0353-2545622  |  99334 02478


0353-2545622  |  99334 02478

Fr. Dr. George Thadathil, SDB

Principal (2000-2023)

Email: geothil@gmail.com, geothadathil@yahoo.com.au
Address: Salesian College, Sonada, Darjeeling, 734 209
Phone Number: 9434045539 (M)
Date of Birth: 01.05.1963

Fr Prof George Thadathil SDB has a doctorate from the School of Religion and Philosophy, University of Madras, making a study on Sri Narayana Guru Movement in Kerala. He was a Junior Fellow, Indian Council of Philosophical Research during the period (1998-2000). He was the Head of the Department of Philosophy at Salesian College Sonada (2000-2009) and Principal (2000-2023). 

He has co-edited the work Communities and Identity Consciousness: South Indian Trajectories a Madras University publication (2004) based on his research on community transitions in the last century, Cultural Identity in Nepali Language and Literature a Salesian College Sonada Publication (2005) and edited Subaltern Perspectives: Philosophizing in Context an Asian Trading Corporation, Bangalore, Publication (2005). He is the author of Vision from the Margin (2007), and Co-author of Teesta on the Run (2016). His translation of the Life of Brahmarshi Narayana Guru (2016) and Divya Apkar (2023) – Daivathinte Vikruthikal by M Mukundan – from Malayalam (his mother tongue) to Nepali (the language of Darjeeling Hills) have been projects completed for Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi.

His latest works are Being A Priest in India (2023), Democracy in Darjeeling (2023),  and Christian Education and Democracy in India (Penprints 2024). He has over 30 research articles and book Chapters to his credit.

He has been engaged in Teaching, Research and Educational Administration. In 2019 he was awarded the Silver Plaque by the International Association of Facilitators (IAF) for leadership in Education. He is presently an Independent Researcher at Princeton University Library New Jersey (June–September 2023), University of San Francisco (October–November 2023), and University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand (January 2024) working on a book projectOn 6 December 2023, he delivered the 20th Anniversary Special Lecture at the Centre for Buddhist Studies, University of Hong Kong on “The Role of Buddhism in the Multi-religious Space of Darjeeling” and on 11 April 2024 delivered the Zheda Anthropological Seminar Series Lecture 2024 on “Living Dialogues: Interfaith Practices of Rural Life in Darjeeling.” at the Department of Sociology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China


Professional Information

Institution Position Held Nature of Job
Salesian College Sonada & Siliguri
Principal, Professor, Rector – Siliguri Campus
Teaching, Counseling, Animation, Research Guidance & Administration

Educational Qualification

Qualification Name of Institution Class Year
Ph.D. | Title of Thesis:

The Vision of Sri Narayana Guru Movement in the Literature of Nitya Chaitanya Yati

University of Madras &

Indian Council of Philosophical Research

University of Madras
First Class
Jnana Deepa Vidhyapeeth

(Affiliated to Catholic University, Rome)

First Class
Kristu Jyoti College, Bangalore

(Affiliated to Salesian Pontifical University, Rome)

First Class
1988 – 1992
B.A Honours(English Literature)
Salesian College, North Bengal University
Second Class
Salesian College, Sonada (As Dual Degree Certificate)
First Class
Pre. Degree
St Anthony’s College College, NEHU University
First Class
Matriculation (Kerala Board)
Don Bosco High School, Mannuthy, Trichur
First Class

Details of Professional/Teaching Experience

Name of Institution Designation Period Nature of Duties
Salesian College Sonada, Darjeeling, University of North Bengal
1987 onwards
Coordinator of Extension Activities
1992 onwards
Local Leadership Training
HOD, Philosophy & Principal
2000 onwards
Guiding B.Ph students & staff pursuing research in their writing of papers & Dissertations and Socio-cultural Research
Founder Director of Salesian Publications
2005 onwards
Principal & Founder editor of Salesian Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences
2009 onwards
Administration and Coordination of the Faculty Research.

Assisted in the Ph.D. Supervision of

Title Name of the Candidate University
The Effect of Religious Therapy on Depression in Patients Suffering from Irrecoverable Illnesses.
Johnny KK
University of Madras ( As External Examiner, 2012)
Negotiating Gorkha Identity in Indian Nepali Novels
Shreyasi Chettri
Jadavpur University (As External Examiner, 2016)
Impact of Christianity on the Tamang and Lepcha Communities of Darjeeling District – A Philosophical Perspective
Terence Mukhia
Assam Don Bosco University (External Examiner, 2017)

Projects Undertaken

Name of the Project Institution Published
KABP (Knowledge Awareness, Behaviour, Practices) on HIV AIDS in the Locality of the College

(Similar studies on Early Marriage, Unemployment and School Drop outs have been conducted during the past decade)

A Research on the Local Traditional Music systems is in the process

Salesian College, Sonada

(Mini researches in the locality are part of Social Analysis Course for the final year students)

Department of Music Salesian College

The outcome of the study has been published as a write up in the local Newspapers sunchari and himalay darpan in Nepali.

The findings of the research project will form the curriculum of Music Course being offered presently as UGC, COP programme.

B.Ph Dissertations
Final Year Students
Over 50 students have been guided in the past decade in their final dissertation work for the Degree Programme in Philosophy.
The Impact of Higher Education in its Immediate Neighbourhood: A study Across Catholic Campuses in North East
Select Staff from the Xavier Board ENE College
The Research is to be coordinated by team led by the Bosco Institute of Master of Social Work wing for evolving strategies of intervention in catholic campuses
Development Induced Displacement and Deprivation in Sikkim 1975-2010:A Quantitative Database on Its Extent and Impact
Coordinated by Sonam Sherpa of the Economics Department with research assistants in collaboration with Fr Walter Fernandes, Director, North Eastern Social Research Centre, Guwahati.
The Study Report has been submitted to ICSSR and the report is ready for publication.

Published as Teesta on the Run (2016)

Low Enrolment in Higher Education among the Tribal Communities of Doars
Coordinated by Dr Sukant Banerjee in Collaboration with ICSSR, Delhi & Salesian Research Institute, Sonada-Siliguri.
(Project completed in 2016)
CORSIKA- Cosmic Ray Simulation Software
Coordinated by Mr Dhirodatta Subba and undertaken by Salesian Research Institute, Salesian College, Siliguri Campus
The Porting Facility for CORSIKA from Linux to Microsoft to be made available for users.

Professional and Academic Diary

October 2000 – May 2009

October 2000

‘Christian Presence and Perception of Christians in Contemporary India’ at the College Concert, October 2000

‘National Aspirations and Regional Autonomy: A Socio-Philosophical Perspective’ at the 7th Annual Conference of Indian Political Economy Association, Darjeeling, 17- 19 November 2000.

May 2001

Participated in the Refresher Course in “Effective College Administration for Principals and Vice Principals” held at Kristu Jyoti College, Bangalore, 17- 23 May 2001, under the auspices of AIACHE.

September 2001

‘Introducing the Theme: Culture, Social Science and Philosophy,’ at the two day Seminar on ‘Culture, Social Sciences and Philosophy’ held at Salesian College Sonada on 28th –29th September 2001.  

July- August 2002

Participated at the Management Development Programme on ‘Electronic Libraries in the 21st Century’ held at the MDP Centre, XLRI, Jamshedpur, 29 July – 2 August, 2002.

November 2003

Participated at the National Conference on “New Directions for Language and Literature Studies” organized by the University Grants Commission and held at Jorasanko Campus, RAbindra Bharati University, Kolkata, 28-29 November 2003.

January – March 2004

Participated at the training seminar for counseling and guidance through self enhancement programmes at Sadhana Institute, Lonavla, from 2 January to 12 March 2004 which included Vipassana Meditation Course (2- 14 January), Group Therapy (16- 24 January) and Holotropic Breathwork session (26 January- 8 February)

April 2004

‘Language and Literature: Vehicles of Identity’ at the UGC sponsored seminar on ‘Rethinking Higher Education in India: Prospect and Retrospect’ at Kalipada Ghosh Tarai Mahavidyalaya, 2-3 April 2004.

October 2004

“Gramsci’s Significance in India Today” at the 29th annual meeting of ACPI held at Holy Trinity Seminary, Choggitti, Jalandhar, on October 22-25, 2004. It is published in the book Subaltern Perspectives: Philosophizing in Context edited by the author.

Participated at the national workshop on ‘Future of Education in India’ organized by the Xavier Board of Higher Education at Satyodayam, Secunderabad, 26-28 October 2004.

January 2005

Participated at the International Conference on ‘Personalism of Emmanuel Mounier,’ held at Salesian Pontifical University, Rome, 12-14 January 2005.

March 2005

‘Culture and Identity in Nepali Language and Literature’ at the National Seminar on the theme held at Salesian College Sonada, 11-12 March 2005.

October 2005

Participated at the National Workshop on ‘Challenges of Higher Education’ organized by the Xavier Board of Higher Education at Indian Social Institute, Bangalore, 23 – 24 October 2005.

April 2006

‘The Role of the Self in Teaching and Research’ at the Research Scholars’ Seminar, “Gathering the Remnants,” held on 21- 22 April 2006 at Salesian college Sonada.

October 2006

“Positioning New Age in Feminist Philosophy of Religion” at the ACPI conference on the theme “The Dynamics of Religion: A Philosophical Review from Indian Perspectives,at its 31st Annual Meeting, held at Sacred Heart Seminary, Poonamallee, Chennai, on October 27-30 2006.

January 2007

‘The Role of Mother in the Educative Programme of Don Bosco’ at the Salesian Family Day and Commemoration of Mamma Margaret’s Beatification, at Don Bosco School, Liluah, on 24 January 2007

March 2007

“The Potential for Research in Socio Sciences in Indian Salesian university institutions” at the international conference of Salesian University Institutions held at Colle Don Bosco, Turin, Italy, from 23- 29 March 2007.

April- June 2007

“A Map for the Pilgrimage to the Other” in Journal of Dharma, Religious Literacy and Secularism, April-June 2007 (Vol.32, No.2), 153-162.

Elected the President of the Catholic Colleges Association for East-North East India (Xavier Board) for a second term at the General Body Meeting held at Christ College, Bangalore 23 May 2007.

August 2007

Addressed the gathering at Nepali Sahitya Sammelan hall on the occasion of Bhasha Diwas, organized by the Nepali Sahitya Sammelan, at Darjeeling on 20 August, 2007.

October 2007

“Environment, Culture and Identity” at the ACPI conference on the theme “Culture: A Philosophical Look from the Indian Perspectives” at its 32nd annual meeting held at St Thomas Apostolic Seminary, Vadavathoor, Kottayam, 10-13 October, 2007.  

December 2007

‘Socio-Cultural status of Darjeeling Diocese in the Himalayan Region with special reference to the Interfaith Dialogue Commission’ at the Jubilee Symposium held at St Augustine’s School Hall, Kalimpong, on 10 December 2007.

April 2008

Appointed by the North Bengal University as the Chief observer for the University Examinations 2008 in the hill colleges of Darjeeling.

May 2008

Awarded with a citation by the Nepali Sahitya Sammelan, Darjeeling on 25 May 2008, at the 84th Foundation Day for the contributions towards the development of Nepali Language and Literature through the educational activities, publications, seminars and research promotion over the past years.

June 2008

Addressed the ARCEIS (Association of Roman Catholic Educational Institutions of Sikkim) at St Joseph’s Martam on 28 June 2008 on “Preserving and Promoting Harmony in society and the Role of Educational Institutions”

July 2008

Participated as guest at the IASACT 2008 at Chung Chi College, Hong Kong, on invitation from the United Board, on 14 July 2008.

Delivered the Welcome address “Philosophical Foundations of the Spirituality in Victorian Poetry” introducing the State Level Seminar on “Spirituality in Victorian Poetry” at Salesian College, Sonada on 30 July 2008.

August 2008

Delivered the Welcome address “Mutiny and Nationalism” introducing the State Level Seminar on “Commemorating 1857: An Eastern Perspective” 1 August 2008.

“The Role of Social Sciences in Promoting Science” in Science and Society, the Proceedings of the National Seminar, Government College, Darjeeling,  5 August 2008.

September 2008

Delivered the endowment lecture on “Philosophy and Literature” at the Annual Endowment lecture series of the Postgraduate Department of Nepali, Darjeeling Government College, on 21 September 2008. (In Nepali)

October 2008

Awarded with a citation and plaque by Rotary Club of Darjeeling for Community Service at the 51st Annual Induction Meeting by the District Governor.

“Feminism and Rethinking Philosophical Categories”, in Patrick Gnanapragasam & Elizabeth Schussler Fiorenza (eds.), Negotiating Borders Theological Explorations in the Global Era: Essays in Honour of Felix Wilfred, Delhi, ISPCK, 2008.

“Relevance of Language Study for Cultural Identity”, in Indian Literature, Sahitya Akademi’s bimonthly journal, September-October, 2008, (Vol. 247), 153-160.

“The Role of Social Sciences in Promoting Science” in I. Ahmed (ed.), Science and Society, Proceedings of National Seminar, Darjeeling Government College, (2008).

‘National Aspirations and Regional Autonomy: A Socio-Philosophical Perspective’, in Prathibha, Silver Jubilee Souvenir, Aryabhatta College of Advanced Studies, (Dissent and Dialogue, edited by Pius Vazhappilly), Thrissur, 2008, (n.p). (reprint).

 “From the Publisher” (an Introduction) in Tracing the Steps: A Psycho-Pedagogical Study of Charles de Foucauld’s Vocational Journey, by Dr Nirmol Gomes, (2008) Salesian College Publication, pp. viii-xiii.

“Culture and Identity” in Keith D’Souza (ed.), Culture as Gift and Task: Philosophical Reflections in the Indian Context, Bangalore, Asian Trading Corporation, 2008, pp.109-124.

December 2008

Addressed the Education Fair and Conference ‘For better Tomorrow’ at the Assam Lingsay Winter Village Fest on the theme, ‘The Role of Parents, Teachers, Panchayats and Civil Society in Educating the Rural Mass’ at Assam Lingsay, East Sikkim, 22 December 2008.

February 2009

Participated online by submitting a paper entitled “From Fullness to Emptiness: Encountering Non-dualism in Jesus the Buddha – Conjectures of a Vipassana Meditator” at the Round Table Conference on “The ambivalence of Nothingness, between negation of the human and openness to the divine” organized by the Institute of Sciences of Religion of the Faculty of Philosophy, UPS, Rome, on 26th February 2009.

May 2009

Organized National Seminar on “Indigenous Philosophies of the Himalayan Communities” in collaboration with Indian Council of Philosophical Research, New Delhi on 7-9 May 2009 at Don Bosco Malbassey, West Sikkim and presented paper on “Religions in Darjeeling”.

Was a consultant to the CBCI-IGNOU chair for introducing BA Philosophy course in the IGNOU and invited to the Consultation of Heads of Christian Philosophy Institutes held at CBCI Centre, Ashok Place, New Delhi, on 29 May 2009.

June 2009 – November 2015

June 2009

Appointed as Member, Academic Staff College Council, University of North Bengal, by the Vice Chancellor, with effect from June 2009.

July 2009

Addressed the Association of Chartered Accountants of Siliguri at their Annual Seminar on the “Role of Chartered Accountants in Transforming Society” on 11 July 2009 at Savin Kingdom, Hill Cart Road, Siliguri.

August 2009

Addressed the Association of Don Bosco Colleges, India, at the Annual Conference held at Don Bosco Ennore, Chennai, 17-18 August on “The Research Potential of College Campus for Promoting Quality”.

September 2009

Presented a paper on “The Christian Philosophy of Higher Education” at the Alumni Conference on the occasion of Silver Jubilee, Department of Christian Studies, University of Madras, Chennai, 3 September 2009.

Organized the Triennial Meeting of the Student and Staff Representatives of the East-North-East Region Catholic Colleges for “Student Leadership” and “Mentoring and Research Potential in Campus” respectively at Don Bosco Institute, Guwahati, on 27-29 September 2009.

October 2009

Presented a paper at the Salesian Seminar organized by Salesian College titled “Don Bosco (1815-1888): In Search of a ‘Re-Turn’” on 19-20 October 09 at Sonada.

Submitted the paper on “Politics of Violence” for the Annual Conference of the Association of Christian Philosophers of India, on the theme, “Violence and Its Victims: Indian Christian Philosophical Reflections” to be held at Dindigul, Tamil Nadu, 22-25 October 2009.

March 2010

Presented a paper at the Department of Political Science, University of North Bengal in the seminar on ‘The ideal social order: Gandhian and Nehruvian perspectives’ on 30-31 March 2010, entitled The Ideal Social Order at Ideological Crossroads: Visioning a Future for India”.

May 2010

Release of the First Issue of Salesian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences: “Spirituality in Victorian Poetry”. Besides being the Series Editor, the issue carries an article entitled: “Philosophical foundations of Spirituality”.

Chaired the Session on “Innovative Practices in College Campuses” at the Triennial Conference of the Association of the Catholic Colleges of India (Xavier Board) 6-9 May 2010 at Rajagiri College of Social Sciences, Kakkanad, Cochin, and was reelected Board member and regional vice president.

July 2010

Delivered the Welcome Address and Chaired the Valedictory session of the National Seminar on “The Literary and Linguistic Terrain of Translation” organized by the Department of English, Salesian College, Sonada, in collaboration with the PG Department of English, Government College, Darjeeling, 30-31 July 2010.

August 2010

Submitted a Chapter entitled ‘The Protest Masks: Politics of Culture and Identity’

for the forthcoming Monograph on “The Politics of Culture, Identity and Protest,” edited by Padam Nepal, Department of Political Science, St Joseph’s College, Darjeeling.

October 2010

Delivered the Welcome Address at the National Seminar on “Technology in Society: Challenges and Opportunities” organized by the Department of Computer Science, Salesian College, Siliguri Campus, 5 October 2010.

Addressed the Leadership Trainees of the Catholic Colleges of East North East region during the Training Programme Organized by the Regional Board at Bosco Youth Services Centre, Bariatu, Ranchi from 17-20 October 2010.

Presented Paper titled “Sri Narayana Guru and Indigenous Modernity in Kerala” at the Panel on “Indian Masters of Suspicion” during the 32nd Annual Conference of the Association of the Christian Philosophers of India on the theme “Tradition and Innovation: Rootedness and Openness”, at Carmel Vidya Niketan, Faridabad, 25-27 October 2010.

November 2010

Presented paper at the International Conference of the Delegates of the Education Group of Salesian University Institutions held at the Catholic University of Silva Henriquez, Santiago de Chile, 9-12 November 2010 on “IUS Networking: Indian Approaches”.

Visited the University of Princeton, New Jersey (on 6 November), University of California, Berkely, (on 21 November) and the University of Stanford, El Alto (on 24 November).

January 2014

17 January 14: Delivered Welcome cum theme Address on Feedback Loop in Research at the one day Research Scholars Workshop held at the Siliguri Campus

February 2014

13-16 February 14: The Intercontinental Seminar on Education and Social Inclusion: Challenges of Diversity hosted and organized at Salesian College Sonada for the IUS Education Group and Delivered the Welcome Address as the Convener.

26-29 February 14: Invited participant at the SPRD (Strategic Planning and Resource Development) organized by the United Board at Shaw College Auditorium in the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong.

March 2014

6 March 14: Presented the Summary Report of the Year and appreciations to the Outgoing batch of students at the Graduation Day.

18 March 14: Addressed the Joint Faculty event on SPRD in view of ASHA grant and autonomy for the college.

April 2014

8 April 14: Hosted the Joint Meeting of the MP Nominee of BJP for Darjeeling, Mr SS Ahluvalia and Bishop Stephen Lepcha DD, of Roman Catholic Diocese of Darjeeling as a pre-poll encounter at the College Principal’s Office.

14 April 14: Initiated the process for the MoU for online payment for admissions through the ERP provider epaathsala and Billdesk the payment gateway.

July-August 2014

31 July- 4 August 14: Participated and Presented paper at the Metaphysics and Politics Conference of the Backwater’s Collective, at Le Meridien, Cochin, on “Language, Identity and Ethnicity in Darjeeling; Applying the Insights of SNG”.

September 2014

1-4 September 14: Inaugural and Welcome Address to the participants and resource persons at the Human Development Values Project organized at Salesian College Sonada by AIACHE and sponsored by United Board, Hong Kong.

October 2014

18-21 October 14: Participated on Invitation at the AULP on Massification of Education in Asia organized by the Hong Kong Institute of Education and the United Board at the Hong Kong Institute of Education, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong.

November 2014

20-22 November 14: Delivered the Welcome Note and the Valedictory Address at the National Seminar on Human Nature Interface in North Bengal organized by the Department of Political Science, Siliguri Campus.

27- 30 November 14:  Presented Paper on Salesian Education in India and the role of Inclusivity in Higher Education at the Fourth Intercontinental Seminar on Education and Social Inclusion and the IUS EG delegates Meeting at IUS Venice Mestre, Italy.

January 2015

1-4 January 15: Accompanied the Joint Faculty visit to Shanti Niketan & Viswa bharati on the occasion of the college being granted CPE status 2nd cycle for discovery of Bengal’s heritage and educational legacy of Rabindranath Tagore.

March 2015

16-17 March 15: Presented paper on “Community, Knowledge and Rights” at the National Conference  on “Knowledge, Theorization and Rights: Renegotiating the Connectives”, organized by the Department of Philosophy, Assam University, Silchar, at their Department in the University Campus.

19-20 March 15: Presented the Welcome and Appreciation for the outgoing batch at the Graduation Day at Salesian College Sonada & Siliguri.

April 2015

8-11 April 15: Visited Marwari College, Bhagalpur, on deputation as Member in the Peer Team for the NAAC assessment of the College.

18-19 April 15: Addressed the North East Christian College Principal’s Forum at the Don Bosco Institute on the theme “Nurturing the Spiritual in Higher Education” & “The Contextual Relevance of Christian Higher Education in NE”.

May 2015

1-3 May 15: Participated at the Xavier Board Triennial Conference held at Christ University, Bangalore.

9 May 15: Addressed the Alumni batch of 2005 at Salesian College, Sonada.

12-15 May 15: Addressed the New Faculty at the Annual Orientation for the New Faculty of the College held at Salesian College, Siliguri Campus.

19 May 15: Invited to make Presentation to the team of experts on the Community College/B.Voc Scheme submitted by the college at the Delhi UGC office, Bahadur Zafar Shah Marg, towards the final round of the selections.

June 2015

8 June 15: Delivered the Inaugural Address ” Philosophy and Teaching Philosophy” at the Inauguration of the Department of Philosophy (B.Ph), Salesian College, Sonada.

July 2015

9-12 July 15: Addressed the Stakeholders Conference of DBTI, Port Morseby, PNG, on “The Salesian Identity of DBTI and its Possible Futures” as the Resource Person on behalf of the IUS International.

13-17 July 15: Participated at the 25th Triennial Conference of IFCU at the Australian Catholic University, Melbourne, as a registered member institution of the association.

August 2015

27-29 August 15: Participated at the North East Principal’s Forum for Strategic Planning organized by the United Board and AIACHE at the Bethel Retreat Centre for the Union Christian College, Badapani, Shillong.

