0353-2545622  |  99334 02478


0353-2545622  |  99334 02478

The Department offers B. Sc. (Computer Science Honours) and BCA (Bachelor in Computer Applications) in UG programme from the University of North Bengal. The B. Sc program started in the year 2010, and BCA in the year 2012. The Department provides support to other departments in terms of teaching subjects related to Computer Science and Information and Technology (IT) as elective subjects. It is also responsible for teaching the Computer Application subjects as part of the Career Oriented Program (COP). Apart from this, the Department maintains website/ ERP of the college (www.salesiancollege.in), provides in-house expertise for automation of College Managementthat include Admission, Attendance, Generation of Report Cards, Learning Management System, Online Fees Payment etc., and offers other technical support to the day to day usage of the computers in ICT enabled classes, labs and offices. It also takes care of conducting the University Practical Exams of B. Sc Computer Science and BCA, as and when the University designates our college as the exam centre. Further, since the college is also a study centre of IGNOU, faculties are involved in teaching BCA classes. Every semester the Department, being the nodal centre, manages BCA/ MCA practical exams of IGNOU that typically spans about three weeks.

In addition to graduate programme, certificate, diploma and advanced diploma programmes are provided as career oriented programme for students of other departments. m There are partnership programs with based companies like Rosefinch Consultancy Services, Pvt. Ltd, Indian School of Anti-Hacking (ISOAH) for Cyber Security courses (for example, EC-Council Certified Ethical Hacker), and Preen Infotech for Web Development and Computer Networking.

Annually, the Department conducts National Science Conference called TIST (Trends in Science & Technology), and Tech Fest ComPhyMathix for schools in and around Siliguri, together with other Science departments. It also conducts Cyber Security awareness programs for Schools & Colleges from time to time. It also conducts IT awareness program for village schools from time to time. It conducts annual picnic and Field Trips. It has its own Departmental magazine called DigiTrek.

Department has a history of producing top place holders in the University. Over the years, graduating students have gone on for further studies, and some have been placed in distinguished IT companies like Tata Consultancy Services, Fidelity Investment Services, Lucidious Technologies, and some are in other jobs including teaching

After completion of the course, the students will be able to:

1. Achieve the Basic concepts of Computer system architecture and its uses.
2. Familiarizes with types of computer systems.
3. Knowing the Internal calculations of computations along with the basic idea of hardware, software and firmware.
4. Gather knowledge of Computer networking and its categories.
5. Familiarizes with Operating systems and their utilities.
6. Ability to work with word processor, power point presentations and processing of Business data using spread sheets.

Paper I:ComputerFundamentals Full marks:75

What is Computer – an introduction, uses of Computers in modernsociety

e.g. Weather forecasting, census, oil exploration, speech recognition, banking, publishing, accounting, research etc.

Information concepts and processing-evolution of information processing- data, information, language and communication.

Computer arithmetic and number system. ASCII & EBCDIC character sets.

ElementsofaComputerprocessingsystem-hardware,software,firmware- Computer capabilities and limitations.Concept of files anddirectories.

Hardwarefeaturesanduse-CPU,I/Odevices,Storagedevicesandmedia. Block diagram of computer and functions of eachblock.

Introduction to networking, multiprocessing, time sharing, multitasking and real time computing.Concepts of LAN and Internet and WWW.

Variety of hardware system features, various types of Computers available in market. Micro, Mini and Main frames, supercomputers.

Concepts of data, information, difference between data & information, information processing cycle, storage and retrieval of data.

PaperII:Operating Systems concepts and office tools WORD processing & slide presentation.

(Part-A Marks:50)

Introduction to various categories of softwares.Operating system and its functions.Interactionofoperatingsystemwithhardwareanduserprograms.

O.S.asresourcemanager,processormanagement,jobscheduling,simple user, multi user, multi programming and time sharing concepts. Concepts of priorities, protection device management, spooling, deadlocks, memory management, file structures, commandinterpreter.

