Students Grievance Redressal Committee
Salesian College (Autonomous)
A Centralized Students Grievance Redressal Committee is present in Salesian College (Autonomous) Sonada & Siliguri. Siliguri is a campus of the Salesian College (Autonomous) Sonada. The prime motive of the committee is to address genuine complaints and grievances of the students. The Committee ensures transparency in procedures and prevents any unfair practices among the students. This committee’s function is to investigate the complaints lodged by any student and verify its merits. Any student who has a genuine grievance can approach any member of the committee in person.
The Student Grievance Redressal Committee aims to build up a responsible attitude among all the stakeholders for maintaining a cordial educational environment on the college campus. The following points highlight the key objectives of the Committee:
- To uphold the dignity of the college by ensuring harmonious relationships among students and between a teacher and a student.
- To encourage the students to express their grievances freely without the fear of being victimized.
- To advise students to respect the rights and dignity of each other and adopt restraint and patience during any incidence of rift.
- To advise all students to refrain from provocation of students against other students, faculty members, and the college administration
- To advise all faculty members to be affectionate towards students and not behave in a vindictive way to any one of them in any circumstances.
- To encourage students to report any case of ragging held against him or any other students immediately to the Office of the Principal.
Functioning of the Committee
The Students Grievance Redressal Committee shall function in the following manner:
- On receipt of written grievances from any students, the committee will formally evaluate all the cases and will act promptly, first by calling an urgent meeting with the committee members and then by taking prompt appropriate decisions with the presence of at least 50% of the total number of members.
- The committee will prepare a report immediately and submit it to the college authorities for fast action.
Procedure for lodging complaints
- The students may feel free to report any grievance in writing to any members of the Students Grievance Redressal Committee.
- The committee will act upon only those complaints which have been reported along with necessary documents.
- The committee will ensure that the grievances have been properly addressed within a stipulated time provided by the committee (Maximum 15 days)
Students Grievance Redressal Committee shall not entertain the following issues:
- Decisions of the Governing Body, Academic Council, Board of Studies, and other academic, administrative committees of the college.
- Decisions regarding award of scholarships/fee concessions/awards/medals.
- Decisions taken by the college under the Discipline Issues and Misconduct as per the College Handbook and Calendar.
- Decisions of the college during admissions of any programs.
- Decisions of the competent authority on assessment and evaluation/examination results.
- Decisions regarding co-curricular activities.
Sl. No.
Fr. (Dr.) Babu Joseph
Principal, Salesian College (Autonomous) Sonada & Siliguri
Fr. Johny Nedungatt
Rector (Sonada Campus)
Fr. (Dr.) Saju Puthuserry
Vice Principal (Siliguri Campus)
Fr. Jagjivan Tirkey
Bursar (Siliguri Campus)
Br. (Dr.) Augustine Joseph
Vice Principal (Sonada Campus)
Dr. Terence Mukhia
Dean (Sonada Campus)
Mr. Dhirodatta Subba
HOD, Computer Science and Application
Ms. Ganga Parajuli
Co-ordinator, Students Affairs
Ms. Sumina Chhetri
HOD, Department of Sociology (Sonada Campus)
Ms. Debarati Deb
HOD, Management Studies (Siliguri Campus)