September 2015

14 September 15: Met with Chief Minister, Mamata Banerjee at the Inaugural Function of the Knowledge Hub of Presidency University, at Dove Hill, Kurseong, with the Proposals for the College being included for Pay packet Scheme and State Development Grants.

20 September 15: Addressed the Sri Narayana Guru Samiti Global Summit held at the State Library, Shillong on “The One World Vision of Sri Narayana Guru” as invited Guest Speaker for the occasion.

October 2015

1 October 15: Participated in the National Level Conclusion of the 200th Birth Anniversary of the Founder of the College and Salesian/Don Bosco works in India at Don Bosco School, Alaknanda, New Delhi.

9 October 15: Inaugurated the first Student Seminar on Indian Foreign Policy and International relations organized by the Department of Political Science, Sonada.

11 October 15: Delivered the Presidential address, “The Need for Ecosophy in Contemporary World” at the Philosophy Seminar on “Human Environment: Ecological Concerns and laudato Si” organized by the Department of Philosophy, Salesian College, Sonada.

November 2015

18 November 15: Participated at the Principal’s Forum of Christian Minority Colleges of West Bengal, hosted at St Xavier’s College, Kolkata.

19-20 November 15: Presented paper on “Salesian System of Education in Indian Cultural Context” at the International Seminar on “Don Bosco’s System of Education” held at St Anthony’s College, Shillong.

December 2015

1 December 15: Preliminary Meetings with the Team from Newman University Birmingham, at Scope Complex, New Delhi, regarding the MoU on student and Faculty Exchange.


January 2016

5-20 January 16: Visiting Scholar at Yale University Library. Visited Yale Art Gallery and the Knights of Columbus Museum at New Haven; Witnessed the Play ‘Born Fat’ at the Seven Angels Theatre, Waterbury, Connecticut.

February-March 2016

1 February – 24 March 16: Visiting Scholar at Princeton Theological Seminary and Firestone Library, Princeton University, New Jersey.

13 February 16: Participated at the Mass of the Universe, a Musical Rendition by Bora Yoon, PhD scholar in Sacred Music at the University Chapel, Princeton University.

16 February 16: Participated at the Lecture by May Hayes on “RedT: Safe Zone for Translators in Terrorist Combat and Translations” at the Princeton Community Lecture Series.

18 February 16: Had Lunch Meeting with Sanjiv Kulkarni, Dean, Graduate School, Princeton University.

19 February 16: Had Interview with Elaine Pagels, author of Beyond Belief, and head, Department of Religion at Princeton University.

28 February 16: Visited George Town University, Washington and had Dinner Meeting with Mike Sheeran Sj, the Coordinator for Jesuit Higher Education in US at Union Station, Washington With Rosey and Dhiren of Darjeeling living in Leesburg.

April-May 2016

10 April 16: Visited the campus of University of California, Santa Cruz Campus.

12 April 16: Visited the Green Library, Stanford University, Palo Alto.

26 April – May 20: Visiting Scholar at University of San Francisco at the Gleeson Library.

3 May 16: Visited the Portland Gurukula to Interview Scott Teitsworth and Deb Buchanan

5 May 16: Visited the Bainbridge Island Gurukula at Seattle to Interview Nancy Yielding.

11 May 16: Visited Stanford University and had an interview with Aishwary Kumar of the Department of History.

12 May 16: Visited University of California, Berkeley Library and met with Prof Arthur Lenti, sdb, Historian and Editor of the Journal the Salesian Studies.

May-June 2016

29 May-25 June 16: At The Institute for Advanced Study in Asian Cultures and Theologies as the IASACT Mentor for 16 Scholars at the CUHK Divinity School, assisting the forum for research, reflection and writing.

July 2016

15-18 July 16: Presented paper on “The Gaze of SNG at Ambedkar-Gandhi Debate” at the Backwater’s Collective on Metaphysics and Politics in Le Meridien, Cochin.

August 2016

17-19 August 16: Facilitated the Faculty Orientation and Strategic Planning for the Faculty of Salesian College with Mark Pixley of Leadership Inc, Shenzhen China.

September 2016

10 September 16: Presented a paper on “The Role of NBU Officers in Inclusivity and Excellence in Higher Education” at the National Conference on the Theme by North Bengal University Officers Association.

17 September 16: Addressed the Annual Conference of the Don Bosco Colleges at Don Bosco College, Sulthan Bathery, on “The Salesian Identity of Higher Education”.

18 September 16: Addressed the Sri Narayana Mandira Samiti’s 162nd Birth Anniversary celebrations of Sri Narayana Guru on “The Role of the Guru and Community in Contemporary India” at Sri Narayana Guru College, Chembur, Mumbai.

January 2017

18-20 January 17: Invited as Consultant to the India China Institute-UB consultation on China Studies in India held at AIACHE house Janakpuri, New Delhi.

22-30 January 17: Invited to Hong Kong Institute of Educational Sciences for consultation on India China Indonesia Conference on “Pluralism in Asia and Globalisation”.

February 2017

2-6 February 17: Meeting with Salesian College Alumni and Friends in San Bernadino, Los Angeles, USA.

March 2017

1-4 March 17: Participated at the South Asian Consultation of the Leaders of Salesians of Don Bosco, at the Citadel, Chennai.
14-15 March 17: Welcome Address at the International Seminar on “Darjeeling and the Eastern Himalayas: Multidisciplinary Approaches”, organized by the Departments of Philosophy, English, History and Sociology, Salesian College, Sonada.
18 March 17: Resource Person at the Research Scholars Workshop held at Salesian College, Siliguri campus.
27-29 March 17: Welcomed Dr M Pinheiro as Resource Person and Inaugurated the NAAC RAR preparation Training Workshop for the College faculty held at Salesian College, Sonada.

May 2017

10-12 May 17: Invited to the Shanghai Library, Shanghai University and Indonesian Youth Association, Shanghai, China.

13 May 17: Visited the Yunnan University Library and Campus, Kunming, China.

14-20 May 17: Participated and Presented Paper on “Sri Narayana Guru Movement and the Educational Vision for One World” at the ICI Conference I, on “Religious Pluralism in Asia” 2017 at the HKISS, Hong Kong University

30 May 17: Presided at the Meeting of the Editorial Board of Salesian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, at AV Hall, SCSC.

June 2017

4-5 June 17: Co-Animated the Induction Programme for the New Teaching Members of the Community of Don Bosco Schools of Kolkata-Bihar-SIkkim-Nepal.

27-29 June 17: Co-coordinated the Translation Workshop in collaboration with ANUVAD, Translation Unit of the Department of Comparative literature, Jadavpur University and Translation Centre, Salesian College at Siliguri Campus.

30 June 17: Addressed the new faculty of both campuses at the Annual Induction Programme held at Salesian College, Siliguri Campus.

July 2017

7 July 2017: Represented the DBHEI and Governing Body of Salesian College, at the Inauguration of the St Xavier’s University, New Town, Kolkata.

14-17 July 17: Invited to the Cochin Conference on Metaphysics and Politics held at Le Meridien, Cochin, Kerala and presented a  response paper on Vivek Dhareswar’s “The Saddle of Experience” entitled: ‘Experience and the Counter Experience’.

18 July 17: Participated as Member, NSS Advisory Committee, University of North Bengal, with the Regional President of NSS, State Unit.

29 July 17: Addressed the Faculty as FDP on “Dealing with Colonialism: Addressing a Contemporary Concern in the Classroom”.

August 2017

19 August 17: Presided at the IQAC Meeting held at Salesian College Siliguri Campus, and reviewed the preparedness for the NAAC reacreditation (3rd Cycle) work in progress.

September 2017

4 September 17: Visited Sahitya Akademi regarding the Translation Projects and the UGC head office, regarding the PFMS clearance for the College finances.

19-20 September 17: Delivered the Welcome Address at the 8th Verzotto Memorial Lecture Series on “Making Sense of India” by Research Scholar and Author, Braj Ranjan Mani, from New Delhi at Sonada and Siliguri Campuses respectively.

21 September 17: Delivered an Invited Speech on “The Negative Effects of Social Media on Youth” at the Annual DBL Alumni Debate/Panel Discussion.

24-25 September 17:On  NAAC Visit to Rajashri Chatrapati Sahu Maharaj College of Arts and Commerce, Kolhapur, Maharashtra as Member in the NAAC Peer Team.

October 2017

12-15 October 17: On NAAC Visit to Purnea College, Purnea, Bihar as Member Secretary of the NAAC Peer Team.

24 October 17: Presided over  the PTSA Meeting and the nomination of Parents representatives for the year in the SCS campus.

27 October 17 Presided over the Research and Translation Centre Committee and the IQAC Meetings at Siliguri Campus.

30 October 17: Coordinated the GB Meeting as its Member Secretary at Salesian College Sonada.

November 2017

11 November 17: Organized the Core Committee Meeting of the Darjeeling Dialogue Forum, as its Member Secretary, held at Ashyana, the residence of one of the founding members, Prof. Irshad Ahmed.

16 November 17: Anchored and Moderated the National Symposium organized at Don Bosco Park Circus Auditorium as the 80th Year celebrations of Salesian College Sonada, on the theme “Contemporary India and The Future of Catholic Higher Education” at which the five Catholic Universities of India were represented and released the book, ‘On A Stormy Course’ by Dr Valson Thampu, former principal of St Stephens College New Delhi.

24-25 November 17: Delivered the Welcome Address at the National Seminar on “India’s Indira: Centennial Recollections” organized by the Department of Political Science, Siliguri Campus.

26 November 17: Participated at the national NCC day held at Siliguri College, along with the first batch of NCC students of Salesian College.

27-28 November 17: Inaugurated the Two Day UB Sponsored event for the Principals of North Bengal in collaboration with NBU and the Principals Forum of North East.

December 2017

29 November – 2 December 17: Co-coordinated the FORTE (Faculty Orientation for Research and Teaching Excellence) sponsored by United Board.

8 December 17: Presided at the Parents Teachers Students Association Meeting in the AV Hall and later at the Pre Christmas gathering and Jubilee concert show for the first year parents in the College Auditorium.

9 December 17: Co-coordinated the Research Scholar’s Workshop and the Darjeeling Scholars’ Forum.

 17 December 17: Presided over the Dialogue Forum Meeting held at the Dharma Chakra hall of Buddhist Community in Darjeeling in the afternoon.

22-24 December 17: Planning Sessions with Dr Glenn Shive of American Centre, Hong Kong, on visit to Darjeeling, about the ANFEPT 2018 programme.

January 2018

15 January 18: Visit to Marin Country Foundation to solicit financial assistance for Collaborative Projects with Salesian College.

20 January 18: Interactions with Dominican College, Marin County for Learn Serve Explore programme for its students as a Winter/Summer Programme in Darjeeling.

29-30 January 18: AIACHE General Body Meeting held at Christ University elects Fr Prof George Thadathil, Principal Salesian College, as its President.

February 2018

20 February 18: Meeting with the RESIDE Project Team of Brooke’s University, Oxford, and IIIT and MNIT Hyderabad and Udaipur at Lemon Tree Hotel, New Delhi.

27-28 February 18: Resource Person and participant at the SPCSA  Conference on ‘Nation Building: The Constitutional Way’, at Don Bosco, Kolkata.

March 2018

5 March 18: Welcomed Senior Nehru Fullbright Scholar, Prof Kanta Kochar Lindgren from US, to the campus for the Life Orientation Programme for the outgoing batch of students on ‘Performance and Creativity’.

7 March 18: Presided over the Executive Board Meeting of AIACHE held at Principal’s Chamber, Jyoti Niwas College, Bangalore.

12 March 18: The Revised Personnel Policy of the College, approved by the Founder  Body was promulgated on campus at a Meeting with the office and support staff, faculty and management.

13 March 18: Participates on invitation at the Bengal Means Business Meet at Chowrastha, Darjeeling, with Hon’ble Chief Minister Ms Mamta Banerjee and the Entrepreneurs of Bengal-Darjeeling.

14 March 18: Presided at the Graduation Day and presented the Annual Report at the Graduation Day ceremony, Siliguri Campus.

16-17 March 18: Participated, chaired sessions and delivered Valedictory address at the Collaborative seminar with Don Bosco College Golaghat and Salesian College Sonada held at Don Bosco College, Golaghat on ‘Social Conflicts in South Asia: Causes and Implications”.

24 March 18: Welcomed the University Experts Team for the initiation of PG in Education and Psychology in the campus for the upcoming session.

28 March 18: Inaugurated the Tata Memorial Lecture for the year by the BBA department of the Siliguri Campus.

April 2018

6-9 April 18: Participated and Presented paper on “Mindfulness and Hindu Meditative Practices” at the Annual Conference of Asia Network and met with the ANFEP group of 2018 due to visit India at the Sonesta Hotel, Philadelphia, USA.

10-20 April 18: Was an Independent Research Scholar at Princeton University Firestone Library, New Jersey, USA.

21-22 April 18: Participated at the Alumni Meet of SCS at Phoenix, Arizona, USA.

May 2018

1 May 18: Presided at the Annual Alumni Meet of SCS.

2 May 18: Coordinated and Presided at the Joint Faculty Meeting and the NAAC preparations review of the SSR criterion wise teams held at Salesian College Siliguri Campus.

6 May 18: Presided at the Executive Board Meeting of AIACHE held at AIACHE House, Janakpuri, New Delhi.

9 May 18: Presided at the Graduation Day ceremony at SCS and presented the annual report.

10-12 May 18: Welcomed and coordinated the United Board Sponsored mock visit of the institution in preparation for the NAAC 3rd cycle accreditation by Madras Christian College, Chennai.

14-18 May 18: Participated and presented paper on ” Just Understand: Religious Pluralism, Religious Movements and the Future of Inter-Faith Dialogue in India” at the HKSSC and UB sponsored ICI Conference II on ‘Religious Pluralism in Asia’ held at Beach Resort, East Coast Road, Chennai.

26 May 18: Presided at the IQAC meeting held at Board Room, SCS.

28 May 18: Presided at the Translation Centre core committee Meeting held at SCS.

June 2018

14-16 June 18: Co-coordinated the Induction cum Orientation Programme for the New and Young Faculty of the year was held at Salesian College Sonada.

20-29 June 18: The 10 participants and three guides of the ANFEP 2018 group were welcomed and their programme co-coordinated including an international seminar on “Social and Religious Identity of the Darjeeling-Sikkim Region” (23.06.18) and an “Interfaith Dialogue” (28.06.18) at Sai Mandir Chowrastha, Darjeeling.

July 2018

2 July 18: Welcomed and presided at the inaugural worship for the new batch of students for the year at Salesian College, Sonada.

7 July 18: Met with the Bengal unit of AIACHE and heads of colleges, to address the interference of government in the appointment of support staff in Christian Minority Institutions and the preventive measures.

8 July 18: Visited and consulted with the Vice Chancellor and Registrar of SHUATS (Sam Higginbotham University of Agriculture and Technological Sciences) at Allahabad.

14 July 18: Addressed the Class Representatives at the One Day animation organized for them at Claretian Villa, Sonada.

17-30 July 18: Participates at the Leadership Training Seminar for Salesian Leaders of Academic Communities held at Don Bosco Renewal Centre, Bangalore.

August 2018

1 August 18: Visited the UGC head office to confirm the approval of the BVoc courses in Tourism and Retail Management and visited the Sahitya Akademi to confirm the Translation Projects and workshop.

5 August 18: Met with campus coordinators regarding the course of action in view of the CPE advisory committee visit and the NAAC accreditation 3rd Cycle.

23 August 18: Presided at the Finance Committee meeting at SCSC

24 August 18: Coordinated the reconstitution of and the 203rd GB Meeting at SCS.

25-26 August 18: Co-coordinated the Heads of Educational Institutions Meet of Kolkata administrative unit of Salesians of Don Bosco in Bengal, Bihar, Nepal, Sikkim.

September 2018

1 September 18: Co-coordinated, presided over and was resource person at the Regional Meeting of the Heads of Christian Higher Education Institutions (AIACHE) in the North East, held at the Vice Chancellors Residence, Assam Don Bosco University, Guwahati.

3 September 18: Core committee Meeting of the Darjeeling Dialogue Forum at the Rectory, St Paul’s School, Jalapahar, Darjeeling.

4 September 18: Participated and addressed the academic community of Darjeeling gathered at the National Symposium on ‘Darjeeling University and Prospects of Higher Education in the Hills’ organized by Southfield College, Darjeeling.

5 September 18: Addressed the College Community on the occasion of the National Teachers Day at the morning assembly.

8 September 18: Participated at the consultation with Hill College Principals and the Hill administration with NBU officials at Lalkoti, Darjeeling.

9-10 September 18: Visit of the members – Rev Dr Victor Lobo, St Joseph’s Bangalore and Dr Naresh Chandra of Birla College, Kalyan – of the advisory committee on deputation by UGC for the CPE status of the college.

17-19 September 18: Participant and Resource Person at the Vth Intercontinental Seminar and IUS EG assembly held at Pius XI UNISAL Campus, Alto De Lapa, Sao Paolo, on ‘Human Rights Among Young People: Perception of Reality”.

29 September: Presided over as President the 130th Executive Board Meeting of AIACHE at Loyola College, Chennai.

October 2018

3-4 October 18: Participated as Member at the Founder Body Meeting held at Don Bosco Thecho, Katmandu.

14 October 18: Participated as Knowledge Partner at the RESIDE Project of MNIT, Jaipur and IIITH Hyderabad on Residential Energy Reduction in India Research held at Aerocity, New Delhi.

November 2018

3 November 18: Delivered Lecture on the “political future of Minorities in India” to the DDCA (Darjeeling Diocesan Catholic Association) at Relly Road Church Hall, Kalimpong.

15-17 November 18: Inaugurated the Three-Day National Translation Workshop on IB Rai’s Works, held at Salesian College, Sonada.

24 November 18: Addressed the 128th Brahmo Samaj’s Annual Conference and at its Interfaith Gathering held at Brahmo Mandir, Bhowanipur, Kolkata.

28 November 18: Inaugurated the Conference of RUSA colleges of AIACHE on PFMS and on Fund Management held at AIACHE House, Janakpur, New Delhi.

December 2018

30 Nov – 5 December 18: Inaugurated and was resource person at the FORTE 2018 ( Faculty Orientation in Research and Teaching Excellence) with Facilitation Innovations and Simulation Mode of Teaching and sharing on Research Guidelines and practices along with Mark Pixley and Glenn Shive of Leadership Inc, and Director, American Centre, Hong Kong, respectively.

20 December 2018: The NAAC 3rd Cycle process was initiated and IIQA clearance procured.

January 2019

12 January 19: Blessed and Inaugurated the Residence of Holy Cross Convent at St Mary’s Kurseong. In the evening the online SSR upload initiated from SCSC Office.

23 January 19: Inaugurated at Auxilium Siliguri, the One Day Holotropic Breathwork for Faculty by KC Thomas sdb and in the noon delivered the Salesian Family Day Theme Talk on “Holiness For You Too” at Don Bosco School AV Hall.

February 2019

1 February 19: The SSR final online upload approval was overseen and completed in the presence of the IQAC team of the college.

 3-9 February 18: Participated at the triennial conference of Salesians of Kolkata Administrative Unit (Province) at Don Bosco, Radhanath Chowdhury Road, Kolkata, as an ex officio member of the animation Team.

10 February 18: Presided over the 131 Executive Board Meeting of AIACHE as its President at Bandra Retreat House, hosted by St Xavier’s Mumbai.

March 2019

13 March 19: The DVV (Data Verification and Validation) process completed at the NAAC agency level and information was communicated to the college.

17 March 19: AIACHE standing committee Meeting held at Jesus and Mary College, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi.

20 March 19: Inaugurated the National Seminar on CSR and Higher Education at Salesian College, Sonada.

27 March 19: Presided at the Editorial Board Meeting of Salesian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, held at Salesian College Sonada.

29 March 19: Inaugurated the Tata Memorial Inter University Seminar held at Salesian College Siliguri Campus.

April 2019

7-9 April 19: In Hong Kong, met with Prof Grey Lindgren of Hong Kong University, PokFuLam Road,  on 8th morning, John Heung at Cyberport, Abderdeen, in the noon, and with staff of Konrad Adeneur Foundation, in Central in the afternoon to propose collaboration through Dr Glenn Shive of American Centre, CUHK, Shatin, where on 9th morning had meetings with the United College faculty for the student exchange programme and with Ping Chen of ANHN and with Angela Wai Ching of United Board to further the collaborations.

11-12 April 19: Visited Loyola Marymount University and its Business School, had meeting with the Director, Dayle Art and Roberta Espinoza to scout Tea Tourism prospects and collaborations with AIACHE colleges in Mumbai. Visited University of California Irwin campus and met with Amanda Jeane of ANHN and explored collaboration possibility with Indian colleges and with Salesian College, Sonada, Darjeeling.

13-15 April 19: Participated and Presented paper at the Annual Conference of Asia Network held at University of san Diego, California and met with the ANFP team that visited the college in 2018.

May 2019

3-5 May 19: With the NAAC Peer Team Visit for Physical Verification of SCS and SCSC for the 3rd Cycle: Prof Rajpal Dahiya (former Vice Chancellor), Prof Suninder Tung (Amritsar University) and V Exambi (Karnataka University).

20 May 19: The NAAC Accreditation and Assessment Result was announced and the college retained its A Grade (with CGPA of 3.04 out of 4) in the new scheme of assessment.

25 May 19: Chaired the Interfaith Meeting of the Darjeeling Dialogue Forum at Divyavani, Darjeeling where Prof T Halkias of Hong Kong University and expert on Tibetan Buddhism delivered a lecture on the ‘Buddhist Influence in West Asia’.

July 2019

3-7 July 19: Participated at the IASACT Reunion Conference, as mentor of 2016 and chaired one session at Chung Chi College, Chinese University of Hong Kong at the Invitation of United Board.

20 July 19: On the Selection Committee Board of the PhD research at the Department of English, SRM University, Gangtok.

25-28 July 19: Participated at the 10th Annual Conference of Metaphysics and Politics by the Backwaters Collective as part of the Cochin Beinnale and sponsored by Narayana Samiti of Mumbai for the release of the book, India and Civilizational Futures, edited by Vinay Lal, and having authorship of a chapter entitled, “The Transformative Power of the One World Vision of Sri Narayana Guru” and as a respondent to a paper presented by J Devika on “The Savarna Reassertion in the History of Kerala”.

August 2019

3 August 19: Chaired the 133rd Executive Board Meeting of AIACHE at the Serampore Senate Hall, on AJC Bose Road, Kolkata.

5-9 August 19: Participated and presented a paper on “Sri Narayana Guru and the Civilizational Future” at the ICI (Indian China Indonesia) Conference held at the ICRS (Indonesian Consortium of Religious Studies) Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

21 August 19: Participated at the Felicitation and Release of the Book by Shri KS Moktan (IPS retd) at Gymkhana Club, Darjeeling.

24 August 19: Co-facilitated the Principals Forum of Don Bosco Schools and Education Personnel of Salesians of Kolkata Administration (Province) held at Don Bosco School, Bandel.