Case study of windoes O.S.: An overview of windows interface, Managing files by windows explorer and My Computer. Accessories, Control panel, working with disk and drives, Backup data, Installing and managing applications.

(Part-B Marks: 25)

MS-Word: An overview, creating & Editing documents, formatting documents, tables, use of drawing tools, columns etc.

MS-PowerPoint: PowerPoint Basics, creating different types of presentations, special effects, slide show.

Paper III: Business Data Processing

Introduction to data processing, records & file data collection, preparation, verification, editing and checking.

Overview of business functions. Use of Computer system for business application.

Spread sheets Macros. Use of Computer System for business applications.

Businessfiles,Introductiontodatastructures,ElementsfieldsandRecords. Classification of files. Master files Transactionfiles.

Distributedprocessing.VariousfacilitiesforbusinesscomputingIntroduction todatabases.

Financial Accounting.

Paper IV : Practical

Windows O.S. as per paper II.Use of MS-Word, MS-Excel & MS-Access, MS-PowerPoint.

Visit to Computer Lab. Introduction to various components of a Computer. Asimpledocumentationpreparationandprinting.Usageofprinterandother components.Rooting.

Analysis of a business system on paper.

Using spread sheet for payroll, balance sheets and other businessapplications. Design of packages using spreadsheet macros.Use of a Financial Accounting package.

Paper V : On theJobTraining Full marks:25
Paper VI: Introduction to Programmingusing‘C’ Full marks:75

Introduction to programming:

Algorithms, necessary features of algorithm, Flowcharts, simple examples.

Introduction to C programming:

StructureofaCprogram,Headerfiles,Ccharacterset,delimiters,keywords, constants,variables,rulesfordefiningvariables,simpledatatypes,declaring initializaing-using variables, data type conversion, constant and volatile variables.

Operators & Expressions:

Arithmetic, Relational, Logical, Comma and Conditional operators, priority ofoperators.


Formatted Unformatted I/O functions.

Decision Statements:

if-then-else, nested if, break, continue, go to, switch, nested switch statements.

Loop Control Statements:

for, nested for, while, do-while loops.


Definition and characteristics of array, one-dimensional aray, predefifned streams, two-dimentional array, sscanf() and sprintf() functions, simple programs using arrays including bubble sort and binary search.


Declaration and Initialization, Display in different formats, String Standard functions, Application of strings.


Declaration, Definition, the return statement, recursion, simple examples.

Paper VII: Introduction to DeskTop Publishing Full marks:75

Introduction to DTP:

PreliminaryideaofDTPrelatedterms,textsandgraphicsformats,difference betweendrawingandimage,imagestorageformats-bmp,gif,tiff,jpg/jpeg etc.


Adobe PageMaker Basics:

PageMaker Work Environment, Preferences, Menus, Toolbox, Palettes, Converting Documents from Other Programs, Saving and Closing a Document, Document Pages, Master Pages, Printing a document.

Working with Text:

Using Text in PageMaker, Importing Text, Text Frames, Story Editor, Character Formatting, Paragraph Formatting, Type Utilities, Working with Styles, Editing Existing Styles, Working with Tables.

Working with Objects:

Rectangles and Ellipses, Polygons, Manipulating Objects, Filling and Stroking Objects.

Working with Color:

ColorsPalette,AddingaNewColor,EditingandDeletingColors,Checking Color for Printing,Trapping.

Working with Images and Graphics:

Image/GraphicFileFormats,ImageResolution,PlacingImages,Modifying Images and Graphics, Working with Frames, Text wrap, ImageMasks.

Exporting as HTML and PDF Files:

Creating HTML Pages, Creating Hyperlinks, Export Options, Exporting Pages, Exporting PDF Files.

Basics of Corel Draw:

Menus, Large Munus and Dialog Boxes, Toolbars, Property Bar, Status Bar,Toolbox,ZoomTool-ZoominginandZoomingout,Pantool,viewinga Document, Desktop Power Tools, Starting a new document, Opening an Existing Document, Saving, Importing and Exporting aFile.

