerance, co-operation, leadership, justice, respecting choices, and culture of individuals.

PSO5: The students would be able to work with communities and society at large.

PSO6: The students would develop skills necessary for sociological reflection and

academic writing.

PSO7: The students would be able to demonstrate and present his/her ideas clearly and debate for/against development policies









PSO1: The students would demonstrate competencies required to debunk social reality.

PSO2: The students would be able to use sociological theories as a guide in everyday life activities.

PSO3: The students would develop perspectives and maximizing their capacity to learn newer approaches.

PSO4: The students would demonstrate competencies required to have a broader view of society (considering contextuality and historicity).

PSO5: The students would be able to critically evaluate contemporary issues and practices.

PSO6: The students would be able to manage and analyze data (thematically as well as with tables and charts).

PSO7: The students would be trained to take up a small-scale sociological study (as part of their dissertation).

Admission & Selection Process


* Scanned copies of the class 10, 11/12 marks card should be uploaded while filling up the application.

* If class 12 marks are not available at the time of applying, then marks of any test conducted during class 11 or Pre-board, can be uploaded.

* The office of admissions will verify the scorecards.

* Applications with no scorecards or vague scanned copies will be rejected and termed as Not Eligible.

Kindly make sure your Contact Number & Email is correct and regularly used.

Fee Structure
Bachelor of Arts  (Single Major / Double Major / Hons / Hons with Research)
From session 2025-26 to 2028-291st (Jul)2nd (Oct) 3rd (Jan) 4th (Apr) Total
1st Year66576.00 (at the time of admission)  33,287.00  33,287.00  1,33,150
2nd Year             27,914.00                    27,912.00  27,912.00  27,912.00  1,11,650
3rd Year Sinle Major             27,914.00                    27,912.00  27,912.00  27,912.00  1,11,650
3rd Year Double Major             30,414.00                    30,412.00  30,412.00  30,412.00  1,21,650
4th Year Hons / Hons with Research             28,014.00                    28,012.00  28,012.00  28,012.00  1,12,050

It is to be noted that though the fee is fixed for four years, there may be a periodic nominal increase to meet the rise in costs.

Curriculum Document

Subject Combinations

Bachelor of Arts in Sociology is a four-year degree programme with the possibility of completing the fourth year with research if a particular student secures 75% CGPA in the previous examinations.

After completion of the programme, a student will be able to:




PO01: Acquaint him/herself with the basic and essential understanding, definition and features of sociological concepts and tools.

PO02: Grasp the diverse sociological thoughts and theories which has shaped the

subject in becoming a disciplinary Programme.

PO03: Relate his/her textual knowledge with the empirical world for a critical and diverse

learning and understanding process.

PO04: Gain awareness about the various contemporary issues based on sociological





PO05: Demonstrate his/her communication skills through paper presentation on subject

as well as various interdisciplinary themes.

PO06: Formulate objective and unbiased work taking into account his/her

subjective experiences as well through research-based writings.

PO07: Integrate and apply ICT in learning process.

PO08: Familiarize him/herself with the diverse sociological approaches in contextualizing his/her theoretical and empirical knowledge.




PO09: Explore new ideas and thoughts through the application of theoretical and empirical


PO10: Build him/herself as a competent and self-aware individual with a

sense of responsibility and liability towards a greater society.

PO11: Contribute effectively to the welfare of society, address the local and global challenges,

respecting one another’s culture, environment, and sustainability.








PSO1: Students would develop a clear idea about the nature, scope and subject matter of sociology.

PSO2: Students would learn the classical, modern, contemporary and post-modern sociological theories.

PSO3: Students would have a clear understanding on the emergence and historicity of

sociology as a discipline.

PSO4: The student would internalize the basics of Sociology, the philosophy and utility of the Discipline

PSO5: Students would learn the ideas and theories given by Indian and Western

Sociological thinkers

PSO6: The student would get familiar with; and develops understanding of various specializations (urban sociology, rural sociology, agrarian sociology, sociology of media, visual sociology, sociology of religion, sociology of gender and so on) of the discipline.

PSO7: The student would learn the philosophy and essentials of sociological research









PSO1: The students would learn the essentials of sociological imagination and use it as

an essential tool in everyday life

PSO2: The students would learn to use sociological theories as a guide to frame their arguments and defend their stance

PSO3: The students would be able to critically evaluate and sociologically appraise

socio-political and cultural phenomena

PSO4: The students would be able to cater to real life issues and practice the values of inclusiveness, tolerance, co-operation, leadership, justice, respecting choices, and culture of individuals.

PSO5: The students would be able to work with communities and society at large.

PSO6: The students would develop skills necessary for sociological reflection and

academic writing.

PSO7: The students would be able to demonstrate and present his/her ideas clearly and debate for/against development policies









PSO1: The students would demonstrate competencies required to debunk social reality.

PSO2: The students would be able to use sociological theories as a guide in everyday life activities.

PSO3: The students would develop perspectives and maximizing their capacity to learn newer approaches.

PSO4: The students would demonstrate competencies required to have a broader view of society (considering contextuality and historicity).

PSO5: The students would be able to critically evaluate contemporary issues and practices.

PSO6: The students would be able to manage and analyze data (thematically as well as with tables and charts).

PSO7: The students would be trained to take up a small-scale sociological study (as part of their dissertation).