26-29 August 19: Participated as a special Invitee to the EAO (East Asia Oceania) region of the Salesians of Don Bosco, at the 2nd Regional Conference of Translators working on the Salesian Translators Handbook (Released as a book on 30 September 2019 at Seoul, South Korea) held at Anisakan, Myanmar.

September 2019

5-9 September 19: Co-organized the ACCS-AIACHE Conference on “Asian Socio-Political Realities and the Implications for Practical Theology and Higher Education” held at the ACCS Panayur, Chennai and presented a paper on “Myanmar, Bhutan and Nepal: Politics and Society – Implications for HE and PT”.

26 September 19: The Interreligious Dialogue Forum Annual Gathering was coordinated at the Government High School, Bijanbari, Darjeeling.

December 2019

15-19 December 19: Visit to the Andamans and Nicobar Islands – The Andaman Jails and Museum.


February 2020

27 Feb 20: Gave the Keynote Address at the Two-Day Workshop on “Quality Enhancement and NAAC Accreditation” at St Andrews College, Bandra, Mumbai in collaboration with AIACHE, New Delhi.

28 February 20: Inaugural Address at the Trends in Science and Technology Conference on National Science Day, at SCSC.

March 2020

5 Mar 20:  Presided at the Inaugural session of the National workshop on “NAAC Assessment and Accreditation – The Paradigm Shift” and “Towards Excellence in Education” jointly organized by AIACHE and United Board of Higher Education at AIACHE Centre, New Delhi.

7 March 20: Graduation Day for the 17-20 outgoing batch, at SCSC.

14-17 March 20: Announcement of pandemic lockdown and beginning of Online Classes with special faculty Meeting announcing the transition.

26 March 20: Inaugural address at the 4th Tata Memorial Lecture, Organized by the Department of Management, SCSC

April 2020

10-15 April: LMS Training for Faculty

17 April 20: Addressed online the participants at the Covid Awareness and Social Distancing Online Event for Students and faculty, organized by the NSS, SCS unit.

17 Apr  20: Presided at the first ZOOM meeting of the Steering Committee of AIACHE to review the lockdown situation and the online mode of operation in and from the office.

May 2020

9 May 20: Presided at the first Virtual Meeting of the AIACHE Executive Board from 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm  by Zoom Video Conferencing Mode.

23-26 May 2020: Visit to Dhajia and Interactions with the Village Community.

31 May 2020: As Founder Body Representative presided at the installation of the second Rector of Salesian College Sonada College Community.

June 2020

1 June 20: Gave the Keynote at the Webinar on  “Education in 21st Century: adapting to the Changing World” an International Online Conference organized by Department of Education, St Anthony’s College, Shillong.

3 June 20: Addressed the Webinar participants on “Decolonizing Indian Theatre” orgnaized by the Department of English, SCSC

3-5 Jun 20: Inaugurated the Online National Workshop on LMS Moodle co-organized by AIACHE and Sacred Heart College Tiruppatur for the faculty of member colleges.

10-15 June 20: Addressed the Faculty each day during the “Adventure with Online Learning Management System” Training organized by the Tech Team – CSA departments, SCSC-SCS

July 2020

6-10 July 20: The first ever fully online examinations in both the campuses spearheaded by the TechTeam and monitored by the Examination Committee.

10 Jul 20: Presided at the Regional Online Meeting of the AIACHE Members of the Western Region from 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm.

15 Jul 20: Presided at the Regional Online Meeting of the AIACHE Members of the Northern Region from 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm.

20 Jul 20: Presided at the Regional Online Meeting of the AIACHE Member representatives of the Karnataka Region from 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm.

23  Jul 20: Presided at the Regional Online Meeting of the Representatives of AIACHE Members of the Eastern Region from 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm.

27 July 20:  Addressed the participants of the online training session on ‘Newspaper Production, by the Department of Mass Communications, SCSC

28  Jul 20: Presided at the Regional Online Meeting of the Representatives of AIACHE Members from the Andhra-Telengana Region.

August 2020

7 Aug 20: Inaugurated the National Webinar on “Perspectives and Prospects of National Education Policy 2020” jointly organized by AIACHE and JEA from 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm on Google Meet and Live on YouTube with nearly 4000 participants.

10 Aug 20: Presided at the Regional Online Meeting of the Representative AIACHE Members of the North-Eastern Region from 11:30 pm – 1:45 pm.

12 August 20: Inaugurated the Webinar ‘In Conversation with Dr. Ramachandra Guha’,  the respected Historian, Environmentalist, Biographer, Social Activist, and Columnist, organized by the Department of History, SCSC.

12 Aug 20: Presided at the Regional Online Meeting of the Representative AIACHE Members of the North Kerala Region from 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm.

16 August 20: Addressed the Webinar participants on “Mental Health of Students: Educational Implications, Issues and Challenges” organized by the Department of Psychology, SCSC.

18 Aug 20: Presided at the Regional Online Meeting of the Representative AIACHE Members of the Tamil Nadu Region from 11:30 pm – 1:30 pm.

19-21 August 20: Presided at the Introduction to Learning Management System as part of the  FDP for New Faculty 2020, at Salesian College Sonada.

22 Aug 20: Presided at the continuation of the Online 135th Executive Board Meeting of AIACHE from 2:45 pm to 4:45 pm for the revision and approval of the revised version of the MoA.

24 August 20: Inaugurated the National Webinar on Intellectual Property Rights organized by the Department of Management SCSC.

27 August 20: Inaugurated the LMS Orientation for the First Semester students of both SCS and SCSC, an online event.

27 Aug 20: Presided and participated as Resource Person at the panel discussion on New Education Policy 2020 by experts in the online platform from 3:30-4:30 pm organized by the AIACHE in order to make a representation to the MHRD.

29 Aug 20: Presided at the Planning session on the proposed Research Study on Contribution of Christian Higher Educational Institutions in India, organized by AIACHE with 12 experts online from 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm

September 2020

1 September 20: Paid homage at the online event hosted by Departments of English and Education at the demise of Shri Pranab Mukherjee, former President of India.

5 September 20: Addressed students and Faculty on the Gratitude Day for those in Teaching Profession, organized by the Student Council

6 September 20: Presided at the onine ASIANetwork-AIACHE MoU coordination committee Meeting from 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm.

6 September 20: Presented a Paper on “Gandhi, Ambedkar and Sri Narayana Guru” at the Gandhi and Democracy Webinar organised by the Department of Philosophy, Assam University, Silchar.

8 September 20: Addressed the participants at the webinar on “Unveiling radharani: Women in Baul World” organized by the Department of History, SCSC

12 Sep 20: Presided at the Continuation of the Planning session on the proposed Research Study on Contribution of Christian Higher Educational Institutions in India, organized by AIACHE with 12 experts online from 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm

22 September 20: Valedictory Address at the 11th Verzotto Memorial Lecture.

28 September 20: Inaugural Address at the Panel Discussion on the New Education Policy organized by the Department of Management and IQAC.

October 2020

1 Oct 20: Presided at the Special AGM (extraordinary General Body Meeting) online to pass the Revised draft of the MoA and Rule and Regulations of AIACHE after 50 years. Held on Zoom Meet from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm with 106 members of the 127 who registered from among the 233 members invited.

10 October 20: Inaugurated the Research Centre and PG English Department Online initiative on ‘ Diving In: Designing a research Project’

12 October 20: Opening Invocation and Welcome to the participants at the Webinar on ‘Physical Education’

17 October 20: Inaugurated the Webinar on “Media and Democracy: Observations on the Indian Experience” Department of History, SCS

November 2020

November 7 20:  Participated and made the Valedictory note at the Lo Groi Memorial Lecture 21.

9 November 20: Ianugurated the Webinar on ‘Education across Borders: Research and Fellowship Opportunities’ organized by IQAC and PG Department of English and Research and Publication Centre

20 November 20: Delivered a special lecture as resource person at the first Faculty Induction Program organised by UGC at UGCHRDC of NBU.

13 November 20: Presided at the Concluding session of the 135th Executive Board Meeting held online from 10:30 am – 11:30 am.

20 November 20: Presided jointly with the Chair Asia Network, Dr Dan Choffnes at the Online International Meeting of Asia Network and AIACHE core team members for finalizing an MoU for collaboration between the two networks of Higher Education Institutions in the two respective countries for the benefit of their respective faculty members and students.

20 November 20: Presented Paper entitled “The Salesian College of India and Salesian University of Bolivia in the context of the pandemic” jointly with Yadika Prasad, Willy Chambi and EGR Silva at the International Online Seminar held by Salesian University, Equador.

26 November 20: Delivered a special lecture as resource person at the second Faculty Induction Program organised by UGC at UGCHRDC of NBU

28 November 20: Inaugurated the eComPhyMathix 2020 organized by the Deanery of Science.

December 2020

1 Dec 20: Addressed the special assembly online and inaugurated the Education department with IQAC organized  Workshop on ‘Research Proposal and Report Writing’.

1 Dec 20: Presided at the Zoom Meeting from 2:45 pm – 4:15 pm of over 100 faculty members from the select institutions across the country to form the NeXUS – platform of collaboration in Research organized by the AIACHE.

5 Dec 20: Inaugurated the IQAC, Research and Publication Centre and PG Department of English jointly organized  Workshop on Research and Publication Opportunities.

18 Dec 20: Welcomed the Guest Speaker on behalf of AIACHE to the Online Special Lecture at 3:00 pm on “Relevance of Mother Teresa in Higher Education” delivered by Dr Gezion Alpion, founder of Mother Teresa Studies and Sociologist at the University of Birmingham, UK.

Dec 2020: The eBook – Being A Priest in India: A Manifesto – was uploaded on the portal publications.salesiancollege.net, as Salesian College ePublication.

January 2021

6 Jan 21 : Participated in the ‘Mindfulness Research Training Programme’ organized by the PG Department of Psychology for all PG students as the Resource Person.


9 Jan 21: Inaugurated the ENACTUS on campus ( a social wing of the EDC) and participated at the Faculty development related meeting  entitled ETOP: Exploring Teaching Online/Offline/Orientation Programme.


26 Jan 21: Presided at the Republic Day event on the Campus. Commenced the Laptop Distribution Scheme for the Hill Women Students of the College.


29 Jan 21: Participated at the National Webinar on Digital Insurance : Prospects and Challenges, organized by the Department of Commerce.


30 Jan 21: Presided at the Sangam 2021 : Ethnic Day

February 2021

6 Feb 21: Participated in the  Special Lecture on Inside Data Science organized by the Department of CSA.


11 Feb 21: The Final Distribution of Laptops for Hill Women Students at SCS/ and Conoscenza the event of BBA department.


13 Feb 21: Participated at the Webinar Series on ‘Religious Practices in the Himalayan Spaces’ organized by the Department of Philosophy and Education, SAC and SCS in Collaboration with HKU Project on BRINFAITH.


26 Feb 21: Inaugurated the Calibre 2021event of the Department of Management.


28 Feb 21: Inaugurated the TIST 2021, Science Day special event of the Science Deanery.

March 2021

9-11 Mar 21: Inaugurated and Presided at the Faculty Induction Programme

16 Mar 21: presided at the IQAC Core Team Meeting

20 Mar 21: Presided at the 136th Executive Board Meeting of AIACHE online.

22 Mar 21: Inaugurated the Model United Nations: Orientation  at Siliguri Campus, organized by the Department of Political Science, Student Council and the IQAC.

23 Mar 21: Chaired the IQAC Meeting

25/30 Mar 21: Online OBTLE sessions inaugurated and participated in along with the faculty.

April 2021

9 Apr 21: Addressed the Inaugural Programme of the Brainbow Association of Psychology Department.

and the Inaugural of the Salesian Model United Nations, at Siliguri Campus.


12 Apr 21: Addressed the Service Learning Core Group at the Planning Meeting held online.


19 Apr 21: Addressed the inaugural session of the Two Day Self Defense Workshop organized by the Women Cell in collaboration with Auroville, Pondicherry and the Darjeeling Life and Ethics Society.

May 2021

12 May 21: Presided at the 137th Executive Board Meeting of AIACHE from 11:00 am to 1:00pm Online.

28 May 21: Online Explorative Engagement on Campus Recruitment Drive in collaboration with Industry partners and Don Bosco College, Mannuthy, Kerala.

June 2021

04 Jun 21: Chaired the special session on “Blended Mode of Teaching and Learning” a UGC document released on 20 May 21 with 70 representatives of institutions, academicians and administrators from AIACHE member institutions online.

21 Jun 21: Addressed the International Yoga Day Event organized Online.

22 Jun 21: On the Panel of Resource Persons for the National Webinar on “Transformation through NAAC Accreditation” Organized by the Institute of Academic Excellence, IAE, Hyderabad.

28 Jun 21: Addressed the Online Farewell Programme Organized by the Students and faculty for Fr CM Paul and Fr Jagjivan, moving from Sonada to Siliguri Campus.

July 2021

3 Jul 21: Presided at the Handbook and Calendar Committee Review Meeting to approve the Tentative Calendar for the Year 2021-22.

9 Jul 21: Presided at the 13th foundation day of Salesian College Siliguri Campus at the AV Hall of SCSC in Blended Mode with the Municipal Corporation Chairman being the Chief Guest for the Day.

10 Jul 21: Presided at the IQAC Meeting in Blended Mode.

15 Jul 21: Presided at the Parents, Faculty, and College Management Online Review Meeting for the Second Year.

16-17 Jul 21: Inaugurated and participated at the two-day workshop on “Resilience During the Pandemic” organized for all the members of the NeXUS – AIACHE Faculty Think Tank held daily from 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm.

20 Jul 21: Presided at the Parents, Faculty, and College Management Online Review Meeting for the Final Year (VI Semester).

30 Jul 21: Presided at the 138th AIACHE Executive Board Meeting held online from 4:00 pm – 5:00pm

August 2021

2 Aug 21: Inaugurated the National Level Webinar on UGC Document of Blended Learning” organized by the IQAC of Salesian College.


5-8 Aug 21: Presided and Participated as Resource person at the Faculty Induction Programme for the year at Salesian College Sonada


15 Aug 21: Presided at the Flag Hoisting Ceremony for the 75th Independence Day Celebrations at SCSC.


16 Aug 21: Inaugural Address at the Bosco Jayanti Celebrations hosted by the various Departments  online in both the campuses

September 2021

1 Sep 21: Inauguration of the Academic Year on campus at SCSC, in Blended Mode.

14-15 Sep 21: Inaugurated and participated at the two-day Online National workshop on “Effective Implementation of the Mentor-Mentee Programme at the undergraduate level” organized by IQAC, Scottish Church College, Kolkata in collaboration with AIACHE from 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm.

24 September 2021: Delivered a welcome address in the Phase II of the Faculty Development Programme on Blended Learning (Day I) organised by Salesian College.

25 September 2021: Commenced the Programme on day II with a prayer and at the end of the day delivered an end note on the progress and outcomes of the whole programme.

29 September 2021: Delivered a special address and end-observation note in the webinar titled Sociological Imagination organised by the Dept of Sociology, Salesian College Siliguri in collaboration with IQAC

October 2021

8 October 2021:  Lighted the lamp, led the meditation & prayer and delivered a short message and welcomed the students in the second phase orientation

22 October 2021: Gave the closing remarks and felicitated the winning students in the event Team Building organised by Salesian College Commerce Association

23 October 2021: Gave the opening remarks in the webinar on Buddhist Meditation- Post Traditional Meaning and Method and also gave his observations on the same

November 2021

8th November 2021: Delivered the concluding remarks on the occasion of Faculty & Family get-together programme

15th November 2021: Gave the opening and concluding remarks in the Class Representatives’ Animation programme for the session 2021-2022.

18th November 2021: Lighted the lamp and gave the concluding speech on the occasion of National Press Day and the birth anniversary of Late Mr. Dipjyoti Das (Asst. Prof., Dept of Masss Communication & Journalism)

29th November 2021: Gave the opening speech on the Final day of the 7-a side Football Tournament as a chief guest

30th November 2021: Lighted the lamp in the Graduation Day Ceremony 2020-2021 followed by the verbal presentation of the Annual Report and the oath taking and declaration ceremony.

December 2021

10th December 2021: Delivered the opening speech at 9:00 am on the occasion of Annual Sports Day. Delivered also the closing speech in the same event.

13th December 2021: Presided the IQAC Meeting at Marengo Hall, Salesian College, Siliguri Campus from 2 pm to 3:30 pm

16th December 2021: Inaugural Prayer and Lighting of the Lamp at 9:30 am in the Annual Business Fest Calibre and distributed the prizes at the end of the programme

17th December 2021:  Conducted the closing ceremony in the intra-college competition “Exsurge – 2021”.

20th December 2021: Gave an opening address to the key speakers in the one-day inter-college student seminar on “Contemporary Social & Political Movement”

21st December 2021: Delivered a short welcome speech in the Christmas get-together. Addressed the audience to guide the young minds to become better citizens and ended the programme with a Christmas message to all present.

January 2022

20th January 2022: Gave a gratitude speech on the occasion of the book launch event on Intellectual Property Rights.

26th January 2022:  Was present as a chief guest on the occasion of 73rd Republic Day celebration by the NCC.

28th January 2022: Delivered a special address as the principal and chief patron of the session on Menstrual Health & Hygiene Training session.

31st January 2022: Delivered a special address on the occasion of the feast (134th death anniversary) of St. Don Bosco

February 2022

4th February 2022: Spoke a few words on the occasion of World Cancer Day observed by NSS

7th February 2022: Delivered a speech on the ocassion of the memorial service of Late Lata Mangeshkar and faculty meet

14th February 2022: Inaugurated the commerce association fest CONOSCENZA 2022.

16th February 2022: Organised and officiated the Deans’ and VPs’ meeting

28th February 2022: Gave the welcome address in the one-day national conference “TIST 2022: Integrated Approach in Science and Technology for a Sustainable Future” held in hyrbid mode.

He was invited to deliver a series of two lectures to the Students of Value Added Course on Sri Narayana Guru, at Mumbai University.

March 2022

3rd March 2022: Led the team outbound activity for the CRs and club leaders to Dudhia, West Bengal.

4th March 2022: Was present as a chief guest on the occasion of International Mother Language Day organised by Dept of Management studies

4th March 2022: Officiated the short meeting with the coordinators from 11:45 am to 11:55 am

5th March 2022: Addressed the Research Scholar’s Workshop held at the Research Centre, Salesian College, Sonada. In the afternoon, delivered the second online lecture on Sri Narayana Guru to the Mumbai University Value Added Course students.

8th March 2022: Delivered a welcome address on the occasion of Sangam – Ethnic Day celebration

8th March 2022: Addressed the gathering with a message for women on the occasion of observance of Women’s Day.

9th March 2022: Gave the introductory speech and introduced the new dean Dr Bikash Sarma for research & Publications and announced 2 book releases in the deans’ and coordinators’ meet.

10th March 2022: Presided at the Farewell Programme for the Hostel Warden at the Salesian College Women’s Hostel, Siliguri Campus.

12th March 2022: Gave a short speech on the success of the LoGroi memorial lecture

12th March 2022: Commenced the session with a prayer and delivered a short introductory note on the occasion of the webinar on Religious Practices in the Himalayan Spaces- Understanding Buddhist-Muslim relations.

13th March 2022: Inaugurated the Two Day Lion’s Club Mini-Cricket Tournament at the SCSC Grounds.

14th March 2022: Lighted the lamp and gave the opening remark on the event of Pi day

15th March 2022: Officiated the Deans’, HoDs’ & Coordinators’ meet. In the evening participated at the Online Event Planning Meeting with Hong Kong PolyTechnic University Service Learning Team.

19th March 2022: Welcomed and Addressed to the St Anthony’s School Class XII students on Visit to the Science Facilities in the Campus.

22nd March 2022: Delivered the opening and closing remarks on the occasion of World Water Day  organised by Department of Geography and Economics and presented mementos to the guest speaker Ms Richu D Dukpa on “Teesta Under Strain”.

28th March 2022: Delivered a speech on the occasion of Annual Students’ Seminar organised by the Department of Commerce, SCSC.

29th March 2022: Addressed the Special Assembly on the occasion of the Birth anniversary of Harichand Thakur leader of matua community, conducted by the Department of Sociology, SCSC.

30th March 2022: Participated and donated blood in the blood donation camp organised by the Alumni Association of Salesian College in collaboration with Blood Point.

April 2022

7th to 9th April 2022: Conveyed his regards and best wishes to the to the guest lecturers and the students. Also presented the guest lecturers with Khadas and tokens of appreciation on the occasion of the special lecture series organised by the Dept of Mass Communication & journalism

7th April 2022: Was present as a chief patron and and gave the opening remarks on the special lecture on : “ Ace Your NET: Tips And Tricks” (for PG students) organised by the Department of Education

8th April 2022: Was present as a guest of honour in the one-day national seminar on Empowering Excluded Women through Socio-political and Juridical Representations: Indian Experiences.

11th April 2022: Delivered the closing remarks and congratulated the winners in the Annual Academic and literary event INSCAPE

12th & 13th April 2022: Delivered the welcome note and inaugurated the mega annual college Fest INNOVISION 2022. Presented the mothers (faculty members) with Khadas to commemorate Motherhood Day. On 13th after the prize distribution, declared the closure of the Inter College event

19th April 2022: Delivered a welcome note on the occasion of the Yoga & Psychology workshop organised by the Physical Education Department

22nd April 2022: Gave his thoughts on the special lecture on Snake, Snake venom & Snaake venom research organised by the Dept of Social Work.

28th April 2022: Lighted the lamp and expressed his views on the occasion of the public speaking session for the students titled ELITE TALK.

May 2022

02nd May 2022: Delivered a speech on the occasion of his birthday

7th May 2022: Presided the meeting with the faculty members of the Dept of Physical Education regarding the signing of MoU with Sanju Football Academy

7th May 2022: Addressed the gathering on the occasion of the silver jubilee celebration of Fr CM Paul & Jagjivan Tirkey

11th May 2022: Delivered a lecture on ‘Education and Educational Impact: From Where to Where?” for the St. Stephen’s Young Leaders Neighbourhood-First Fellowship Programme 2022 at St. Stephen’s College, New Delhi.

14th May 2022: On the first day of the program, addressed the inauguration ceremony of Salesian Model United Nations 2022 and handed over the Designation Letters to the executive board members.

14th May 2022: Was present as the patron in the FDP on OBTLE and Bloom’s Taxonomy conducted by Dr. Merlin & Dr. Mary Jayanthi (VP, Holy Cross College, Trichy).

16th May 2022: On the third and final day of the program shared his insights on the power of meditation and conducted a short session on meditation marking the occasion of Buddha Purnima. At 4:30 pm, declared the program closed.

17th May 2022: Was present as the patron in the FDP on OBTLE and Bloom’s Taxonomy conducted by Dr. Merlin & Dr. Mary Jayanthi (VP, Holy Cross College, Trichy).