Rectangles and Ellipses:

Paths-Objects-Properties,DrawingRectangles,RoundingtheCornersofa Rectangle,CreatinganEllipse,ChanginganEllipsetoaPieShapeorArc.

Select, Move, and Size:

Selecting and Deselecting Objects, Marquee Select, Moving an Object, Copying and Pasting an Object, Cloning an Object, Copying/Moving and ObjectbetweenDocuments,HandlesandScaliing,ChangingandObject’s Dimensions.

Polygons, Stars, and Spirals:

CreatingaPolygon,DrawingaStar,CreatingaPolygonasStar,Creatinga Symmetrical Spiral, Drawing a LogarithmicSpiral.


Nodes and Paths:

Adding-Deleting-Joining-Converting-Using different types of nodes.

Lines and Curves:

Freehand Tool, Bezier Tool, Knife Tool, Eraser Tool, Artistic Media Tool.

Color and Fills:

Closing an Object’s Path, Filling with Uniform Color, Changing the Outline Color, Eyedropper Tool, Paintbucket Tool, Interactive Mesh Fill Tool.

Working with Text:

AddArtisticTextandParagraphText,UsingHandles,FormattingText,Flow Text between Paragraph Text Frames. Flow Paragraph Text onto a Path and into an Object, Make Text Flow around an Object, Rotate Text, Free Skew Tool, Interactive Drop Shadow Tool, VectorExtrusions.

Paper VIII: Introduction to Networking & Internet Full marks:75

Introduction to Networking:

Definition, Objectives of Networking, Categories of Networks: LAN, MAN, WAN and the Internet, Preliminary ideas of Protocols and Standards, Network Topologies, Transport Technology: Message-switched, Circuit- switched, and Packet-switched Networks, Components required for a minimum LAN set-up (definitions and functions only), Definitions of Hub, Repeater, Switch, Router, Gateway, Bridge, Modem.

Introduction to internet:

Services offered by the Internet- E-mail, Gopher, WWW, Telnet, FTP, Newsgroups,VideoConferencing,InternetRelayChatetc.,Browser,URL, ISP and On-Line Service, Types of Internet Connections: Dial-up ISDN, ADSL, Leased Line, HTTP andHTML.

Introduction to HTML:

HTML features, HTML Standards, Tools required, The Basic HTML Tags, Break Tags, Headings.

Text Alignment, and Lists:

Text Alignment and Justification, Nesting Tags, Indenting, Block quote, Hexadecimal Color, Blinking Text, Font Tags, Horizontal Rules, Paragraph and Heading Alignment, Lists.

Graphic andImages:

Image Tags, Graphic File Formats, Background Patterns, The Alternative Attribute, Alignment, Image Size, Graphic Image as Links, Thumbnails, ImageMaps:Purpose,Server-SideImagemaps,Client-SideImagemaps, OverlappingImages.

Links and Webs:

Hypertext Basics, Referencing Documents: The URL, Creating Hyperlinks, Creating Effective Links, Creating Searchable Documents.


Description of Tables, TABLE Tags, Table Header Tags, Table Data Tags, Table BORDER Attributes, CAPTIONS Tag, Alignment, Column Span and Row Span, Formatting Border and Cells, Nesting Tables.


CreatingFrames,FRAMESET,RowsandColumns,FRAMETag,FRAMES Constructing a FramePage.

PaperIX:Practical Full marks:75

All the practical problems related to Papers VI, VII and VIII.

Paper X: Continuing Evaluation: Industrial Lecture Full marks:50

At least two experts from the industries will be invited by the concerned college/institution for delivering lectures regarding the ongoing software development in industries. At the end of the lectures, the students will be evaluatedbasedonparticipationjointlybytheinvitedexpertandonesubject teacher (Marks to be sent to the Controller of Examinations before the commencement of the theoryexaminations).