* Scanned copies of the class 10, 11/12 marks card should be uploaded while filling up the application.

* If class 12 marks are not available at the time of applying, then marks of any test conducted during class 11 or Pre-board, can be uploaded.

* The office of admissions will verify the scorecards.

* Applications with no scorecards or vague scanned copies will be rejected and termed as Not Eligible.

Kindly make sure your Contact Number & Email is correct and regularly used.

1st Installment (Jul)
2nd Installment (Oct)
3rd Installment (Jan)
4th Installment (Apr)
Total Each Year
1st Year
66,576.00 (at the time of admission)
2nd Year
3rd Year Single Major
3rd Year Double Major
4th Year Hons / Hons with Research

It is to be noted that though the fee is fixed for four years, there may be a periodic nominal increase to meet the rise in costs.


As Sociology is the scientific study of social behaviour, including its origins, developments, organisation, and institutions, which uses various methods of empirical investigation and critical analysis to develop body of knowledge about social order, social disorder and social change, Salesian College engages itself as an academic institution to promote research, dissemination of knowledge and prepare the students to understand, critic and appreciate this discipline.

The department of Sociology aspires to deliver a curriculum rigorous and apt to variety of social settings and issues. It aims to give primary importance on enhancing and providing quality oriented teaching aptitude and methodology that may bring out the potentiality of the students. The departmental curriculum shall be inclusive in nature whereby the prime objective shall rest on moulding the student’s overall academic and personality development in the best possible manner. The department with its well-structured academic schedule targets to seriously involve and engage the students in field based research skills, help them enhance their writing skills, develop and create awareness in terms of social responsibilities, broaden their soft and analytical skills. Above all, the department functions to maintain a vibrant and all inclusive environment to achieve its aforesaid visions.


The department aims to provide professionalism on the lines of Sociological teaching reminding to its learner’s how diverse the subject is and how human pattern of thought process and knowledge is most invariably influenced by social, political and economic structures, the primary backbone of what frames the discipline’s laboratory.


  1. The department shall engage in creating and encouraging quality teaching and conducive atmosphere for creative thinking and impart profound disciplinary knowledge with an interdisciplinary knowledge and bandwidth to the learners in order to make them engage in research, social activities, social forums, writing skills and creative thinking.


Associate Professor
Head, Department of Sociology



Teaching Experience:
5 years

Academic Responsibilities:
Head,  Department of Sociology,
Women Cell Representative Deanery of Social Sciences

Email: luckychun06@salesiancollege.net


Assistant Professor
BoS Secretary


M.A, M.Phil

Teaching Experience:
5+ years

Papers Presented/Published:

Academic Responsibilities:
BoS Secretary,
Admission Committee Member,
Anti Ragging Cell

Email: pratishta15dewan@salesiancollege.net


Associate Professor
Programme Co-ordinator


BA (Hons) Gold Medal, MA (Gold Medal), NET 2019 & SET 2020

Teaching Experience:
2.5 years

Academic Responsibilities:
Programme Co-ordinator
BoS Mamber

Email: malatidikshit18@salesiancollege.net


Associate Professor
Department of Sociology


B.A Hons, M.A Sociology (Gold Medallist), Ph.D, UGC-NET-JRF/SRF 

Teaching Experience:
3+ years

Research Experience:
Worked as Research Associate in IIT Hyderabad
Worked as Research Assistant in Pondicherry Central University

Papers Presented/Published:

Edited Works/Contributed in Book Chapters:

Invited as Panelist:
Invited as panelist to present paper (online) entitled “Salesian College: Civil Society Engagement and Cross-Cultural Institutional Interactions” for the panel entitled “Engaging India: Establishing Teaching, Research, and Service Collaborations with Indian Partner Institutions” organized as part of AsiaNetworks Annual Conference on 16th April 2023 held at Columbus, Ohio

Academic Responsibilities:
Assistant Professor, Sociology
Co-ordinator, Salesian Research Centre
Former Co-ordinator, Women’s Cell 

Email: shilpita1810@salesiancollege.net

Ms. Sophia Rai

Assistant Professor
Head, Dept. of Sociology



Teaching Experience:
5+ years

Academic Responsibilities:
HoD, Dept. of Sociology,
TTM course coordinator,
Women Cell member

Email: raisophia1995@gmail.com

MS. Srijana Gurung

Assistant Professor
Department of Sociology



Teaching Experience:
1 year

Academic Responsibilities:
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Sociology

Email: srijanarinzee.g@salesiancollege.net


Assistant Professor
Department of Sociology

Campus: SONADA

B.A. (First Class First), M.A. (First Class First), UGC NET 

Teaching Experience:
3 years

Papers Presented/Published:

Areas of Specialization:
Sociology of Gender, Sociological Theory, Social Demography, Political Sociology, Sociology of Family and Kinship

Academic Responsibilities:
Mentor Teacher
NAAC Criteria V Member
Literary Club Animator

Email: raginichettri0@salesiancollege.net


Assistant Professor
Department of Sociology

Campus: SONADA

B.A., M.A., UGC NET 

Teaching Experience:
2 years

Areas of Specialization:
Social Stratification,
Urban Sociology,
Rural Sociology,
Indian Sociological Thinkers

Academic Responsibilities:
Research Guide
Mentor Teacher of 6th Semester

Email: aswinilama04@salesiancollege.net