20th May 2022: Lighted the lamp , guest of Honour felicitated the and chief guest Mrs Sukantala Roy and Prof Samirendranath Dhar , released the departmental magazine Evolve of the Dept of Management Studies  on the occasion of 5th Tata Memorial Workshop on Case Analysis

21st May 2022: Supervised the programme and delivered a speech on the occasion of NSS Gratitude ceremony

21st May 2022: Commenced the Alumni Elections 2022-2024 with a prayer and welcoming of the members

23rd May 2022: Attended the Managing Committee meeting of Sonada Holy Cross Girls’ Higher Secondary School as a member at 2:00 pm

24th May 2022: Inaugurated the incubation and startup seminar Zenith with a message and a short prayer.

25th May 2022: Felicitated the guest speaker of the event. Sri Amit Javalgi offline orientation on Leadership Skills and Civil Services as career prospect

25th May 2022: Was present as the patron in the FDP on OBTLE and Bloom’s Taxonomy conducted by Dr. Merlin & Dr. Mary Jayanthi (VP, Holy Cross College, Trichy).

26th May 2022 & 27th May: Delivered the opening remarks in the seminar on Screen Cultures organised by Dept of English

27th May 2022: Felicitated the new post holders of NSS for the session 2022-2023 on the event of Cleaning and Plantation Drive of the Mahananda River

28th May 2022: Delivered a message to the outgoing students on the occasion of Graduates’ get – together with faculty and college management.

28th May 2022: Jointly inaugurated the Sanju Salesian Football Academy by cutting the ribbons with Mr Sanju Pradhan and addressed the audience on the occasion.

June 2022

8th June 2022: Lighted the lamp and Presided at the Graduation Day Ceremony 2021-2022.  Presented the Annual Report of 2021-2022, conducted the oath taking ceremony followed by declaring the candidates provisionally graduated.

10th June 2022: Delivered the opening speech, felicitated the Executive members of the Alumni Association and conducted the cake cutting ceremony on the occasion of ALUMNI PRO NIGHT

11th June 2022: Delivered a short speech and awarded the mementos to the final year students of SCCA on the occasion of Departmental Farewell of the Department of Commerce

13th June 2022: Delivered the closing speech on the occasion of Parents, Students, Faculty and College Management Meeting

18th June 2022: Presided over the IQAC Meeting in Marengo Hall regarding the review of AQAR 2020-2021 submission

20th June 2022: Contributed to the World Environment Day celebrations June 2022 organised by the Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education by facilitating and completing the Green Activities on Campus.

21st June 2022: Delivered the opening speech on the occasion of International Yoga Day 2022 organised by the Physical Education Department and NCC

30th June 2022: Gave a brief speech on the occasion of Fr. CM Paul’s Birthday

July 2022

2nd July 2022: Delivered the opening speech on the occasion of Van Mahotsav celebrated by the NSS Unit II of Salesian College Siliguri

6th July 2022: Started the first day of the Faculty Induction programme by welcoming the newly recruited Faculty members. After lunch, conducted a session on “History of Salesian College and perspectives in college education”

6th July 2022:  Presided the Project Fellow Online Interview conducted by the Department of Physics

7th July 2022: Began the second day of the Faculty Induction programme with a meditation session and short prayer and ended the day with feedback and sharing session.

8th July 2022: Began the third day of the Faculty Induction programme with a meditation session and short prayer and continued with a session on ‘Multidisciplinarity in College Education’

9th July 2022: Started the fourth and final day with a prayer and meditation session. Presided over a deeply personal and introspective session on ‘Drawing up a personal growth map’ after lunch. Ended the programme with a feedback and sharing session.

9th July 2022: Delivered a speech on the 14th Foundation Day of the Salesian College, Siliguri Campus and felicitated the chief guest Dr. Debasish Dutta (Controller of Examinations, NBU)

14th July 2022: Delivered a speech and welcomed the new students in the orientation programme of Dept of Management Studies

14th July 2022: Delivered a speech on the first of the four day long orientation programme for Dept of Commerce 3rd and 5th semester students

14th July 2022: Delivered a speech in the orientation programme for Deanery of Sciences 3rd and 5th semester students

19th July 2022: Delivered a speech on the occasion of Fr Saju Puthuserry’s (Vice-Principal: Arts & Humanities) Birthday and also felicitated him

20th July 2022: Presided the occasion of the inspection by Mr Subrata Sanyal from NBU to introduce NCC as an elective subject

August 2022

4th August 2022: Lighted the lamp and gave the welcome speech on the occasion of the Commencement Day programme for the 2022-2023 batch

5th August 2022: Welcomed the chief guest and was the patron on the first day of the week long orientation programme for the department of Commerce

6th August 2022: Delivered a welcome speech on the occasion of the Activation of Pianazzi Literary Society

8th August 2022: Delivered the closing speech on the occasion of the three day workshop Renouveau.

9th August 2022: Delivered a speech on the occasion of the orientation of the Office / Support Staff an also presided the Eucharistic celebration in the Nazareth chapel.

10th August 2022: Addressed the students in the closing speech on the event of Team Building Exercise

12th August 2022: Delivered a commemoration message on the Psychological Roots of Partition on the event of Partition Remembrance Day

13th August 2022: Joined the students in the photography field trip to Lava / Kalimpong and carried out an interactive session.

15th August 2022: Delivered a short speech on the occasion of the Rank Distribution Ceremony by NCC

15th August 2022: Delivered the National Flag and delivered the opening speech in the 76th Independence Day celebration             

15th August 2022: Was the patron in the Alumni Friend’s cup organised by the Alumni Association

16th August 2022: Presented the welcome note to the Rt. Rev. Bishop and all the attendents and also also addressed the new batch of students (2022-2023) and the Faculty members

17th August 2022: Gave the welcome speech and felicitated the guest  FR GILDASO MENDES DOS SANTOS SDB during his special visit and also gave a review of the seminar at the end.

18th August 2022: Felicitated the the guest speaker Mr S.S Selvam (Chairman of Tea Academy) and admired him on providing entrepreneurs on th occasion of the seminar conducted on Tea Testing

23rd August 2022: Presided the campus coordinators’ & Deans meeting

27th August 2022: Addressed the gathering at the Fresher’s Welcome programme 2022-2023 of the Science Deanery.

30th August & 1st September 2022: Was present in the event Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav – Safar-i-Swaraj by the Department of History

30th August 2022: Conducted the invocation on the first day of the Class Representatives’ Animation Programme.

31st August 2022: Accompanied the CRs of each class from all three deaneries to Auxillium Convent, New Chumta and  the Mayfair Tea Resort with the campus coordinators and the faculties on the second day of the Class Representatives’ Animation Programme

September 2022

2nd September 2022: Presided the meeting with the newly elected student council members after the Student Council election

2nd September 2022: Led the Prayer and Invocation in the IPR Guest Lecture on Protection of Non-Conventional Trademark in India: Issues and Challenges

3rd September 2022: Was the patron in the special lecture on Effective Communication: Opportunities and Challenges by Prof Mrityunjoy Chatterjee organised by the Dept of Mass Communication & Journalism

5th September 2022: Lighted the lamp and gave a speech and expressed gratitude to each and every faculty member on the occasion of the Faculty appreciation an award giving ceremony on Teachers’ Day

5th September 2022: Was invited to the Fresher’s Programme for the 1st semester of the Dept of Education at 11:30 am.

6th September 2022: Welcomed the guests and led the prayer at the gathering related to the IPEV (Induction Publicity Exhibition Vehicle) Road Drive by Indian Airforce

7th September 2022: Commenced the event and addressed the students in the Fresher’s Welcome Programme by the Department of Commerce

7th September 2022: Commenced the programme with a prayer in the Fresher’s Welcome Programme by the Department of English

9th September 2022: Addressed the gathering on the Special lecture on Intellectual Property Rights: Turning your Ideas into Patents by Dr Cresenta Shakila Motha, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, and Dr Juliet Catherine Angel, Department of Computer Applications, Holy Cross College Trichy(Online).

10th September 2022: Delivered a speech on the occasion of the Fresher’s Welcome Party of Dept of Management Studies; addressed the Brainbow Association at it’s World Suicide Day Special Lecture.

14th September 2022: Was the patron in the Free eye-check up camp organised by Salesian College in collaboration

15th September 2022: Gave the feedback and suggestion on the poster presentation competition organised by the Dept of Geography.

16th September 2022: Delivered a speech and gave the badges to the student council members and the office bearers in the Investiture Ceremony 2022-2023

16th September 2022: Delivered a speech on the event of Orientation for late admitted students 2022-2023.

23rd September 2022: Delivered a short speech in the IQAC Meeting for planning of work for AQAR 2021-2022 & AQAR 2022-2023

26th September 2022: Gave the opening remarks and welcomed the special guest Prof. Bidhan Golay in the special lecture on “Hegemonic Nationalism, Populism and Subalternity” organised by the Dept of Political Science

26th September 2022: Presided the meeting of the Vice-Principals and Deans.

27th September 2022: Lighted the lamp and commenced the event with an invocation and short speech on the occasion of the first day of the intra-college fest Exsurge

28th September 2022: Commenced the second day of the fest with an opening speech and at the end of the distributed the prizes to the winners

29th September 2022: Gave a speech in the Research Orientation Programme organised by the Department of Commerce

29th  September 22: The discussant at the Webinar on “Asian Religiosities and Interreligious Dialogue” where the main speaker was Dr David Palmer, Hong Kong University and the host was Dr Pius Thomas, Head, Department of Philosophy, University of Silchar.

29th Sep 22 (late evening) Online Event: Valedictory address at the AIACHE-AsiaNetwork MoU Implementation Webinar.

October 2022

02nd October 2022: Was present in the webinar on “Gandhi in Perspective; Gandhi as a Global, Organic, Public Intellectual” organized by the Department of History

11th October 2022: Was at the AIACHE office, New Delhi, to meet with the General Secretary as the outgoing President, for verification of Documents.

12th & 13th October 2022: Attended the AAWH (Association of Asian World Historians) conference, and Presented a Paper on “Consensus and the Future of India” at the India International Centre, New Delhi

15th October 2022: Delivered the Inaugural Address at the Team Building Activity organised by the Entrepreneurship Development Cell.

15th October 2022: Presided the All Faculty Meeting held at AV Hall from 12:40 pm for the IQAC instructions and belated birthday wishes to Fr Jagjivan Tirkey (Bursar and Local Economer)

19th October 2022: Presided the Deans, HoDs and Coordinators’ Meeting from 12 noon to 12: 45 pm

21st & 22nd October 2022: Was the chief patron in the inter-college cultural fest Innovison 2022

28th & 29th October 2022: As the chief patron in the two day workshop on Research Methodology in Social Sciences organised by the Deanery of Commerce, Management and Vocational Studies in collaboration with the IQAC, participated in the event and made his observations.

November 2022

03rd November 2022: Presided the Faculty Meeting conducted from 12:00 pm

5th November, 2022 – Inaugurated the event eComPhyMathix

9th November, 2022- Delivered the opening remarks in the 5th edition Elite Talk

10th November, 2022- Delivered the Opening address in the one-day workshop on Art integrated Learning & Art Therapy organized by the PG department of Education, SCSC.

10th November, 2022- Was the Patron at the Workshop on Web3 and Crypto organized by the TECHNE Association in collaboration with SOLANA.

10th November, 2022- Conducted the Oath taking Ceremony in the Annual Sports Day, SCSC.

11th & 12th November, 2022- Was the Patron of the two-day orientation programme on AQAR for the newly recruited Faculty Members

14th November, 2022- Addressed and welcomed the participants of the open Marathon Salesian Run.

14th November, 2022- Delivered a short speech on the occasion of Nehru Jayanti and Children’s Day.

21st November, 2022- Delivered the opening remarks in the special lecture Imagination in the times of Artificial Memory.

26th November, 2022- Gave a speech on the occasion of the Special Lecture entitled, Space Sciences: Astronomy and Astrology

26th November, 2022- Gave a speech on the occasion of NCC Day.

29th November, 2022- Gave away the badges and congratulatory message to the newly elected PG Council on the occasion of their Investiture Ceremony.

December 2022

2nd December, 2022- Facilitated and gave the vote of thanks in the meeting of the Salesian Tech Team and the IQAC in AV Hall from 11:30 am

9th December, 2022- Delivered a short speech on the occasion of the Felicitation of Rev. Fr Nirmal Vincent Gomes SDB, Bishop of Krishnanagar

12th December, 2022- Welcomed the guests and the key speakers on the occasion of the Media Conference on Development Journalism.

17th December, 2022-Delivered the Christmas message and thanked the audience for joining the celebration on the occasion of the Christmas get together of the faculty, office and support staff.

21st December, 2022-Attended the meeting with the Education Minister of West Bengal, Shri Bratya Basu and Vice Chancellor of University of North Bengal Prof. Om Prakash Mishra and received the letter for Autonomous status

22nd December, 2022-Inaugurated and delivered the opening address on the occasion of the One-Day National Seminar on The Concept and Practice of Catholic Meditation: An Intercultural Understanding, organized by the Salesian Research Centre, Salesian College, Siliguri in Conference Hall, SCSC.


January 2023

3rd  & 4th January, 2023- Facilitated and delivered the opening remarks on the occasion of the the two-day Faculty Development Programme on Outcome Based Teaching and Learning organized by the Objective Base Education Committee and IQAC of Salesian College.

5th January, 2023- Gave the opening remark on the occasion of the Orientation Programme of the Deanery of Sciences

5th January, 2023- Delivered the opening address on the occasion of the Parents, Faculty and College Management Meeting for the department of Management Studies and BVoc at SCSC.

5th January, 2023- Facilitated the 220th Governing Body Meeting  as secretary in the Board room at SCSC.

6th & 7th January, 2023- Delivered the opening address on the occasion of the Parents, Faculty and College Management Meeting for the department of Commerce at SCSC.

7th January, 2023- Presided the Autonomy Committee Meeting in the Conference Hall at SCSC.

9th , 11th  & 13th  January , 2023- Was invited in the inauguration and valedictory session of the FDP on ‘Advances in Research Methodology and Data Analysis’ organized by Siliguri Institute of Technology, Department of Management Studies

10th January, 2023- Delivered the welcome note and opening remarks on the occasion of the Parents, Faculty and College Management Meeting for the departments of Education, History, Geography and BA Program

18th January, 2023- Delivered a message on the occasion of the Special Lecture on “Importance of Writing Preferences in Humanities and Social Sciences” by Prof. Tanka Bahadur Subba.

24th January, 2023- Declared the results on the occasion of Commerce Premier League organized by Salesian College commerce Association.

24th January, 2023- Gave the opening speech during the event TechnoKrat organized by the Techne Association.

26th January, 2023- Hoisted the Flag and delivered the opening speech on the occasion of Republic Day

31st January, 2023- Gave the Thanking message to Prof. Tanka Bahadur Subba on the occasion of Book Release Event held in commemoration of Don Bosco.

February 2023

1st February, 2023- Gave the opening remarks on the occasion of the inauguration of newsletter: Influenzer: Society Today.

3rd February, 2023- Delivered a speech on the occasion of the event “Draft on Winning Resume”.

4th February, 2023- Delivered the opening speech on the occasion of the inter-deanery cricket tournament organized by the Dept of Physical Education.

4th February, 2023- Joined the picnic with the Department of Commerce, Section-B

10th February, 2023- Delivered the opening remarks on the occasion of the inauguration of the Psychology Wellness Studio.

11th February, 2023- Invoked the event on the occasion of the EDC Fete.

15th  to 18th  February, 2023- Presided over the Faculty Training Programme for Autonomy in Siloam

21st February, 2023- Delivered a speech on the occasion of International Mother Language Day

23rd February, 2023- Donated Blood on the occasion of the Blood Donation Camp organized by NSS Unit II in collaboration with Young Indians Yuva  and Siliguri Terai Lions Blood Bank.

25th February, 2023- Started the Student seminar with a prayer and opening remarks.

25th February, 2023- Chaired the Deans, HoDs and Coordinators Meeting in Marengo Hall, SCSC.

27th February, 2023- Delivered the welcome address in the Student Exchange Programme of the Dept of Management Studies, Salesian College and Auxillium College, Gandhinagar (Autonomous)

March 2023

4th March, 2023- Addressed the Students of Dept of Commerce, Section A who didn’t clear the semester.

11th March, 2023- Gave the concluding remark on the event Birding in Salesian (Study on Abundance and Diversity)

11th March, 2023- Presided the IQAC Meeting with the Core team at Sonada.

13th March, 2023- Facilitated the HoDs Meeting at Sonada

13th March, 2023- Gave the closing remarks in the event Coherencia organized by the Department of English, SCS

14th March, 2023- Delivered the welcome address on the occasion of Pi Day

15th to 17th March, 2023- Presided the Academic Audit of various departments at SCSC

16th March, 2023- Paid a visit to the NSS Annual Camp at Samthar

20th March, 2023- Delivered the opening remarks on the importance of research and the ways the students can conduct it on the occasion of the special lecture on “Basic Premises on Qualitative Research” organized by the Department of Sociology, Salesian College (Autonomous), Siliguri Campus in collaboration with IQAC as a part of the MoU activity in collaboration with Holy Cross College (Autonomous) Trichy

22nd March, 2023- Addressed the delegates at the first Model United Nations of Darjeeling Hills held at Salesian College, Sonada

23rd March, 2023 – Presided the Meeting with the Colleges of Kalimpong for mentoring in regard to NAAC

23rd and 24th March, 2023- Delivered the inaugural address on the occasion of the National Conference on “Emerging Trends and Challenges in Wellness Practices” organized by the School of Psycho-Social Praxis, SCSC.

24th March, 2023- Delivered the welcome address on the occasion of the “GEO-SLAM QUIZ 2023 on Past and Present” an Inter College Quiz Competition

25th March, 2023- Was the patron of the Institutional Awards Ceremony for the session 2021-22.

27th March, 2023- Presided the Academic Audit of various departments of SCS

28th March, 2023- Presided the Academic Audit of some departments of SCSC

30th March, 2023- Delivered the welcome address and felicitated Prof. Tomy K. Kallarackal, Dean of School of Commerce, Finance and Accountancy Christ University, Bengaluru on the occasion of Tata Memorial Lecture 2023

April 2023

10th to 16th April, 2023- Facilitated the meetings and signed an agreement with Infinisol, Krishna Giri, Tamil Nadu for upgrading the College ERP.

12th & 13th April, 2023- Facilitated the meeting of Fr Provincial with Office and Support Staff at SCSC

13th April, 2023- Delivered the welcome address at the valedictory session of Prof. Sherry Mou

24th and 25th April, 2023- Was invited in the event Still in Motion organized by the Department of Mass Communication and Journalism

24th April, 2023- Invited as the guest of honour for the inaugural session of the Value-Added Course in Service Leaning organized by the Women’s Christian College Kolkata and the Department of Education, Salesian college, Siliguri.

26th April, 2023- Invited as a resource Person in the One-day State level Workshop on Inter & a Process and Challenges Ahead in Siliguri Mahila Mahabidyalaya.

May 2023

5th & 7th May, 2023 – Delivered the inaugural address and the concluding remarks at the International Seminar on Religious Practices Across Himlayan Spaces Minorities in Mountains, Meditations in Monasteries, Monks and Mysticism, Mendicants and Medicines as the convener of the seminar

10th and 11th May 2023- Was the Resource Person for Internal Quality Assurance Cell Training at St Bede’s College, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh;

16th  May 2023- Conducted External Academic & Administrative Audit for St Bede’s College Shimla with Dr Pavitra Bhardwaj, Associate Professor, Jesus Mary College, New Delhi.

19th May, 2023- presided over the meeting with the mentee-colleges the district for NAAC with the IQAC team of Salesian College

23rd and 24th May, 2023- Went for the NAAC Peer Team Visit to Government Degree College, Longthorai Valley, Chailengta, Tripura as one of the Assessors

June 2023

16th June 2023 –  Meeting with Executive Director, Asia Network, Dr Dan Choffnes at Princeton.

July 2023

9th July 2023 –  Visit to Rubin Museum, New York, with Dr Dan Choffness, Executive Director, Asia network. 

15th July 2023 –  Visit Vassar College, New York, with Dr Dan Choffnes, Executive Director, Asia network, as AIACHE representative. 

29th July 2023 –  Meeting with Prof Loren Weybright at Don Bosco, Valley Street, Orange, New Jersey.

August 2023

1st to 5th  August 2023 – Visit Keldin Library at the University of Maryland and Interactions with Prof Spencer Benson, University of Maryland.

7th August 2023 –  Visit Dr Pareena Lawrence Gupta, Chair, United Board, New York with Dr Dan Choffnes and Dr Liz Trivedi of Asianetwork on behalf of AIACHE. 

8th to 10th August 2023 –  Visit the Archives at Divinity School Library, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. [Visit Salesians at St Francis Church, Naugatuck, Connecticut. ]

12th August 2023 –  Vist Salesian Archives, Salesians of Don Bosco, New Rochelle and at the Installation Ceremony for New Leadership in the Province Administration. 

14th August 2023 –  Meet with Dr Lynne McNammara of High Ed Abroad in Denver, Colorado. 

16th August 2023 –  Meet with Prof Marianne McJimsey former Executive Director, AsiaNetwork, at Colorado College, Colorado Springs and visit Grace and Stephen Church Art, Colorado Springs.

22th to 26th  August 2023 – Visit the Library of the University of Colorado Springs

28th August 2023 – Meet with Dr Lynne McNammara of HighEd and Dr Nate Duggins, Study Abroad Programme, Colorado State University at Denver. 

September 2023

1st to 12th September 2023 – Houston University Library, Sugarland, Texas

13st to 25th September 2023 –  Firestone Library, Princeton University, New Jersey

28th September 2023 –  Was invited to make a Contributor’s Intervention and Response on the book The INDIANS: Histories of a Civilization, at the Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures, Chicago University on the occasion of the Book Release in the US. Earlier in the day, on this occasion, explored research collaborations with Prof George Pati, Department of Philosophy, Valparaiso University, Illinois.

October 2023

1st to 15th October 2023 –  Gleeson Library, University of San Francisco, and had interactions with Prof Tikka Lamsal, Department of Comparative Literature and Charles Gagan, Counsellor. 

16th to 30th October 2023 –  At Salesian Camp, Aptos, California doing the editing work on the book CE and Democracy in India.

November 2023

1st to 16th November 2023 –  Gleeson Library, University of San Francisco, and had interactions with Prof Tikka Lamsal, Department of Comparative Literature and Charles Gagan SJ, Counsellor and Donal Godfrey SJ, the Campus Minister.

20th to 22nd November 2023 –  At Aiache House, Janakpuri and Don Bosco Press Okhla, New Delhi overseeing the publication details of the book Christian Education and Democracy in India

23rd to 26th November 2023 – Visits to Don Bosco Yerwada and Koregaon Park and presided at the Golden Jubilee of Wedding Celebrations of Mrs and Mr Annamma Joseph and Ravi Nambiar.

December 2023

1st December 2023 –  Participated at the Navathi Celebrations of Rev Joseph Kavilpurayidathil at Bethany, Chevayur and Maharani, Calicut with classmates of the batch of 1974-78 (Don Bosco Mannuthi)

6th December 2023 –  Delivered the 20th Anniversary Special Lecture at the Centre for Buddhist Studies at the University of Hong Kong on “The Role of Buddhism in the Multi-religious Space of Darjeeling”.