Paper XI: Introduction to Object Oriented Programming with Java(FM :75)
Paper XII

Introduction to Multimedia

(FM : 75)

– Photo: Adobe Photoshop

(FM : 25)

– Audio: Cakewalk Pro Audio

(FM : 25)

– Video: Adobe Premier

(FM : 25)

Paper XIII

Introduction to Dynamic Web page Design

(FM : 75)

Paper XIV

Practical (Based on papers XI, XII & XIII)

(FM : 50)

Paper XV


(FM : 75)

Paper XV


(FM : 75)

Paper XI: Introduction to Object Oriented Programming with Java (75 marks)

Objects, classes, encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism. Introduction to Java – object oriented, platform independence, internet language. Data types, variables, arrays, operators, control statements.

Introduction to Classes, class fundamentals, methods, constructors. Packages and interfaces, system packages, user-defined packages, multithreading, exception handling, string handling.

Introduction to applets, applet class, AWT, Windows, graphics and text. AWT controls. Image fundamentals, Networking with Java.

Paper XII: Introduction to Multimedia (75marks)

Introduction to Adobe Photoshop (25marks)

Toolbox-varioustools,hiddentolls,UsingNavigator,Colour,History,Layers.Using rulers, measure tool, guides and the grid. Creating, opening and importing images, changing size and resulution, duplicating images, Difference between bitmap images and vector graphics. Image-mode, brightness/contrast and colour adjustments.Working with colours-basic ideasonly.Drawingandediting-usingshapetools,pentools,pathpalettes. Painting-using painting tools, Erasing, gradient and paint bucket tools. Foregroundandbackgroundcolours.WorrkingwithLayers-basicideasonly.Saving, printing and exportingimages.

B.  Introduction to Cakewalk Pro Audio (25marks)

Computer sound and music, sound file formats – W.A.V MP3, WMA.MIDI and digital audio, MIDI channels, patches and instruments. Cakewalk Pro Audio-screenlayout.Toolboxes-standard,transport,tempo,loop.Views

-Trackview,audioview,pianoroll.Openingaprojectfile,playingthesong, restartingthesong.CreatingMIDIandaudiotracks,trackproperties.Using piano roll to write music.MIDI and audio clips, measures-beats-ticks,selectingclips-wholeandpartial.Snapgrid,splittingandcombiningclips, adjusting tempos. Recording new tracks, mixing – volume and pan envelopes, mix-down audio.Saving project – .wrk and .bunfiles.

C. Introduction to Adobe Premiere (25marks)

Workarea-project,timelineandmonitorwindows.Capturingandimporting video-clips, analog and digital video, basic idea of a capture card. Basic editing-addingclipstothetimeline,developingastoryboard,trimmingand fine-tuningclipsinthetimeline,previewingtheroughcut,usingstillimages. Adding transitions – inserting a transition, changing, transitions, adding multiple transitions.Adding audio- importing and organizing audio clips.overlaying video with sound, adjusting audio levels in the timeline. Video and audio effects – preliminary idea. Rendering – exporting the movie, file formats – MPEG, AVI, WMV and .datformats.

Paper XIII: Introduction to Dynamic Web design (75marks)

Browsers-InternetExplorervs.NetscapeNavigator;HTML,DHTML,Style Sheet, Document Object Mode (DOM), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)- basicconcepts.AddingStyleSheetstoDocuments-understandingblock- levelelements,twotypesofcontainment,styleattributes.Addingdynamic positioning to documents – creating positionable elements, absolute vs. relative positioning, positioning attributes, clip attribute, overflow attribute, visibility attribute, flying objects. Making content dynamic- writing variable content,frames,imagesswapping,dynamictables.Scriptingevents-event types, event objects, eventpropagation.

Paper XIV: Pratical (Based on papers XI, XII&XIII) (50 marks) Paper
XV:Project (75marks)