9-24 December 23: Worked at the Local Libraries of Henderson and Ranui besides visiting the Auckland Museum, Auckland, New Zealand. 

January 2024

7th to 26th January 2024 – Worked at the Waikato University Library, East Hamilton, New Zealand

19th January 2024 –  Addressed the Faculty of Jyoti Niwas College and others online as part of their International FDP programme on “Futuristic Trends in Education Sector”. 

27th to 30th January 2024 – Worked at the City Library of Rotorua, New Zealand besides exploring the city scenes and trails. 

February 2024

1st to 26th February 2024 – Worked at the Rectory, Taupo, walked the city, the Hukka Waterfall Trails and the Tauhara Mountain Trail. Completed the Online Classes on the Philosophy of Sri Narayana Guru Units I and II of Paper I and Unit I of Paper II for the students of Mumbai University. 

20th February 2024 – Addressed online the Faculty and Students of the Department of English, Assam Don Bosco University on the book “Christian Education and Democracy in India

March 2024

1st to 30th March 2024 – Interacted with the Syro Malabar Community at Katherine Drive, Ravenhall, West Melbourne, Australia.

April 2024

11th April 2024 – Delivered the Zheda Anthropological Seminar Series on “Living Dialogues: Interfaith Practices of Rural Life in Darjeeling.” at the Sociology Department of Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China.

Languages Known
German (has done GI & GII at the Goethe Institute, Max Mullter Bhawan, Pune with 82% & 72% respectively)
Membership in Professional Societies
Coordinator for IUS-Asia (Salesian University Institutions) EG (Education Group).
Member of Indian Theological Association.
Executive Member of Indian Christian Philosophers Association.
Executive Member of the Association of Catholic Colleges (Xavier Board).
Member of the International Association of Social Philosophy.
Executive Secretary, Forum for Inter religious Dialogue and Ecumenism, Darjeeling.
Member of the Academic Staff Council, NBU, June 2009
Advisory Board Member, Tribal World, Journal of Eastern Regional Progressive Tribal research & Welfare Organization, 3 July 2011.
Executive Member, All India Association of Christian Higher Education, New Delhi (for the second time), 30 January 2012.
Member, Court of the University of North Bengal, March 2012-2014.
Member, IQAC, PD Women’s College, Jalpaiguri, June 2015
Member, IQAC, Suryasen College, Siliguri, June 2019 – June 2020
Member, Founder Body, Salesians of Don Bosco, Kolkata, June 2016
President, AIACHE, January 2018 – Dec 2021.
Editorial Board Member, LitInfinite, Kolkata.
Member, Court of the University of North Bengal, March 2012-2014 (First Term); 2022- (Second Term)
Member, Founder Body, Salesians of Don Bosco, Kolkata, June 2016-2022; Delegate for Higher Education for SPCSA, Delhi, 2016-2022
On Editorial Board of LitInfinite, an ISSN Online Journal since 2019
Ombudsman for Assam Don Bosco University, Guwahati, for 2023-2024
Google Scholar Profile
SSRN Profile
Research Gate Profile
Academia Profile
Brahmarshi Sri Narayana Guru, (Translation from Malayalam to Nepali) by Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi (2016)
Teesta On the Run: Development Induced Displacement in Sikkim 1975-2010, A Salesian College & NESRC Publication, (2016)Co-author
Cultural Linguistic Transitions in the Nepali Speech Community of Darjeeling, a Sahitya Akademi Publication (2009) based on the research seminar on the same theme (March 2007), co-edited with Dr Lalita Rai Ahmed, Darjeeling Government College, and Dr Jiwan Namdung, convener for Nepali, Sahitya Akademi.
Vision From the Margin: A Study of the Sri Narayana Guru Movement in the Literature of Nitya Chaitanya Yati (based on Doctoral Research) published by Asian Trading Corporation & Salesian College Publication (2007).
Cultural Identity in Nepali Language and Literature a Salesian College Sonada Publication (2005) based on the UGC sponsored seminar on the same theme, (co-edited with Dr Jiwan Namdung, convener for Nepali, Sahitya Akademi, Mr Terence Mukhia, Department of Philosophy and Ms Basanti Mukhia, Department of Nepali, Salesian College).
Subaltern Perspectives: Philosophizing in Context an Asian Trading Corporation, Bangalore, Publication (2005) based on the ACPI 2004 Trinity College, Jalandhar session (edited).
Communities and Identity Consciousness: South Indian Trajectories a Madras University publication (2004) based on the researches on community transitions in the last century, (co-edited with Prof. Felix Wilfred, Department of Christian Studies, University of Madras).
Being A Priest in India: A Manifesto, (Sonada & Siliguri: Salesian College Publication, 2020). ISBN: 978-93-82216-21-6

Link: https://publications.salesiancollege.net/publications/books/being-a-priest-in-india-a-manifesto/

Intellectual Property Rights: Copyright, Trademark and Patent, (Salesian College Publications, 2022), Co-edited with Dr Rudra, Mr Patrick Johnson, Mr Anirban Ghosh and Ms Debarati, (Check more details from the book)
Being a Priest in India: A Manifesto (Hard Copy, 2023), (Sonada & Siliguri: Salesian College Publication, 2023). ISBN: 978-93-82216-21-6.
Democracy in Darjeeling (2023), (Sonada & Siliguri: Salesian College Publication, 2023). ISBN: 978-93-82216-34-6.
Founder & Series Editor/(Co-editor) of: Salesian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
On the Editorial Board from 2018 and as Chief Editor, New Frontiers in Education, from (2020 April Issue) https://aiache.co.in/dflip/new_frontiers_education.html
Vol I, 1: Spirituality in Victorian Poetry (May 2010)
Vol I, 2: Philosophy and Contemporary Living (December 2010)
Vol II, 1: Darjeeling and Indian East (May 2011)
Vol II, 2: Mountain Economy in Perspective (December 2011)
Vol III, 1: Literary & Linguistic Terrain of Translation (May 2012)
Vol III, 2: Indigenous Philosophies of the Himalayan Communities (December 2012);
Vol IV, 1: Technology and Society (May 2013)
Vol IV, 2: Sports, Games and Holistic Education (December 2013)
Vol V, 1: Engaging the Spiritual (May 2014)
Vol V, 2: Contextual Management: Theories & Practices (December 2014)
Vol VI, 1: Indigenous Management (May 2015)
Vol VI, 2: Christian Education and Modern Democratic India (December 2015)
Vol VII, 1: Education and Social Inclusion (May 2016)
Vol VII, 2: Identity, Resistance and Empowerment (December 2016)
Vol VIII, 1: Christianity and Indian Culture (May 2017)
Vol VIII, 2: Pen, Pain and Writing (December 2017)
Vol IX, 1: Politics of Ecology (May 2018)
Vol IX, 2: Darjeeling and Eastern Himalayas (December 2018)
Vol X, 1: Conflict in South Asia (May 2019)
Vol X, 2: Remembering Gandhi: Political Philosopher and Social Theorist (December 2019)
Vol XI, 1: Social Distancing, COVID-19, and Experiential Narratives I, (May 2020)
Vol XI, 2: Social Distancing, COVID-19, and Experiential Narratives II, (December 2020)
Vol XII, 1: Intersectionality and Literature (May 2021)
Vol XII, 2: Revisiting George Elliot: Her Life & Works (December 2021)
Vol XIII, 1: Belongingness, Identity and Discontents: Insights from India’s North East (May 2022)
Vol XIII, 2: Screen Cultures (December 2022)
Vol XIV, 1: Contemporary Society: It’s Extensions, Formations and Technicways (May 2023)
Articles & Chapters
“The Kerala of Narayana Guru: A Historical Perspective of Ideas and Society”, in The Indians: Histories of a Civilization, edited by G.N. Devy, Tony Joseph and Ravi Korisettar, ISBN: 978-93-95-853-09-5.
“History, Culture, Environment and Development: Kerala and Darjeeling A Study in Contrast” in Anjan Chakraborty, Rajarshi Chatterjee and Panchali Sengupta (eds), Interrogating Development: Perspectives on Economy Environment, Ethnicity and gender, Kolkata, Setuprakashini, 2017, pp.174-185.
“Reading Gandhi in Ambedkar’s Shoes: Reclaiming Democracy.” in Enhancing our Home: Re-Reading and Re-Living Gandhian Thought, ed. Johnson J. Puthenpurackal, Bangalore: Asian Trading Corporation – ACPI, 2016, pp.193-214.
“Community, Critical Knowledge and Rights” in Pius V Thomas, Knowledge, Theorization and Rights: Renegotiating the Connectives, Sonada, Salesian College Publication, 2016, pp. 56-71.
“Foreword: Darjeeling Society, Economy and Polity”, in Nupur Das, Darjeeling: Society, Economy and Polity, Siliguri, Salesian College Publications, 2014, i-vii.
“Re-reading Texts from New Contexts: In Search of a New World Order”, in Alphonsus D’Souza, O L Snaitang and Limatula Longkumer (Eds.), Globalisation and Response of the Churches, Guwahati, North Eastern Social Research Centre, 2014, pp.27-41.
“The Dynamics of Values: Sources, Contexts and Visions” in Ranjana Banerjee, Neeta Dang & Debika Guha (Eds.), Dynamics of Values, Kolkata, Loreto College: Departments of Bed & Education, 2013, pp. 21-35.
“Introduction: Positioning the Indigenous Philosophies of the Himalayan Communities” in Salesian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol III (December 2012), 1-18.
“The Cosmotheandric Experience of Raimon Panikkar” in Johnson Puthenpurackal (ed), Raimon Panikkar Being Beyong Borders: A Commemorative Volume, Bangalore, Asian Trading Corporation, 2012
“Expression of Words: A Collection of Short Stories” by Birbhadra Karkidholi, in Indian Literature: 267 Sahitya Akademi’s Bi-Monthly Journal, (Jan/Feb 2012), 237-240.
“The Protest Masks: Politics of Culture and Identity” in Padam Nepal & Anup Shekhar Chakraborty (Eds), Politics of Culture, Identity and Protest in North-East India, New Delhi, Authorspress, 2012, pp. 38-48.
“Sri Narayana Guru” in George Panthanmackal & Johnson Puthenpurackal (eds)., Encyclopedia of Indian Christian Philosophy, Bangalore, Asian Trading Corporation, 2010,
“Democracy” in George Panthanmackal & Johnson Puthenpurackal (eds)., Encyclopedia of Indan Christian Philosophy, Bangalore, Asian Trading Corporation, 2010,
“The Politics of Violence” in Ivo Coelho (Ed.), Violence and Its Victims: Philosophizing from Indian Context, Bangalore, Asian Trading Publication, 2010, 332-354.
“Philosophical Foundations of Spirituality in Poetry” in Salesian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Bi-Annual, Salesian College Publications, I(May 2010)1, 97-104
“Spirituality, Sexuality and Ethics of Care” in Felix Wilfred (ed.), Transforming Religion: Prospects for a New Society, New Delhi, ISPCK, 2009.
“From Fullness to Emptiness: Encountering Non-Dualism in Jesus the Buddha”, in Saju Chackalackal (Ed.), New Horizons of Indian Christian Living: A Festschrift in Honour of Vadakethala Francis Vineeth, Bengaluru, Vidyavanam Publications & Coimbatore, Preshitha Communications, 2009, 367-386.
“Feminism Rethinking Philosophical Categories”, in Patrick Gnanapragasam & Elizabeth Schussler Fiorenza (eds.), Negotiating Borders Theological Explorations in the Global Era: Essays in Honour of Felix Wilfred, Delhi, ISPCK, 2008, 542-552.
“Relevance of Language Study for Cultural Identity”, in Indian Literature, Sahitya Akademi’s bimonthly journal, September-October, 2008, (Vol. 247), 153-160.
“The Role of Social Sciences in Promoting Science” in I. Ahmed (ed.), Science and Society, Proceedings of National Seminar, Darjeeling Government College, (2008).
‘National Aspirations and Regional Autonomy: A Socio-Philosophical Perspective’, in Prathibha, Silver Jubilee Souvenir, Aryabhatta College of Advanced Studies, (Dissent and Dialogue, edited by Pius Vazhappilly), Thrissur, 2008, (n.p).
“From the Publisher” (an Introduction) in Tracing the Steps: A Psycho-Pedagogical Study of Charles de Foucauld’s Vocational Journey, by Dr Nirmol Gomes, (2008) Salesian College Publication, pp. viii-xiii.
“Culture and Identity” in Keith D’Souza (ed.), Culture as Gift and Task: Philosophical Reflections in the Indian Context, Bangalore, Asian Trading Corporation, 2008, pp.109-124.
“A Map for the Pilgrimage to the Other” in Journal of Dharma, Religious Literacy and Secularism, April-June 2007 (Vol.32, No.2), 153-162.
“New Age Religion: An Appraisal” in George Karuvelil (ed.), Romancing the Sacred? Bangalore, Asian Trading Corporation, 2007, pp. 331-354.
“The Role of Self in Developing Innovative Strategies in Higher Academics” in DISHA: Development of Innovative Strategies in Higher Academics, Proceedings of the National Seminar, St Xavier’s College, Mumbai, 2006, pp. 27-35.
“Democratization Process through Civil Society Institutions, ” in Victor PJ (ed), Discursive Hills: Studies in History, Polity and Economy, Proceedings of the National Seminar, St Joseph’s College, Darjeeling, 2007, pp. 95-106.
“The Person: an Eastern Confluence with the West” in Divyadaan Journal of Philosophy and Education, Vol.17 (2006)No.3, 301-316.
“Democratic Pluralism or Pluralistic Democracy” in Johnson J. Puthenpurackal (ed.), Pluralism of Pluralism: A Pluralistic Probe into Philosophizing, Bangalore, Asian Trading Corporation, 2005, pp.327-346.
“Sri Narayana Guru’s Vision of Liberative Religiosity: A Post Secular Approach to Religion” in Divyadaan Journal of Philosophy and Education, Vol.16(2005)No.2, 195-228.
“The Dynamics of Conversion” (an introduction) in Vibrations of the Heart: John Henry Newman, by Dr Merlyn George, (2004) Salesian College Publication, pp. vii-xi.
“The Making of a Tradition: The Vision of Nataraja Guru” in Divyadaan Journal of Philosophy and Education, Vol.13(2002)No.2, 159-190.
“The Birth of Tradition”, in Divyadaan Journal of Philosophy and Education, Vol.10(1999)No.3, 293-312.
“Discovery of a Tradition (Parampara),” in Divyadaan Journal of Philosophy and Education, Vol.9(1998)No.2, 1-16.
“Youth for Transformation of Society,” in Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection, Vol.LXI(1997)No.6, 386-392.
“The Transformative Power of the One World Vision of Sri Narayana Guru” in Vinay Lal (ed) India and Civilizational Futures Backwaters Collective on Metaphysics and Politics II, New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2019,pp. 240-260.
“Sri Narayana Guru: The Meta Identity of Trans-Izhava Indianness” in Sebastian Alackapally (ed)., Solidarity and Identity: Festschrift in honour of Prof Dr Thomas Kandankavil CMI, Dharmaram Philosophy Series 52, Bangalore: Dharmaram Publications, 2023, pp. 191-208.

Details of Participation in National/International Seminars/Symposiums/Conferences

Seminars Organized by Dr. George Thadathil

Seminar Topic Year Institution
Communities and identity Consciousness: South Indian Trajectories
Department of Christian Studies, University of Madras
Culture, Philosophy and Social Sciences
Salesian College, Sonada, Darjeeling.
Language, Literature and Art Forms
Department of Philosophy, Salesian College, Sonada Darjeeling
Nepali Linguistics
Sponsored by CIIL (Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore) at Salesian College, Sonada Darjeeling
ACPI 30th Annual Conference on ” Pluralism: Indian Christian Response”
Salesian College, Sonada, Darjeeling, Sponsored by the ACPI (Association of Christian Philosophers of India)
‘Culture and Identity in Nepali Language and Literature’
Sponsored by UGC at Salesian College Sonada, Darjeeling
Cultural Linguistic Transitions in the Spoken Nepali of Darjeeling
In collaboration with Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi, at Salesian College, Sonada Darjeeling.
Indigenous Philosophies of the Himalayan Communities
Sponsored by Indian Council of Philosophical Research, New Delhi, at Don Bosco Malbassey, Sikkim (May 9-10, 2009)
Christian Educational Institutions: The Making of Modern Democratic India
27-29 April 2011
Sponsored by Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla.
“Promoting NMEICT-INFLIBNET E-Resources in North Bengal and Sikkim” a Regional Seminar.
25 February 2011
Salesian College, Siliguri Campus
ContentNational Workshop on “CORSIKA- Cosmic Ray Simulation Software”
10-11 April 2012
Salesian College, Siliguri Campus
National Seminar on “Sports & Games: New Approaches to Holistic Education”
3-4 August, 2012
Salesian College Siliguri Campus in collaboration with Sports Board, University of North Bengal
IUS Asia Triennial Conference on The Role and Identity of IUS (Salesian University Institutions)
23-25 November 2012
Don Bosco Nitika, Kolkata
National Workshop on “Christian Influence on Indian Culture”
1-3 August 2013
Salesian College, Sonada (ICPR sponsored)
The IQAC seminar on “Autonomy: Means to Quality Enhancement”
23-24 August, 2013
Salesian College Siliguri (NAAC sponsored)
National Seminar on “Contextual Management: Indigenous theories and practices”
5-6 October 2013
Salesian College Siliguri Campus in collaboration with Don Bosco Institute, Guwahati (UGC sponsored)
The Intercontinental Seminar on Education and Social Inclusion: Challenges of Diversity
13-16 February 2014
Salesian College Sonada (IUS Education Group Sponsored)
Human Development Values Project of AIACHE
1-4 September 2014
Salesian College Sonada (Sponsored by United Board, Hong Kong)
Convener of the National Seminar on Human Nature Interface in North Bengal
20-22 November 14
Department of Political Science, Salesian College, Siliguri Campus
Convener of the National Seminar on Pen Pain and Writing
6-7 January 2017
Department of English, Salesian College, Siliguri
Convener of the National Conference on Trends in Science and Technology
27-28 February 2017
Departments of Computer Science and Mathematics, Salesian College, Siliguri
Convener of the International Conference on Darjeeling and the Eastern Himalayas
14-15 March 2017
Departments of Philosophy, Sociology, English and History, Salesian College, Sonada

Papers Presented in Seminars, Symposiums and Conferences

Title of the Paper Presented Topic of the Conference Institution, Place and Year
‘One world Education in the Vision of Sri Nitya Chaitanya Yati’
National Seminar on Moral Philosophy
Department of Philosophy, Sri Sankaracharya University, Kaladi, Kerala, March, 2000.
‘Liberative Religiosity in the Vision of Sri Narayana Guru: The Post Secular Approach to Religion’
National Conference on ‘the Post Secular and Post Religious Discourses on Religion and Secularity: Emerging Frameworks in the Indian Context’
Department of Philosophy, University of Madras and Department of Philosophy, Dharmaram Vidhya Kshetram, Bangalore, 14-16 December, 2001.
‘Language and Literature: Vehicles of Identity’
UGC sponsored seminar on ‘Rethinking Higher Education in India: Prospect and Retrospect’
Kalipada Ghosh Tarai Mahavidyalaya, 2-3 April 2004.
“Gramsci’s Significance in India Today”
29th annual Conference of ACPI on “Subaltern Philosophies: An Indian Christian Perspective”
Holy Trinity Seminary, Choggitti, Jalandhar, October 22-25, 2004
Understanding The Person: An Eastern Perspective
International Conference on ‘Personalism of Emmanuel Mounier,’
Salesian Pontifical University, Rome, 12-14 January 2005
“Environment as the Matrix for Cultural Identity”
National Level UGC Sponsored Seminar on “Culture, Environment and Identity”
Government College Darjeeling, 18-19 November 2005.
“Democratic Pluralism or Pluralistic Democracy: Postcolonial Possibilities”
30th Conference of the Association of Christian Philosophers of India on Pluralism: An Indian Christian Perspective
Salesian College, Sonada, Darjeeling, 18-22 October, 2005
“The Person: An East West Confluence”
80th Session of the Indian Philosophical Congress
North Bengal University Campus. 24-27 October, 2005
“Democratization Processes in Civil Society Institutions: A case study of Darjeeling”
UGC sponsored National Seminar on “Hill Stations in India: Challenges and Prospects”
St Joseph’s College, Darjeeling 8-9 September 2005.
“The Role of Self in Developing Innovative Strategies in Higher Academics”
National Seminar DISHA: Development of Innovative Strategies in Higher Academics
St Xavier’s College, Mumbai, 3-5 February 2006.
“Changing Faces of Social Identity: Cultural Linguistic Transitions in Darjeeling”
National Seminar organized by Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla
Department of Philosophy, University of Madras, Chennai, 6-8 March 2006.
‘Ethics and Ethnicity’
Calcutta Research Group on “Settled States and Unsettled Populations: Evolving Discourses on Social Justice in India”
Loreto College, Darjeeling 12 December 2006.
“Presence/Absence of the Marginalised in Philosophical Education: Challenges and Scope”
National Consultation of Philosophers on ‘Indigenous Philosophizing: Indian Horizons’
Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram, Bangalore, June 1-4, 2006.
“Positioning New Age in Feminist Philosophy of Religion”
ACPI conference on the theme “The Dynamics of Religion: A Philosophical Review from Indian Perspectives,”
Sacred Heart Seminary, Poonamallee, Chennai, 18-22 October, 2006
‘Catholic Higher Education and the World of Work’
National Conference on “Mission, Innovation And Transformation of Catholic Higher Education”
Stella Maris College (Autonomous), Chennai, in collaboration with International Federation Of Catholic Universities, Catholic Bishops Conference of India and Xavier Board for Catholic Higher Education in India Feb. 1- 3, 2007
Don Bosco’s Educational Project into the 21st Century
Jubilee Seminar on “Globalization and Education – Problems and Prospects for India”
Don Bosco School, Park Circus, Kolkata 17 March, 2007
“The Potential for Research in Social Sciences in Indian Salesian university institutions”
International conference of Salesian University Institutions on “Exploration of Collaborative Research Potential”
Colle Don Bosco, Turin, Italy, 23- 29 March 2007.
“Environment, Culture and Identity”
ACPI conference on “Culture: A Philosophical Look from the Indian Perspectives”
St Thomas Apostolic Seminary, Vadavathoor, Kottayam, 10-13 October, 2007.
‘Socio-Cultural status of Darjeeling Diocese in the Himalayan Region with special reference to the Interfaith Dialogue Commission’
Jubilee Symposium
St Augustine’s School Hall, Kalimpong, Darjeeling, 10 December 2007.
Guest Respondent at IASACT Scholars Meet
United Board, Institute of Advanced Studies in Cultures and Theologies, 2008.
Chung Chi College, Chinese University of Hong Kong 14 July 2008
“Philosophy and Literature” (In Nepali)
Annual Endowment Lecture, in the PG Dept of Nepali.
Darjeeling Government College, 21 September 2008.
“The Role of Parents, Teachers, Panchayat and Civil Society in Educating the Rural Mass”
Village Fest, Education Fair (Public Lecture)
Assam Lingzey 2008 Winter Village Fest, East Sikkim, 22 December 2008.
From Fullness to Emptiness: Encountering Non-dualism in Jesus the Buddha – Conjectures of a Vipassana Meditator
Round Table Conference on “The ambivalence of Nothingness, between negation of the human and openness to the divine.”
Institute of Sciences of Religion, the Faculty of Philosophy, UPS, Rome. 26th February 2009
The Philosophical Discourse and Reclamation of Indigenous Worldviews
ICPR Sponsored National Seminar on “Indigenous Philosophies of the Himalayan Communities”
Don Bosco Malbassey (Venue & Organized by Salesian College, Sonada)8-9 May 2009
Seminar Report on “Christian Educational Institutions: The Making of Modern Democratic India”
IIAS sponsored National Seminar on “Christian Educational Institutions: The Making of Modern Democratic India”
Rashtrapathi Bhawan, IIAS, Shimla, 27-29 April, 2011
Positioning the Philosophy of Sri Narayana Guru
The Philosophy, Vision and Work of Sri Narayana Guru: as an instrument of Egalitarian Social Change”
Rashtrapathi Bhawan, IIAS, Shimla, 7-9 June 2011
The IUS Networking: Indian Approaches
2nd Plenary of the delegates of IUS Education Group
UCSH, Santiago de Chile, 9-12 November 2010
Role of Catholic University in Democratizing Peoples
World Congress of Catholic Universities on ‘The Identity ad Role of Catholic Universities’.
University of Avila, Spain, 12-15 August 2011
‘ Ethics in practice: Rethinking Gandhian Perspective’
UGC sponsored national seminar on “Understanding Gandhi in our Times: Re-visiting Gadhian Ethics”.
PD Women’s College Jalpaiguri, March 2011
The Cosmotheandric Vision of Raimon Panikkar
Symposium on Raimon Panikkar
Morning Star College, Barrackpore, 26 October 2011
Dynamics of Values: Source, Context, Vision
UGC sponsored National Seminar on ‘The Dynamics of Values ‘
Loreto College, Kolkata 6-7 March 2012
“The psychological well-being in terms of internal experience”
Indo Bhutan International Conference: “CELEBRATING SHERIG CENTENARY- Gross National Happiness (GNH) IN BHUTAN AND INDIA.”
Jointly organised by Gaedu College of Business Studies, Bhutan, and Loyola College, Chennai, 14-15 May 2012
Education Group and Student Exchange
Triennial Conference of Salesian Universities – IUS International
Salesianum, Pisana, Rome, 10-14 July 2012.
The Inclusion Debate: Perspectives from the Margin
World Conference of Salesian Universities
Don Bosco, Madrid, Spain, November 2012
“Relevance of Pacem In Terris and Nairobi Document”
National Seminar on “Globalization and the Churches”
North Eastern Social Research Centre, Guwahati, 16-17 April 2013.
‘Education and Social Inclusion’
Triennial Conference of Xavier Board
Prabodhana Centre, Pallotine House, organized by St Philomina’s College, Mysore, 27-30 April, 2013.
‘Christian Higher Education and Social Responsibility’
AIACHE National Conference of Principals and Vice Chancellors
Christ University, Bangalore, from 1-3 May 2013.
“Bengal: In Search of Progress”
Regional Seminar on “Facets of Development in Bengal”
Organized by NESRC, St Xavier’s College, Rajganj, and Salesian College Siliguri Campus, 25-26 May 2013.
“SNG: Politics of Consciousness”,
Backwaters Collective IV: Metaphysics and Politics
Le Meridien, Cochin, 18-21 July, 2013.
“Christian Influence on Indian Culture”
Christian Culture Studies
ICPR sponsored National Workshop at Salesian College, Sonada, 1-3 August 2013
“Trends in Global Education and Salesian Response”
Principals of Salesian Schools: Annual Conference
Salesian Provincial House, Odxel, Panjim, Goa on 17 August 2013.
“Autonomy: Means to Quality Enhancement”
IQAC seminar on Autonomy
Sponsored by NAAC at Salesian College Siliguri, 23-24 August, 2013
“Education and Social Inclusion: Indian Perspectives”.
IUS Intercontinental Seminar Series II
Lorena Campus of Unisal (Centro Universitario Salesiano,) Sao Paolo, 11-13 September 2013
“Sustaining and Promoting the right conditions for Faith: Indian Youth Perspective”
National Seminar on “Creating and Sustaining Right Conditions for Faith”
Sacred Heart Theological College, on 19-21 September 2013
Presidential Address on Contextual Management
UGC sponsored National Seminar on “Contextual Management: Indigenous theories and practices”
Department of Management, Salesian College Siligur Campus in collaboration with Don Bosco Institute, Guwahati, on 5-6 October 2013.
“Networking Possibilities of Don Bosco Higher Education in India”
DBHEI Annual Conference
Don Bosco College, Panjim on 5-6 November 2013
“History, Culture, Environment and Development: Kerala and Darjeeling – A study in Contrast” at the at
One Day national seminar on “History, Culture, Environment and Development: Indian Experiences”
St Joseph’s College, Darjeeling, on 7 December 2013.
Welcome Address as the Convener
The Intercontinental Seminar on Education and Social Inclusion: Challenges of Diversity
Salesian College Sonada & Sponsored by the IUS Education Group 15-17 February 2014
“Language, Identity and Ethnicity in Darjeeling; Applying the Insights of SNG”.
Metaphysics and Politics Conference, Backwater’s Collective
Le Meridien, Cochin, 1-4 August 2014
Salesian Education in India and the role of Inclusivity in Higher Education
IUS EG delegates Meeting Fourth Intercontinental Seminar on Education and Social Inclusion
IUS Venice Mestre, Italy, 27-30 November 2014
“Community, Knowledge and Rights”
National Conference on “Knowledge, Theorization and Rights: Renegotiating the Connectives”
Department of Philosophy, University Campus, Assam University, Silchar, 16-17 March 2015
“Nurturing the Spiritual in Higher Education” & “The Contextual Relevance of Christian Higher Education in NE”.
North East Christian College Principal’s Forum
Don Bosco Institute, Guwahati, 18-19 April 2015
“The Salesian Identity of DBTI and its Possible Futures”
Stakeholders Conference
DBTI, Port Morseby, PNG, 9-12 July 2015
“The One World Vision of Sri Narayana Guru”
Sri Narayana Guru Samiti Global Summit
State Library, Shillong, Meghalaya, 20 September 2015
” The Need for Ecosophy in Contemporary World”
Philosophy Seminar on “Human Environment: Ecological Concerns and laudato Si”
Department of Philosophy, Salesian College, Sonada, 11 October 2015
“Salesian System of Education in Indian Cultural Context”
International Seminar on “Don Bosco’s System of Education”
St Anthony’s College, Shillong. 19-20 November 2015
Institute for Advanced Study in Asian Cultures and Theologies
Chung Chi Divinity School Chinese University of Hong Kong, 25 May -25 June 2016
“The Gaze of SNG at Ambedkar-Gandhi Debate”
Backwater’s Collective on Metaphysics and Politics
Le Meridien, Cochin 15-18 July 2016
“The Role of NBU Officers in Inclusivity and Excellence in Higher Education”
National Conference on Role of NBU Officers in Inclusivity and Excellence in Higher Education
North Bengal University Officers Association, NBU, 10 September 2016
SNG Vision: Rethinking Religious Education in India
Religious Pluralism in Asia: ICI Conference I
Hong Kong Institute of Education and Social Science Hong Kong University 14-20 May 2017
Dealing with Colonialism: Addressing a Contemporary Concern in the Classroom
Faculty Development Programme, SCSC
Salesian College FDP, 29 July 2017.
Challenges and Prospects of Christian Education in Contemporary India
National Consultation on “Building the Nation: The Constitutional Way”
SPCSA General Assembly, Don Bosco, Kolkata, 27-28 February, 2018
Conflict in South Asia: Causes and Consequences (Valedictory Address)
Conflict in South Asia: Consequences and Implications
Don Bosco Golaghat, in collaboration with SCS 14-15 March, 2018
Hindu Meditative Practices and Research
Mindful Connectivity: Asian Perspectives and Influences
Asia Network Annual Conference, Sonesta Hotel, Philadelphia,5-8 April 2018
Just Understand: Religious Pluralism, Religious Movements and the Future of Inter-Faith Dialogue in India
ICI Conference II on Religious Pluralism in Asia.
Hong Kong Institute of Education and Social Science Hong Kong University & Asian Centre for Culture and Theology, Chennai, 15-18 May 2018
Darjeeling University and the Prospects of Higher Education in the Hills: A Trans Historical Perspective
National Symposium on “Darjeeling University and the Prospects of Higher Education in the Hills”
Southfield College, Darjeeling, 4 September 2018.
Young People and Human Rights: Perception of Indian Reality
V Intercontinental Seminar and IUS Education Group General Assembly
Pio XI Campus, UNISAL, 1100, Alto de Lappa, Sao Paolo, Brazil, 17-19 September 2018.
In Response to Savarna Assertions in Kerala
Metaphysics and Politics, Backwaters Collective
Le Meridien, Maradu, Cochin, 25-29, July 2019
Indian Civilizational Resources: A critique
India China Indonesia Conference
ICRS, Jogyakarta, Indonesia, 5-9 August 2019
Salesian Translation Centre: History and Prospects
EAO Conference of Salesian Translators
Anisakan, Myanmar, 26-29 August, 2019
Myanmar, Bhutan and Nepal: Socio-political realities and Implications for Higher Education
ACCS-AIACHE Conference
ACCS, Panayur, Chennai, 5-9 September 2019
Consensus and the Future of India
Asia and the Globe: connecting the past with the Present
AAWH (Asian Association of World Historians) 5th Conference held in New Delhi JNU & IIC hosted on 12-13 October 22
Digital Platform and Regional Literature with Special Reference to Nepali
At the regional meet of Young Writers
Sahitya Akademi, Regional Auditorium, Kolkata, 17-18 September 2022
Ecological Conversion: A Salesian Perspective on Laudato Si
Addressed the Delegates of the Triennial Conference of Salesians of Kolkata
Don Bosco Nitika, Kolkata, 8 October 22
4th International Conference on Service-Learning (ICSL2022)
Education to Cultivate Social Responsibility
17 November 2022 (HKT 11:15 – 12:15)
In May 2008, the Nepali Sahitya Sammelan, Darjeeling conferred a citation and memento for the contribution made through the institution in promoting Nepali Language and Literature of Darjeeling.
In December 2008, the Rotary Club of Darjeeling presented a citation and memento for the contribution made towards community building through the promotion of literary and other art forms.
In January 2012, by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Darjeeling at its Golden Jubilee celebrations for services rendered in education, youth welfare, and social harmony in the region.
In November 2019 on 15th at Umrao Hotel, the IAF award for Salesian College by the International Association of Facilitators.
31 December 2021: Sam Higginbottom Award for Best Principal for 2020 conferred by AIACHE (All India Association for Christian Higher Education)
Coordinator for IUS-Asia (Salesian University Institutions) EG (Education Group).
Member of Indian Theological Association.
Executive Member of Indian Christian Philosophers Association.
Executive Member of the Association of Catholic Colleges (Xavier Board).
Member of the International Association of Social Philosophy.
Executive Secretary, Forum for Inter religious Dialogue and Ecumenism, Darjeeling.
Member of the Academic Staff Council, NBU, June 2009
Advisory Board Member, Tribal World, Journal of Eastern Regional Progressive Tribal research & Welfare Organization, 3 July 2011.
Executive Member, All India Association of Christian Higher Education, New Delhi (for the second time), 30 January 2012.
Member, Court of the University of North Bengal, March 2012
Chief Editor of NFE – New Frontiers in Education – an AIACHE Quarterly Journal from 2018-2022
Nomination to The Court of NBU Second time from October 2022 for a 4 year term.
Member, Advisory Board, Centre for Endangered Languages, Central University of Sikkim, since 2019
Member Research Advisory Committee, PG Department of English, SRM University, Gangtok, (2020- )
Member, Governing Board of Scottish Church College as AIACHE Nominee (2019-)
ANFEP (Asia Network Faculty Enhancement Programme 2018 Host College Lead for Asia Network (April 2018 – October 2018)
Personal Profile

Fr Prof George Thadathil SDB has a doctorate from the School of Religion and Philosophy, University of Madras, making a study on Sri Narayana Guru Movement in Kerala. He was a Junior Fellow, Indian Council of Philosophical Research during the period (1998-2000). He was the Head of the Department of Philosophy at Salesian College Sonada (2000-2009) and Principal (2000-2023). 

He has co-edited the work Communities and Identity Consciousness: South Indian Trajectories a Madras University publication (2004) based on his research on community transitions in the last century, Cultural Identity in Nepali Language and Literature a Salesian College Sonada Publication (2005) and edited Subaltern Perspectives: Philosophizing in Context an Asian Trading Corporation, Bangalore, Publication (2005). He is the author of Vision from the Margin (2007), and Co-author of Teesta on the Run (2016). His translation of the Life of Brahmarshi Narayana Guru (2016) and Divya Apkar (2023) – Daivathinte Vikruthikal by M Mukundan – from Malayalam (his mother tongue) to Nepali (the language of Darjeeling Hills) have been projects completed for Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi.

His latest works are Being A Priest in India (2023), Democracy in Darjeeling (2023),  and Christian Education and Democracy in India (Penprints 2024). He has over 30 research articles and book Chapters to his credit.

He has been engaged in Teaching, Research and Educational Administration. In 2019 he was awarded the Silver Plaque by the International Association of Facilitators (IAF) for leadership in Education. He is presently an Independent Researcher at Princeton University Library New Jersey (June–September 2023), University of San Francisco (October–November 2023), and University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand (January 2024) working on a book projectOn 6 December 2023, he delivered the 20th Anniversary Special Lecture at the Centre for Buddhist Studies, University of Hong Kong on “The Role of Buddhism in the Multi-religious Space of Darjeeling” and on 11 April 2024 delivered the Zheda Anthropological Seminar Series Lecture 2024 on “Living Dialogues: Interfaith Practices of Rural Life in Darjeeling.” at the Department of Sociology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China

Professional Profile

Professional Information

Institution Position Held Nature of Job
Salesian College Sonada & Siliguri
Principal, Professor, Rector – Siliguri Campus
Teaching, Counseling, Animation, Research Guidance & Administration

Educational Qualification

Qualification Name of Institution Class Year
Ph.D. | Title of Thesis:

The Vision of Sri Narayana Guru Movement in the Literature of Nitya Chaitanya Yati

University of Madras &

Indian Council of Philosophical Research

University of Madras
First Class
Jnana Deepa Vidhyapeeth

(Affiliated to Catholic University, Rome)

First Class
Kristu Jyoti College, Bangalore

(Affiliated to Salesian Pontifical University, Rome)

First Class
1988 – 1992
B.A Honours(English Literature)
Salesian College, North Bengal University
Second Class
Salesian College, Sonada (As Dual Degree Certificate)
First Class
Pre. Degree
St Anthony’s College College, NEHU University
First Class
Matriculation (Kerala Board)
Don Bosco High School, Mannuthy, Trichur
First Class

Details of Professional/Teaching Experience

Name of Institution Designation Period Nature of Duties
Salesian College Sonada, Darjeeling, University of North Bengal
1987 onwards
Coordinator of Extension Activities
1992 onwards
Local Leadership Training
HOD, Philosophy & Principal
2000 onwards
Guiding B.Ph students & staff pursuing research in their writing of papers & Dissertations and Socio-cultural Research
Founder Director of Salesian Publications
2005 onwards
Principal & Founder editor of Salesian Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences
2009 onwards
Administration and Coordination of the Faculty Research.

Assisted in the Ph.D. Supervision of

Title Name of the Candidate University
The Effect of Religious Therapy on Depression in Patients Suffering from Irrecoverable Illnesses.
Johnny KK
University of Madras ( As External Examiner, 2012)
Negotiating Gorkha Identity in Indian Nepali Novels
Shreyasi Chettri
Jadavpur University (As External Examiner, 2016)
Impact of Christianity on the Tamang and Lepcha Communities of Darjeeling District – A Philosophical Perspective
Terence Mukhia
Assam Don Bosco University (External Examiner, 2017)

Projects Undertaken

Name of the Project Institution Published
KABP (Knowledge Awareness, Behaviour, Practices) on HIV AIDS in the Locality of the College

(Similar studies on Early Marriage, Unemployment and School Drop outs have been conducted during the past decade)

A Research on the Local Traditional Music systems is in the process

Salesian College, Sonada

(Mini researches in the locality are part of Social Analysis Course for the final year students)

Department of Music Salesian College

The outcome of the study has been published as a write up in the local Newspapers sunchari and himalay darpan in Nepali.

The findings of the research project will form the curriculum of Music Course being offered presently as UGC, COP programme.

B.Ph Dissertations
Final Year Students
Over 50 students have been guided in the past decade in their final dissertation work for the Degree Programme in Philosophy.
The Impact of Higher Education in its Immediate Neighbourhood: A study Across Catholic Campuses in North East
Select Staff from the Xavier Board ENE College
The Research is to be coordinated by team led by the Bosco Institute of Master of Social Work wing for evolving strategies of intervention in catholic campuses
Development Induced Displacement and Deprivation in Sikkim 1975-2010:A Quantitative Database on Its Extent and Impact
Coordinated by Sonam Sherpa of the Economics Department with research assistants in collaboration with Fr Walter Fernandes, Director, North Eastern Social Research Centre, Guwahati.
The Study Report has been submitted to ICSSR and the report is ready for publication.

Published as Teesta on the Run (2016)

Low Enrolment in Higher Education among the Tribal Communities of Doars
Coordinated by Dr Sukant Banerjee in Collaboration with ICSSR, Delhi & Salesian Research Institute, Sonada-Siliguri.
(Project completed in 2016)
CORSIKA- Cosmic Ray Simulation Software
Coordinated by Mr Dhirodatta Subba and undertaken by Salesian Research Institute, Salesian College, Siliguri Campus
The Porting Facility for CORSIKA from Linux to Microsoft to be made available for users.

Professional and Academic Diary

October 2000 - May 2009

October 2000

‘Christian Presence and Perception of Christians in Contemporary India’ at the College Concert, October 2000

‘National Aspirations and Regional Autonomy: A Socio-Philosophical Perspective’ at the 7th Annual Conference of Indian Political Economy Association, Darjeeling, 17- 19 November 2000.

May 2001

Participated in the Refresher Course in “Effective College Administration for Principals and Vice Principals” held at Kristu Jyoti College, Bangalore, 17- 23 May 2001, under the auspices of AIACHE.

September 2001

‘Introducing the Theme: Culture, Social Science and Philosophy,’ at the two day Seminar on ‘Culture, Social Sciences and Philosophy’ held at Salesian College Sonada on 28th –29th September 2001.  

July- August 2002

Participated at the Management Development Programme on ‘Electronic Libraries in the 21st Century’ held at the MDP Centre, XLRI, Jamshedpur, 29 July – 2 August, 2002.

November 2003

Participated at the National Conference on “New Directions for Language and Literature Studies” organized by the University Grants Commission and held at Jorasanko Campus, RAbindra Bharati University, Kolkata, 28-29 November 2003.

January - March 2004

Participated at the training seminar for counseling and guidance through self enhancement programmes at Sadhana Institute, Lonavla, from 2 January to 12 March 2004 which included Vipassana Meditation Course (2- 14 January), Group Therapy (16- 24 January) and Holotropic Breathwork session (26 January- 8 February)

April 2004

‘Language and Literature: Vehicles of Identity’ at the UGC sponsored seminar on ‘Rethinking Higher Education in India: Prospect and Retrospect’ at Kalipada Ghosh Tarai Mahavidyalaya, 2-3 April 2004.

October 2004

“Gramsci’s Significance in India Today” at the 29th annual meeting of ACPI held at Holy Trinity Seminary, Choggitti, Jalandhar, on October 22-25, 2004. It is published in the book Subaltern Perspectives: Philosophizing in Context edited by the author.

Participated at the national workshop on ‘Future of Education in India’ organized by the Xavier Board of Higher Education at Satyodayam, Secunderabad, 26-28 October 2004.

January 2005

Participated at the International Conference on ‘Personalism of Emmanuel Mounier,’ held at Salesian Pontifical University, Rome, 12-14 January 2005.

March 2005

‘Culture and Identity in Nepali Language and Literature’ at the National Seminar on the theme held at Salesian College Sonada, 11-12 March 2005.

October 2005

Participated at the National Workshop on ‘Challenges of Higher Education’ organized by the Xavier Board of Higher Education at Indian Social Institute, Bangalore, 23 – 24 October 2005.

April 2006

‘The Role of the Self in Teaching and Research’ at the Research Scholars’ Seminar, “Gathering the Remnants,” held on 21- 22 April 2006 at Salesian college Sonada.

October 2006

“Positioning New Age in Feminist Philosophy of Religion” at the ACPI conference on the theme “The Dynamics of Religion: A Philosophical Review from Indian Perspectives,at its 31st Annual Meeting, held at Sacred Heart Seminary, Poonamallee, Chennai, on October 27-30 2006.

January 2007

‘The Role of Mother in the Educative Programme of Don Bosco’ at the Salesian Family Day and Commemoration of Mamma Margaret’s Beatification, at Don Bosco School, Liluah, on 24 January 2007

March 2007

“The Potential for Research in Socio Sciences in Indian Salesian university institutions” at the international conference of Salesian University Institutions held at Colle Don Bosco, Turin, Italy, from 23- 29 March 2007.

April- June 2007

“A Map for the Pilgrimage to the Other” in Journal of Dharma, Religious Literacy and Secularism, April-June 2007 (Vol.32, No.2), 153-162.

Elected the President of the Catholic Colleges Association for East-North East India (Xavier Board) for a second term at the General Body Meeting held at Christ College, Bangalore 23 May 2007.

August 2007

Addressed the gathering at Nepali Sahitya Sammelan hall on the occasion of Bhasha Diwas, organized by the Nepali Sahitya Sammelan, at Darjeeling on 20 August, 2007.

October 2007

“Environment, Culture and Identity” at the ACPI conference on the theme “Culture: A Philosophical Look from the Indian Perspectives” at its 32nd annual meeting held at St Thomas Apostolic Seminary, Vadavathoor, Kottayam, 10-13 October, 2007.  

December 2007

‘Socio-Cultural status of Darjeeling Diocese in the Himalayan Region with special reference to the Interfaith Dialogue Commission’ at the Jubilee Symposium held at St Augustine’s School Hall, Kalimpong, on 10 December 2007.

April 2008

Appointed by the North Bengal University as the Chief observer for the University Examinations 2008 in the hill colleges of Darjeeling.

May 2008

Awarded with a citation by the Nepali Sahitya Sammelan, Darjeeling on 25 May 2008, at the 84th Foundation Day for the contributions towards the development of Nepali Language and Literature through the educational activities, publications, seminars and research promotion over the past years.

June 2008

Addressed the ARCEIS (Association of Roman Catholic Educational Institutions of Sikkim) at St Joseph’s Martam on 28 June 2008 on “Preserving and Promoting Harmony in society and the Role of Educational Institutions”

July 2008

Participated as guest at the IASACT 2008 at Chung Chi College, Hong Kong, on invitation from the United Board, on 14 July 2008.

Delivered the Welcome address “Philosophical Foundations of the Spirituality in Victorian Poetry” introducing the State Level Seminar on “Spirituality in Victorian Poetry” at Salesian College, Sonada on 30 July 2008.

August 2008

Delivered the Welcome address “Mutiny and Nationalism” introducing the State Level Seminar on “Commemorating 1857: An Eastern Perspective” 1 August 2008.

“The Role of Social Sciences in Promoting Science” in Science and Society, the Proceedings of the National Seminar, Government College, Darjeeling,  5 August 2008.

September 2008

Delivered the endowment lecture on “Philosophy and Literature” at the Annual Endowment lecture series of the Postgraduate Department of Nepali, Darjeeling Government College, on 21 September 2008. (In Nepali)

October 2008

Awarded with a citation and plaque by Rotary Club of Darjeeling for Community Service at the 51st Annual Induction Meeting by the District Governor.

“Feminism and Rethinking Philosophical Categories”, in Patrick Gnanapragasam & Elizabeth Schussler Fiorenza (eds.), Negotiating Borders Theological Explorations in the Global Era: Essays in Honour of Felix Wilfred, Delhi, ISPCK, 2008.

“Relevance of Language Study for Cultural Identity”, in Indian Literature, Sahitya Akademi’s bimonthly journal, September-October, 2008, (Vol. 247), 153-160.

“The Role of Social Sciences in Promoting Science” in I. Ahmed (ed.), Science and Society, Proceedings of National Seminar, Darjeeling Government College, (2008).

‘National Aspirations and Regional Autonomy: A Socio-Philosophical Perspective’, in Prathibha, Silver Jubilee Souvenir, Aryabhatta College of Advanced Studies, (Dissent and Dialogue, edited by Pius Vazhappilly), Thrissur, 2008, (n.p). (reprint).

 “From the Publisher” (an Introduction) in Tracing the Steps: A Psycho-Pedagogical Study of Charles de Foucauld’s Vocational Journey, by Dr Nirmol Gomes, (2008) Salesian College Publication, pp. viii-xiii.

“Culture and Identity” in Keith D’Souza (ed.), Culture as Gift and Task: Philosophical Reflections in the Indian Context, Bangalore, Asian Trading Corporation, 2008, pp.109-124.

December 2008

Addressed the Education Fair and Conference ‘For better Tomorrow’ at the Assam Lingsay Winter Village Fest on the theme, ‘The Role of Parents, Teachers, Panchayats and Civil Society in Educating the Rural Mass’ at Assam Lingsay, East Sikkim, 22 December 2008.

February 2009

Participated online by submitting a paper entitled “From Fullness to Emptiness: Encountering Non-dualism in Jesus the Buddha – Conjectures of a Vipassana Meditator” at the Round Table Conference on “The ambivalence of Nothingness, between negation of the human and openness to the divine” organized by the Institute of Sciences of Religion of the Faculty of Philosophy, UPS, Rome, on 26th February 2009.

May 2009

Organized National Seminar on “Indigenous Philosophies of the Himalayan Communities” in collaboration with Indian Council of Philosophical Research, New Delhi on 7-9 May 2009 at Don Bosco Malbassey, West Sikkim and presented paper on “Religions in Darjeeling”.

Was a consultant to the CBCI-IGNOU chair for introducing BA Philosophy course in the IGNOU and invited to the Consultation of Heads of Christian Philosophy Institutes held at CBCI Centre, Ashok Place, New Delhi, on 29 May 2009.

June 2009 - November 2015

June 2009

Appointed as Member, Academic Staff College Council, University of North Bengal, by the Vice Chancellor, with effect from June 2009.

July 2009

Addressed the Association of Chartered Accountants of Siliguri at their Annual Seminar on the “Role of Chartered Accountants in Transforming Society” on 11 July 2009 at Savin Kingdom, Hill Cart Road, Siliguri.

August 2009

Addressed the Association of Don Bosco Colleges, India, at the Annual Conference held at Don Bosco Ennore, Chennai, 17-18 August on “The Research Potential of College Campus for Promoting Quality”.

September 2009

Presented a paper on “The Christian Philosophy of Higher Education” at the Alumni Conference on the occasion of Silver Jubilee, Department of Christian Studies, University of Madras, Chennai, 3 September 2009.

Organized the Triennial Meeting of the Student and Staff Representatives of the East-North-East Region Catholic Colleges for “Student Leadership” and “Mentoring and Research Potential in Campus” respectively at Don Bosco Institute, Guwahati, on 27-29 September 2009.

October 2009

Presented a paper at the Salesian Seminar organized by Salesian College titled “Don Bosco (1815-1888): In Search of a ‘Re-Turn’” on 19-20 October 09 at Sonada.

Submitted the paper on “Politics of Violence” for the Annual Conference of the Association of Christian Philosophers of India, on the theme, “Violence and Its Victims: Indian Christian Philosophical Reflections” to be held at Dindigul, Tamil Nadu, 22-25 October 2009.

March 2010

Presented a paper at the Department of Political Science, University of North Bengal in the seminar on ‘The ideal social order: Gandhian and Nehruvian perspectives’ on 30-31 March 2010, entitled The Ideal Social Order at Ideological Crossroads: Visioning a Future for India”.

May 2010

Release of the First Issue of Salesian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences: “Spirituality in Victorian Poetry”. Besides being the Series Editor, the issue carries an article entitled: “Philosophical foundations of Spirituality”.

Chaired the Session on “Innovative Practices in College Campuses” at the Triennial Conference of the Association of the Catholic Colleges of India (Xavier Board) 6-9 May 2010 at Rajagiri College of Social Sciences, Kakkanad, Cochin, and was reelected Board member and regional vice president.

July 2010

Delivered the Welcome Address and Chaired the Valedictory session of the National Seminar on “The Literary and Linguistic Terrain of Translation” organized by the Department of English, Salesian College, Sonada, in collaboration with the PG Department of English, Government College, Darjeeling, 30-31 July 2010.

August 2010

Submitted a Chapter entitled ‘The Protest Masks: Politics of Culture and Identity’

for the forthcoming Monograph on “The Politics of Culture, Identity and Protest,” edited by Padam Nepal, Department of Political Science, St Joseph’s College, Darjeeling.

October 2010

Delivered the Welcome Address at the National Seminar on “Technology in Society: Challenges and Opportunities” organized by the Department of Computer Science, Salesian College, Siliguri Campus, 5 October 2010.

Addressed the Leadership Trainees of the Catholic Colleges of East North East region during the Training Programme Organized by the Regional Board at Bosco Youth Services Centre, Bariatu, Ranchi from 17-20 October 2010.

Presented Paper titled “Sri Narayana Guru and Indigenous Modernity in Kerala” at the Panel on “Indian Masters of Suspicion” during the 32nd Annual Conference of the Association of the Christian Philosophers of India on the theme “Tradition and Innovation: Rootedness and Openness”, at Carmel Vidya Niketan, Faridabad, 25-27 October 2010.

November 2010

Presented paper at the International Conference of the Delegates of the Education Group of Salesian University Institutions held at the Catholic University of Silva Henriquez, Santiago de Chile, 9-12 November 2010 on “IUS Networking: Indian Approaches”.

Visited the University of Princeton, New Jersey (on 6 November), University of California, Berkely, (on 21 November) and the University of Stanford, El Alto (on 24 November).

January 2014

17 January 14: Delivered Welcome cum theme Address on Feedback Loop in Research at the one day Research Scholars Workshop held at the Siliguri Campus

February 2014

13-16 February 14: The Intercontinental Seminar on Education and Social Inclusion: Challenges of Diversity hosted and organized at Salesian College Sonada for the IUS Education Group and Delivered the Welcome Address as the Convener.

26-29 February 14: Invited participant at the SPRD (Strategic Planning and Resource Development) organized by the United Board at Shaw College Auditorium in the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong.

March 2014

6 March 14: Presented the Summary Report of the Year and appreciations to the Outgoing batch of students at the Graduation Day.

18 March 14: Addressed the Joint Faculty event on SPRD in view of ASHA grant and autonomy for the college.

April 2014

8 April 14: Hosted the Joint Meeting of the MP Nominee of BJP for Darjeeling, Mr SS Ahluvalia and Bishop Stephen Lepcha DD, of Roman Catholic Diocese of Darjeeling as a pre-poll encounter at the College Principal’s Office.

14 April 14: Initiated the process for the MoU for online payment for admissions through the ERP provider epaathsala and Billdesk the payment gateway.

July-August 2014

31 July- 4 August 14: Participated and Presented paper at the Metaphysics and Politics Conference of the Backwater’s Collective, at Le Meridien, Cochin, on “Language, Identity and Ethnicity in Darjeeling; Applying the Insights of SNG”.

September 2014

1-4 September 14: Inaugural and Welcome Address to the participants and resource persons at the Human Development Values Project organized at Salesian College Sonada by AIACHE and sponsored by United Board, Hong Kong.

October 2014

18-21 October 14: Participated on Invitation at the AULP on Massification of Education in Asia organized by the Hong Kong Institute of Education and the United Board at the Hong Kong Institute of Education, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong.

November 2014

20-22 November 14: Delivered the Welcome Note and the Valedictory Address at the National Seminar on Human Nature Interface in North Bengal organized by the Department of Political Science, Siliguri Campus.

27- 30 November 14:  Presented Paper on Salesian Education in India and the role of Inclusivity in Higher Education at the Fourth Intercontinental Seminar on Education and Social Inclusion and the IUS EG delegates Meeting at IUS Venice Mestre, Italy.

January 2015

1-4 January 15: Accompanied the Joint Faculty visit to Shanti Niketan & Viswa bharati on the occasion of the college being granted CPE status 2nd cycle for discovery of Bengal’s heritage and educational legacy of Rabindranath Tagore.

March 2015

16-17 March 15: Presented paper on “Community, Knowledge and Rights” at the National Conference  on “Knowledge, Theorization and Rights: Renegotiating the Connectives”, organized by the Department of Philosophy, Assam University, Silchar, at their Department in the University Campus.

19-20 March 15: Presented the Welcome and Appreciation for the outgoing batch at the Graduation Day at Salesian College Sonada & Siliguri.

April 2015

8-11 April 15: Visited Marwari College, Bhagalpur, on deputation as Member in the Peer Team for the NAAC assessment of the College.

18-19 April 15: Addressed the North East Christian College Principal’s Forum at the Don Bosco Institute on the theme “Nurturing the Spiritual in Higher Education” & “The Contextual Relevance of Christian Higher Education in NE”.

May 2015

1-3 May 15: Participated at the Xavier Board Triennial Conference held at Christ University, Bangalore.

9 May 15: Addressed the Alumni batch of 2005 at Salesian College, Sonada.

12-15 May 15: Addressed the New Faculty at the Annual Orientation for the New Faculty of the College held at Salesian College, Siliguri Campus.

19 May 15: Invited to make Presentation to the team of experts on the Community College/B.Voc Scheme submitted by the college at the Delhi UGC office, Bahadur Zafar Shah Marg, towards the final round of the selections.

June 2015

8 June 15: Delivered the Inaugural Address ” Philosophy and Teaching Philosophy” at the Inauguration of the Department of Philosophy (B.Ph), Salesian College, Sonada.

July 2015

9-12 July 15: Addressed the Stakeholders Conference of DBTI, Port Morseby, PNG, on “The Salesian Identity of DBTI and its Possible Futures” as the Resource Person on behalf of the IUS International.

13-17 July 15: Participated at the 25th Triennial Conference of IFCU at the Australian Catholic University, Melbourne, as a registered member institution of the association.

August 2015

27-29 August 15: Participated at the North East Principal’s Forum for Strategic Planning organized by the United Board and AIACHE at the Bethel Retreat Centre for the Union Christian College, Badapani, Shillong.

September 2015

14 September 15: Met with Chief Minister, Mamata Banerjee at the Inaugural Function of the Knowledge Hub of Presidency University, at Dove Hill, Kurseong, with the Proposals for the College being included for Pay packet Scheme and State Development Grants.

20 September 15: Addressed the Sri Narayana Guru Samiti Global Summit held at the State Library, Shillong on “The One World Vision of Sri Narayana Guru” as invited Guest Speaker for the occasion.

October 2015

1 October 15: Participated in the National Level Conclusion of the 200th Birth Anniversary of the Founder of the College and Salesian/Don Bosco works in India at Don Bosco School, Alaknanda, New Delhi.

9 October 15: Inaugurated the first Student Seminar on Indian Foreign Policy and International relations organized by the Department of Political Science, Sonada.

11 October 15: Delivered the Presidential address, “The Need for Ecosophy in Contemporary World” at the Philosophy Seminar on “Human Environment: Ecological Concerns and laudato Si” organized by the Department of Philosophy, Salesian College, Sonada.

November 2015

18 November 15: Participated at the Principal’s Forum of Christian Minority Colleges of West Bengal, hosted at St Xavier’s College, Kolkata.

19-20 November 15: Presented paper on “Salesian System of Education in Indian Cultural Context” at the International Seminar on “Don Bosco’s System of Education” held at St Anthony’s College, Shillong.

December 2015

1 December 15: Preliminary Meetings with the Team from Newman University Birmingham, at Scope Complex, New Delhi, regarding the MoU on student and Faculty Exchange.


January 2016

5-20 January 16: Visiting Scholar at Yale University Library. Visited Yale Art Gallery and the Knights of Columbus Museum at New Haven; Witnessed the Play ‘Born Fat’ at the Seven Angels Theatre, Waterbury, Connecticut.

February-March 2016

1 February – 24 March 16: Visiting Scholar at Princeton Theological Seminary and Firestone Library, Princeton University, New Jersey.

13 February 16: Participated at the Mass of the Universe, a Musical Rendition by Bora Yoon, PhD scholar in Sacred Music at the University Chapel, Princeton University.

16 February 16: Participated at the Lecture by May Hayes on “RedT: Safe Zone for Translators in Terrorist Combat and Translations” at the Princeton Community Lecture Series.

18 February 16: Had Lunch Meeting with Sanjiv Kulkarni, Dean, Graduate School, Princeton University.

19 February 16: Had Interview with Elaine Pagels, author of Beyond Belief, and head, Department of Religion at Princeton University.

28 February 16: Visited George Town University, Washington and had Dinner Meeting with Mike Sheeran Sj, the Coordinator for Jesuit Higher Education in US at Union Station, Washington With Rosey and Dhiren of Darjeeling living in Leesburg.

April-May 2016

10 April 16: Visited the campus of University of California, Santa Cruz Campus.

12 April 16: Visited the Green Library, Stanford University, Palo Alto.

26 April – May 20: Visiting Scholar at University of San Francisco at the Gleeson Library.

3 May 16: Visited the Portland Gurukula to Interview Scott Teitsworth and Deb Buchanan

5 May 16: Visited the Bainbridge Island Gurukula at Seattle to Interview Nancy Yielding.

11 May 16: Visited Stanford University and had an interview with Aishwary Kumar of the Department of History.

12 May 16: Visited University of California, Berkeley Library and met with Prof Arthur Lenti, sdb, Historian and Editor of the Journal the Salesian Studies.

May-June 2016

29 May-25 June 16: At The Institute for Advanced Study in Asian Cultures and Theologies as the IASACT Mentor for 16 Scholars at the CUHK Divinity School, assisting the forum for research, reflection and writing.

July 2016

15-18 July 16: Presented paper on “The Gaze of SNG at Ambedkar-Gandhi Debate” at the Backwater’s Collective on Metaphysics and Politics in Le Meridien, Cochin.

August 2016

17-19 August 16: Facilitated the Faculty Orientation and Strategic Planning for the Faculty of Salesian College with Mark Pixley of Leadership Inc, Shenzhen China.

September 2016

10 September 16: Presented a paper on “The Role of NBU Officers in Inclusivity and Excellence in Higher Education” at the National Conference on the Theme by North Bengal University Officers Association.

17 September 16: Addressed the Annual Conference of the Don Bosco Colleges at Don Bosco College, Sulthan Bathery, on “The Salesian Identity of Higher Education”.

18 September 16: Addressed the Sri Narayana Mandira Samiti’s 162nd Birth Anniversary celebrations of Sri Narayana Guru on “The Role of the Guru and Community in Contemporary India” at Sri Narayana Guru College, Chembur, Mumbai.

January 2017

18-20 January 17: Invited as Consultant to the India China Institute-UB consultation on China Studies in India held at AIACHE house Janakpuri, New Delhi.

22-30 January 17: Invited to Hong Kong Institute of Educational Sciences for consultation on India China Indonesia Conference on “Pluralism in Asia and Globalisation”.

February 2017

2-6 February 17: Meeting with Salesian College Alumni and Friends in San Bernadino, Los Angeles, USA.

March 2017

1-4 March 17: Participated at the South Asian Consultation of the Leaders of Salesians of Don Bosco, at the Citadel, Chennai.
14-15 March 17: Welcome Address at the International Seminar on “Darjeeling and the Eastern Himalayas: Multidisciplinary Approaches”, organized by the Departments of Philosophy, English, History and Sociology, Salesian College, Sonada.
18 March 17: Resource Person at the Research Scholars Workshop held at Salesian College, Siliguri campus.
27-29 March 17: Welcomed Dr M Pinheiro as Resource Person and Inaugurated the NAAC RAR preparation Training Workshop for the College faculty held at Salesian College, Sonada.

May 2017

10-12 May 17: Invited to the Shanghai Library, Shanghai University and Indonesian Youth Association, Shanghai, China.

13 May 17: Visited the Yunnan University Library and Campus, Kunming, China.

14-20 May 17: Participated and Presented Paper on “Sri Narayana Guru Movement and the Educational Vision for One World” at the ICI Conference I, on “Religious Pluralism in Asia” 2017 at the HKISS, Hong Kong University

30 May 17: Presided at the Meeting of the Editorial Board of Salesian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, at AV Hall, SCSC.

June 2017

4-5 June 17: Co-Animated the Induction Programme for the New Teaching Members of the Community of Don Bosco Schools of Kolkata-Bihar-SIkkim-Nepal.

27-29 June 17: Co-coordinated the Translation Workshop in collaboration with ANUVAD, Translation Unit of the Department of Comparative literature, Jadavpur University and Translation Centre, Salesian College at Siliguri Campus.

30 June 17: Addressed the new faculty of both campuses at the Annual Induction Programme held at Salesian College, Siliguri Campus.

July 2017

7 July 2017: Represented the DBHEI and Governing Body of Salesian College, at the Inauguration of the St Xavier’s University, New Town, Kolkata.

14-17 July 17: Invited to the Cochin Conference on Metaphysics and Politics held at Le Meridien, Cochin, Kerala and presented a  response paper on Vivek Dhareswar’s “The Saddle of Experience” entitled: ‘Experience and the Counter Experience’.

18 July 17: Participated as Member, NSS Advisory Committee, University of North Bengal, with the Regional President of NSS, State Unit.

29 July 17: Addressed the Faculty as FDP on “Dealing with Colonialism: Addressing a Contemporary Concern in the Classroom”.

August 2017

19 August 17: Presided at the IQAC Meeting held at Salesian College Siliguri Campus, and reviewed the preparedness for the NAAC reacreditation (3rd Cycle) work in progress.

September 2017

4 September 17: Visited Sahitya Akademi regarding the Translation Projects and the UGC head office, regarding the PFMS clearance for the College finances.

19-20 September 17: Delivered the Welcome Address at the 8th Verzotto Memorial Lecture Series on “Making Sense of India” by Research Scholar and Author, Braj Ranjan Mani, from New Delhi at Sonada and Siliguri Campuses respectively.

21 September 17: Delivered an Invited Speech on “The Negative Effects of Social Media on Youth” at the Annual DBL Alumni Debate/Panel Discussion.

24-25 September 17:On  NAAC Visit to Rajashri Chatrapati Sahu Maharaj College of Arts and Commerce, Kolhapur, Maharashtra as Member in the NAAC Peer Team.

October 2017

12-15 October 17: On NAAC Visit to Purnea College, Purnea, Bihar as Member Secretary of the NAAC Peer Team.

24 October 17: Presided over  the PTSA Meeting and the nomination of Parents representatives for the year in the SCS campus.

27 October 17 Presided over the Research and Translation Centre Committee and the IQAC Meetings at Siliguri Campus.

30 October 17: Coordinated the GB Meeting as its Member Secretary at Salesian College Sonada.

November 2017

11 November 17: Organized the Core Committee Meeting of the Darjeeling Dialogue Forum, as its Member Secretary, held at Ashyana, the residence of one of the founding members, Prof. Irshad Ahmed.

16 November 17: Anchored and Moderated the National Symposium organized at Don Bosco Park Circus Auditorium as the 80th Year celebrations of Salesian College Sonada, on the theme “Contemporary India and The Future of Catholic Higher Education” at which the five Catholic Universities of India were represented and released the book, ‘On A Stormy Course’ by Dr Valson Thampu, former principal of St Stephens College New Delhi.

24-25 November 17: Delivered the Welcome Address at the National Seminar on “India’s Indira: Centennial Recollections” organized by the Department of Political Science, Siliguri Campus.

26 November 17: Participated at the national NCC day held at Siliguri College, along with the first batch of NCC students of Salesian College.

27-28 November 17: Inaugurated the Two Day UB Sponsored event for the Principals of North Bengal in collaboration with NBU and the Principals Forum of North East.

December 2017

29 November – 2 December 17: Co-coordinated the FORTE (Faculty Orientation for Research and Teaching Excellence) sponsored by United Board.

8 December 17: Presided at the Parents Teachers Students Association Meeting in the AV Hall and later at the Pre Christmas gathering and Jubilee concert show for the first year parents in the College Auditorium.

9 December 17: Co-coordinated the Research Scholar’s Workshop and the Darjeeling Scholars’ Forum.

 17 December 17: Presided over the Dialogue Forum Meeting held at the Dharma Chakra hall of Buddhist Community in Darjeeling in the afternoon.

22-24 December 17: Planning Sessions with Dr Glenn Shive of American Centre, Hong Kong, on visit to Darjeeling, about the ANFEPT 2018 programme.

January 2018

15 January 18: Visit to Marin Country Foundation to solicit financial assistance for Collaborative Projects with Salesian College.

20 January 18: Interactions with Dominican College, Marin County for Learn Serve Explore programme for its students as a Winter/Summer Programme in Darjeeling.

29-30 January 18: AIACHE General Body Meeting held at Christ University elects Fr Prof George Thadathil, Principal Salesian College, as its President.

February 2018

20 February 18: Meeting with the RESIDE Project Team of Brooke’s University, Oxford, and IIIT and MNIT Hyderabad and Udaipur at Lemon Tree Hotel, New Delhi.

27-28 February 18: Resource Person and participant at the SPCSA  Conference on ‘Nation Building: The Constitutional Way’, at Don Bosco, Kolkata.

March 2018

5 March 18: Welcomed Senior Nehru Fullbright Scholar, Prof Kanta Kochar Lindgren from US, to the campus for the Life Orientation Programme for the outgoing batch of students on ‘Performance and Creativity’.

7 March 18: Presided over the Executive Board Meeting of AIACHE held at Principal’s Chamber, Jyoti Niwas College, Bangalore.

12 March 18: The Revised Personnel Policy of the College, approved by the Founder  Body was promulgated on campus at a Meeting with the office and support staff, faculty and management.

13 March 18: Participates on invitation at the Bengal Means Business Meet at Chowrastha, Darjeeling, with Hon’ble Chief Minister Ms Mamta Banerjee and the Entrepreneurs of Bengal-Darjeeling.

14 March 18: Presided at the Graduation Day and presented the Annual Report at the Graduation Day ceremony, Siliguri Campus.

16-17 March 18: Participated, chaired sessions and delivered Valedictory address at the Collaborative seminar with Don Bosco College Golaghat and Salesian College Sonada held at Don Bosco College, Golaghat on ‘Social Conflicts in South Asia: Causes and Implications”.

24 March 18: Welcomed the University Experts Team for the initiation of PG in Education and Psychology in the campus for the upcoming session.

28 March 18: Inaugurated the Tata Memorial Lecture for the year by the BBA department of the Siliguri Campus.

April 2018

6-9 April 18: Participated and Presented paper on “Mindfulness and Hindu Meditative Practices” at the Annual Conference of Asia Network and met with the ANFEP group of 2018 due to visit India at the Sonesta Hotel, Philadelphia, USA.

10-20 April 18: Was an Independent Research Scholar at Princeton University Firestone Library, New Jersey, USA.

21-22 April 18: Participated at the Alumni Meet of SCS at Phoenix, Arizona, USA.

May 2018

1 May 18: Presided at the Annual Alumni Meet of SCS.

2 May 18: Coordinated and Presided at the Joint Faculty Meeting and the NAAC preparations review of the SSR criterion wise teams held at Salesian College Siliguri Campus.

6 May 18: Presided at the Executive Board Meeting of AIACHE held at AIACHE House, Janakpuri, New Delhi.

9 May 18: Presided at the Graduation Day ceremony at SCS and presented the annual report.

10-12 May 18: Welcomed and coordinated the United Board Sponsored mock visit of the institution in preparation for the NAAC 3rd cycle accreditation by Madras Christian College, Chennai.

14-18 May 18: Participated and presented paper on ” Just Understand: Religious Pluralism, Religious Movements and the Future of Inter-Faith Dialogue in India” at the HKSSC and UB sponsored ICI Conference II on ‘Religious Pluralism in Asia’ held at Beach Resort, East Coast Road, Chennai.

26 May 18: Presided at the IQAC meeting held at Board Room, SCS.

28 May 18: Presided at the Translation Centre core committee Meeting held at SCS.

June 2018

14-16 June 18: Co-coordinated the Induction cum Orientation Programme for the New and Young Faculty of the year was held at Salesian College Sonada.

20-29 June 18: The 10 participants and three guides of the ANFEP 2018 group were welcomed and their programme co-coordinated including an international seminar on “Social and Religious Identity of the Darjeeling-Sikkim Region” (23.06.18) and an “Interfaith Dialogue” (28.06.18) at Sai Mandir Chowrastha, Darjeeling.

July 2018

2 July 18: Welcomed and presided at the inaugural worship for the new batch of students for the year at Salesian College, Sonada.

7 July 18: Met with the Bengal unit of AIACHE and heads of colleges, to address the interference of government in the appointment of support staff in Christian Minority Institutions and the preventive measures.

8 July 18: Visited and consulted with the Vice Chancellor and Registrar of SHUATS (Sam Higginbotham University of Agriculture and Technological Sciences) at Allahabad.

14 July 18: Addressed the Class Representatives at the One Day animation organized for them at Claretian Villa, Sonada.

17-30 July 18: Participates at the Leadership Training Seminar for Salesian Leaders of Academic Communities held at Don Bosco Renewal Centre, Bangalore.

August 2018

1 August 18: Visited the UGC head office to confirm the approval of the BVoc courses in Tourism and Retail Management and visited the Sahitya Akademi to confirm the Translation Projects and workshop.

5 August 18: Met with campus coordinators regarding the course of action in view of the CPE advisory committee visit and the NAAC accreditation 3rd Cycle.

23 August 18: Presided at the Finance Committee meeting at SCSC

24 August 18: Coordinated the reconstitution of and the 203rd GB Meeting at SCS.

25-26 August 18: Co-coordinated the Heads of Educational Institutions Meet of Kolkata administrative unit of Salesians of Don Bosco in Bengal, Bihar, Nepal, Sikkim.

September 2018

1 September 18: Co-coordinated, presided over and was resource person at the Regional Meeting of the Heads of Christian Higher Education Institutions (AIACHE) in the North East, held at the Vice Chancellors Residence, Assam Don Bosco University, Guwahati.

3 September 18: Core committee Meeting of the Darjeeling Dialogue Forum at the Rectory, St Paul’s School, Jalapahar, Darjeeling.

4 September 18: Participated and addressed the academic community of Darjeeling gathered at the National Symposium on ‘Darjeeling University and Prospects of Higher Education in the Hills’ organized by Southfield College, Darjeeling.

5 September 18: Addressed the College Community on the occasion of the National Teachers Day at the morning assembly.

8 September 18: Participated at the consultation with Hill College Principals and the Hill administration with NBU officials at Lalkoti, Darjeeling.

9-10 September 18: Visit of the members – Rev Dr Victor Lobo, St Joseph’s Bangalore and Dr Naresh Chandra of Birla College, Kalyan – of the advisory committee on deputation by UGC for the CPE status of the college.

17-19 September 18: Participant and Resource Person at the Vth Intercontinental Seminar and IUS EG assembly held at Pius XI UNISAL Campus, Alto De Lapa, Sao Paolo, on ‘Human Rights Among Young People: Perception of Reality”.

29 September: Presided over as President the 130th Executive Board Meeting of AIACHE at Loyola College, Chennai.

October 2018

3-4 October 18: Participated as Member at the Founder Body Meeting held at Don Bosco Thecho, Katmandu.

14 October 18: Participated as Knowledge Partner at the RESIDE Project of MNIT, Jaipur and IIITH Hyderabad on Residential Energy Reduction in India Research held at Aerocity, New Delhi.

November 2018

3 November 18: Delivered Lecture on the “political future of Minorities in India” to the DDCA (Darjeeling Diocesan Catholic Association) at Relly Road Church Hall, Kalimpong.

15-17 November 18: Inaugurated the Three-Day National Translation Workshop on IB Rai’s Works, held at Salesian College, Sonada.

24 November 18: Addressed the 128th Brahmo Samaj’s Annual Conference and at its Interfaith Gathering held at Brahmo Mandir, Bhowanipur, Kolkata.

28 November 18: Inaugurated the Conference of RUSA colleges of AIACHE on PFMS and on Fund Management held at AIACHE House, Janakpur, New Delhi.

December 2018

30 Nov – 5 December 18: Inaugurated and was resource person at the FORTE 2018 ( Faculty Orientation in Research and Teaching Excellence) with Facilitation Innovations and Simulation Mode of Teaching and sharing on Research Guidelines and practices along with Mark Pixley and Glenn Shive of Leadership Inc, and Director, American Centre, Hong Kong, respectively.

20 December 2018: The NAAC 3rd Cycle process was initiated and IIQA clearance procured.

January 2019

12 January 19: Blessed and Inaugurated the Residence of Holy Cross Convent at St Mary’s Kurseong. In the evening the online SSR upload initiated from SCSC Office.

23 January 19: Inaugurated at Auxilium Siliguri, the One Day Holotropic Breathwork for Faculty by KC Thomas sdb and in the noon delivered the Salesian Family Day Theme Talk on “Holiness For You Too” at Don Bosco School AV Hall.

February 2019

1 February 19: The SSR final online upload approval was overseen and completed in the presence of the IQAC team of the college.

 3-9 February 18: Participated at the triennial conference of Salesians of Kolkata Administrative Unit (Province) at Don Bosco, Radhanath Chowdhury Road, Kolkata, as an ex officio member of the animation Team.

10 February 18: Presided over the 131 Executive Board Meeting of AIACHE as its President at Bandra Retreat House, hosted by St Xavier’s Mumbai.

March 2019

13 March 19: The DVV (Data Verification and Validation) process completed at the NAAC agency level and information was communicated to the college.

17 March 19: AIACHE standing committee Meeting held at Jesus and Mary College, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi.

20 March 19: Inaugurated the National Seminar on CSR and Higher Education at Salesian College, Sonada.

27 March 19: Presided at the Editorial Board Meeting of Salesian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, held at Salesian College Sonada.

29 March 19: Inaugurated the Tata Memorial Inter University Seminar held at Salesian College Siliguri Campus.

April 2019

7-9 April 19: In Hong Kong, met with Prof Grey Lindgren of Hong Kong University, PokFuLam Road,  on 8th morning, John Heung at Cyberport, Abderdeen, in the noon, and with staff of Konrad Adeneur Foundation, in Central in the afternoon to propose collaboration through Dr Glenn Shive of American Centre, CUHK, Shatin, where on 9th morning had meetings with the United College faculty for the student exchange programme and with Ping Chen of ANHN and with Angela Wai Ching of United Board to further the collaborations.

11-12 April 19: Visited Loyola Marymount University and its Business School, had meeting with the Director, Dayle Art and Roberta Espinoza to scout Tea Tourism prospects and collaborations with AIACHE colleges in Mumbai. Visited University of California Irwin campus and met with Amanda Jeane of ANHN and explored collaboration possibility with Indian colleges and with Salesian College, Sonada, Darjeeling.

13-15 April 19: Participated and Presented paper at the Annual Conference of Asia Network held at University of san Diego, California and met with the ANFP team that visited the college in 2018.

May 2019

3-5 May 19: With the NAAC Peer Team Visit for Physical Verification of SCS and SCSC for the 3rd Cycle: Prof Rajpal Dahiya (former Vice Chancellor), Prof Suninder Tung (Amritsar University) and V Exambi (Karnataka University).

20 May 19: The NAAC Accreditation and Assessment Result was announced and the college retained its A Grade (with CGPA of 3.04 out of 4) in the new scheme of assessment.

25 May 19: Chaired the Interfaith Meeting of the Darjeeling Dialogue Forum at Divyavani, Darjeeling where Prof T Halkias of Hong Kong University and expert on Tibetan Buddhism delivered a lecture on the ‘Buddhist Influence in West Asia’.

July 2019

3-7 July 19: Participated at the IASACT Reunion Conference, as mentor of 2016 and chaired one session at Chung Chi College, Chinese University of Hong Kong at the Invitation of United Board.

20 July 19: On the Selection Committee Board of the PhD research at the Department of English, SRM University, Gangtok.

25-28 July 19: Participated at the 10th Annual Conference of Metaphysics and Politics by the Backwaters Collective as part of the Cochin Beinnale and sponsored by Narayana Samiti of Mumbai for the release of the book, India and Civilizational Futures, edited by Vinay Lal, and having authorship of a chapter entitled, “The Transformative Power of the One World Vision of Sri Narayana Guru” and as a respondent to a paper presented by J Devika on “The Savarna Reassertion in the History of Kerala”.

August 2019

3 August 19: Chaired the 133rd Executive Board Meeting of AIACHE at the Serampore Senate Hall, on AJC Bose Road, Kolkata.

5-9 August 19: Participated and presented a paper on “Sri Narayana Guru and the Civilizational Future” at the ICI (Indian China Indonesia) Conference held at the ICRS (Indonesian Consortium of Religious Studies) Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

21 August 19: Participated at the Felicitation and Release of the Book by Shri KS Moktan (IPS retd) at Gymkhana Club, Darjeeling.

24 August 19: Co-facilitated the Principals Forum of Don Bosco Schools and Education Personnel of Salesians of Kolkata Administration (Province) held at Don Bosco School, Bandel.

26-29 August 19: Participated as a special Invitee to the EAO (East Asia Oceania) region of the Salesians of Don Bosco, at the 2nd Regional Conference of Translators working on the Salesian Translators Handbook (Released as a book on 30 September 2019 at Seoul, South Korea) held at Anisakan, Myanmar.

September 2019

5-9 September 19: Co-organized the ACCS-AIACHE Conference on “Asian Socio-Political Realities and the Implications for Practical Theology and Higher Education” held at the ACCS Panayur, Chennai and presented a paper on “Myanmar, Bhutan and Nepal: Politics and Society – Implications for HE and PT”.

26 September 19: The Interreligious Dialogue Forum Annual Gathering was coordinated at the Government High School, Bijanbari, Darjeeling.

December 2019

15-19 December 19: Visit to the Andamans and Nicobar Islands – The Andaman Jails and Museum.


February 2020

27 Feb 20: Gave the Keynote Address at the Two-Day Workshop on “Quality Enhancement and NAAC Accreditation” at St Andrews College, Bandra, Mumbai in collaboration with AIACHE, New Delhi.

28 February 20: Inaugural Address at the Trends in Science and Technology Conference on National Science Day, at SCSC.

March 2020

5 Mar 20:  Presided at the Inaugural session of the National workshop on “NAAC Assessment and Accreditation – The Paradigm Shift” and “Towards Excellence in Education” jointly organized by AIACHE and United Board of Higher Education at AIACHE Centre, New Delhi.

7 March 20: Graduation Day for the 17-20 outgoing batch, at SCSC.

14-17 March 20: Announcement of pandemic lockdown and beginning of Online Classes with special faculty Meeting announcing the transition.

26 March 20: Inaugural address at the 4th Tata Memorial Lecture, Organized by the Department of Management, SCSC

April 2020

10-15 April: LMS Training for Faculty

17 April 20: Addressed online the participants at the Covid Awareness and Social Distancing Online Event for Students and faculty, organized by the NSS, SCS unit.

17 Apr  20: Presided at the first ZOOM meeting of the Steering Committee of AIACHE to review the lockdown situation and the online mode of operation in and from the office.

May 2020

9 May 20: Presided at the first Virtual Meeting of the AIACHE Executive Board from 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm  by Zoom Video Conferencing Mode.

23-26 May 2020: Visit to Dhajia and Interactions with the Village Community.

31 May 2020: As Founder Body Representative presided at the installation of the second Rector of Salesian College Sonada College Community.

June 2020

1 June 20: Gave the Keynote at the Webinar on  “Education in 21st Century: adapting to the Changing World” an International Online Conference organized by Department of Education, St Anthony’s College, Shillong.

3 June 20: Addressed the Webinar participants on “Decolonizing Indian Theatre” orgnaized by the Department of English, SCSC

3-5 Jun 20: Inaugurated the Online National Workshop on LMS Moodle co-organized by AIACHE and Sacred Heart College Tiruppatur for the faculty of member colleges.

10-15 June 20: Addressed the Faculty each day during the “Adventure with Online Learning Management System” Training organized by the Tech Team – CSA departments, SCSC-SCS

July 2020

6-10 July 20: The first ever fully online examinations in both the campuses spearheaded by the TechTeam and monitored by the Examination Committee.

10 Jul 20: Presided at the Regional Online Meeting of the AIACHE Members of the Western Region from 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm.

15 Jul 20: Presided at the Regional Online Meeting of the AIACHE Members of the Northern Region from 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm.

20 Jul 20: Presided at the Regional Online Meeting of the AIACHE Member representatives of the Karnataka Region from 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm.

23  Jul 20: Presided at the Regional Online Meeting of the Representatives of AIACHE Members of the Eastern Region from 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm.

27 July 20:  Addressed the participants of the online training session on ‘Newspaper Production, by the Department of Mass Communications, SCSC

28  Jul 20: Presided at the Regional Online Meeting of the Representatives of AIACHE Members from the Andhra-Telengana Region.

August 2020

7 Aug 20: Inaugurated the National Webinar on “Perspectives and Prospects of National Education Policy 2020” jointly organized by AIACHE and JEA from 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm on Google Meet and Live on YouTube with nearly 4000 participants.

10 Aug 20: Presided at the Regional Online Meeting of the Representative AIACHE Members of the North-Eastern Region from 11:30 pm – 1:45 pm.

12 August 20: Inaugurated the Webinar ‘In Conversation with Dr. Ramachandra Guha’,  the respected Historian, Environmentalist, Biographer, Social Activist, and Columnist, organized by the Department of History, SCSC.

12 Aug 20: Presided at the Regional Online Meeting of the Representative AIACHE Members of the North Kerala Region from 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm.

16 August 20: Addressed the Webinar participants on “Mental Health of Students: Educational Implications, Issues and Challenges” organized by the Department of Psychology, SCSC.

18 Aug 20: Presided at the Regional Online Meeting of the Representative AIACHE Members of the Tamil Nadu Region from 11:30 pm – 1:30 pm.

19-21 August 20: Presided at the Introduction to Learning Management System as part of the  FDP for New Faculty 2020, at Salesian College Sonada.

22 Aug 20: Presided at the continuation of the Online 135th Executive Board Meeting of AIACHE from 2:45 pm to 4:45 pm for the revision and approval of the revised version of the MoA.

24 August 20: Inaugurated the National Webinar on Intellectual Property Rights organized by the Department of Management SCSC.

27 August 20: Inaugurated the LMS Orientation for the First Semester students of both SCS and SCSC, an online event.

27 Aug 20: Presided and participated as Resource Person at the panel discussion on New Education Policy 2020 by experts in the online platform from 3:30-4:30 pm organized by the AIACHE in order to make a representation to the MHRD.

29 Aug 20: Presided at the Planning session on the proposed Research Study on Contribution of Christian Higher Educational Institutions in India, organized by AIACHE with 12 experts online from 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm

September 2020

1 September 20: Paid homage at the online event hosted by Departments of English and Education at the demise of Shri Pranab Mukherjee, former President of India.

5 September 20: Addressed students and Faculty on the Gratitude Day for those in Teaching Profession, organized by the Student Council

6 September 20: Presided at the onine ASIANetwork-AIACHE MoU coordination committee Meeting from 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm.

6 September 20: Presented a Paper on “Gandhi, Ambedkar and Sri Narayana Guru” at the Gandhi and Democracy Webinar organised by the Department of Philosophy, Assam University, Silchar.

8 September 20: Addressed the participants at the webinar on “Unveiling radharani: Women in Baul World” organized by the Department of History, SCSC

12 Sep 20: Presided at the Continuation of the Planning session on the proposed Research Study on Contribution of Christian Higher Educational Institutions in India, organized by AIACHE with 12 experts online from 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm

22 September 20: Valedictory Address at the 11th Verzotto Memorial Lecture.

28 September 20: Inaugural Address at the Panel Discussion on the New Education Policy organized by the Department of Management and IQAC.

October 2020

1 Oct 20: Presided at the Special AGM (extraordinary General Body Meeting) online to pass the Revised draft of the MoA and Rule and Regulations of AIACHE after 50 years. Held on Zoom Meet from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm with 106 members of the 127 who registered from among the 233 members invited.

10 October 20: Inaugurated the Research Centre and PG English Department Online initiative on ‘ Diving In: Designing a research Project’

12 October 20: Opening Invocation and Welcome to the participants at the Webinar on ‘Physical Education’

17 October 20: Inaugurated the Webinar on “Media and Democracy: Observations on the Indian Experience” Department of History, SCS

November 2020

November 7 20:  Participated and made the Valedictory note at the Lo Groi Memorial Lecture 21.

9 November 20: Ianugurated the Webinar on ‘Education across Borders: Research and Fellowship Opportunities’ organized by IQAC and PG Department of English and Research and Publication Centre

20 November 20: Delivered a special lecture as resource person at the first Faculty Induction Program organised by UGC at UGCHRDC of NBU.

13 November 20: Presided at the Concluding session of the 135th Executive Board Meeting held online from 10:30 am – 11:30 am.

20 November 20: Presided jointly with the Chair Asia Network, Dr Dan Choffnes at the Online International Meeting of Asia Network and AIACHE core team members for finalizing an MoU for collaboration between the two networks of Higher Education Institutions in the two respective countries for the benefit of their respective faculty members and students.

20 November 20: Presented Paper entitled “The Salesian College of India and Salesian University of Bolivia in the context of the pandemic” jointly with Yadika Prasad, Willy Chambi and EGR Silva at the International Online Seminar held by Salesian University, Equador.

26 November 20: Delivered a special lecture as resource person at the second Faculty Induction Program organised by UGC at UGCHRDC of NBU

28 November 20: Inaugurated the eComPhyMathix 2020 organized by the Deanery of Science.

December 2020

1 Dec 20: Addressed the special assembly online and inaugurated the Education department with IQAC organized  Workshop on ‘Research Proposal and Report Writing’.

1 Dec 20: Presided at the Zoom Meeting from 2:45 pm – 4:15 pm of over 100 faculty members from the select institutions across the country to form the NeXUS – platform of collaboration in Research organized by the AIACHE.

5 Dec 20: Inaugurated the IQAC, Research and Publication Centre and PG Department of English jointly organized  Workshop on Research and Publication Opportunities.

18 Dec 20: Welcomed the Guest Speaker on behalf of AIACHE to the Online Special Lecture at 3:00 pm on “Relevance of Mother Teresa in Higher Education” delivered by Dr Gezion Alpion, founder of Mother Teresa Studies and Sociologist at the University of Birmingham, UK.

Dec 2020: The eBook – Being A Priest in India: A Manifesto – was uploaded on the portal publications.salesiancollege.net, as Salesian College ePublication.

January 2021

6 Jan 21 : Participated in the ‘Mindfulness Research Training Programme’ organized by the PG Department of Psychology for all PG students as the Resource Person.


9 Jan 21: Inaugurated the ENACTUS on campus ( a social wing of the EDC) and participated at the Faculty development related meeting  entitled ETOP: Exploring Teaching Online/Offline/Orientation Programme.


26 Jan 21: Presided at the Republic Day event on the Campus. Commenced the Laptop Distribution Scheme for the Hill Women Students of the College.


29 Jan 21: Participated at the National Webinar on Digital Insurance : Prospects and Challenges, organized by the Department of Commerce.


30 Jan 21: Presided at the Sangam 2021 : Ethnic Day

February 2021

6 Feb 21: Participated in the  Special Lecture on Inside Data Science organized by the Department of CSA.


11 Feb 21: The Final Distribution of Laptops for Hill Women Students at SCS/ and Conoscenza the event of BBA department.


13 Feb 21: Participated at the Webinar Series on ‘Religious Practices in the Himalayan Spaces’ organized by the Department of Philosophy and Education, SAC and SCS in Collaboration with HKU Project on BRINFAITH.


26 Feb 21: Inaugurated the Calibre 2021event of the Department of Management.


28 Feb 21: Inaugurated the TIST 2021, Science Day special event of the Science Deanery.

March 2021

9-11 Mar 21: Inaugurated and Presided at the Faculty Induction Programme

16 Mar 21: presided at the IQAC Core Team Meeting

20 Mar 21: Presided at the 136th Executive Board Meeting of AIACHE online.

22 Mar 21: Inaugurated the Model United Nations: Orientation  at Siliguri Campus, organized by the Department of Political Science, Student Council and the IQAC.

23 Mar 21: Chaired the IQAC Meeting

25/30 Mar 21: Online OBTLE sessions inaugurated and participated in along with the faculty.

April 2021