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WPDoods Review: The Easiest Way Integrate WordPress With Doodstream

Integrating WordPress with Doodstream can greatly enhance your video content strategy, and the WPDoods plugin offers a streamlined solution. By leveraging the official Doodstream API, WPDoods enables seamless connectivity between the two platforms, simplifying the management of video content on your WordPress site. 

This integration not only automates content creation but also provides customizable settings to tailor your video presentation. Purchasing and activating WPDoods from ZeroByteCode's website is straightforward, but how exactly can this plugin transform your workflow and what steps are necessary to get started?

Introduction to Integrating WordPress with Doodstream Using WPDoods

Integrating WordPress with Doodstream using the WPDoods plugin provides a seamless solution for content creators looking to effortlessly embed and manage video content on their WordPress sites. This premium plugin leverages the Doodstream Official API to fetch video data using video ID or URL, automating the creation of WordPress posts with embedded video content.

The plugin meticulously handles the post configuration, including setting up the title, content, permalink, featured image, and embedding the video via shortcode.

The WPDoods plugin offers a dynamic shortcode generator, allowing users to customize video embedding, ensuring responsiveness across various platforms, browsers, and devices. This flexibility is particularly advantageous for developers and site administrators aiming to maintain a consistent user experience.

Moreover, WPDoods enhances productivity with its remote upload functionality directly from the WordPress Dashboard. By simply entering a remote video URL, users can upload videos to their Doodstream account and receive a video ID for post creation.

The plugin also provides valuable account insights, such as registered email, storage status, and account balance, streamlining video content management.

Getting Started: What is WPDoods?

To begin using WPDoods, users need to first confirm that their WordPress environment meets the plugin's requirements, followed by purchasing and downloading the WPDoods plugin from the official source.

Next, configure the plugin by integrating your Doodstream API key to enable seamless data fetching and video management.

Pre-quisisities to Install WPDoods

Prior to installing WPDoods, make sure that your server environment meets the essential requirements of PHP version 7.4 or newer and WordPress version 6.0 or newer. Ensuring these prerequisites are vital for the best performance and compatibility of the WPDoods plugin.

First and foremost, check your PHP version. You can do this by creating a PHP file with the following code snippet and loading it in your browser:

<?php phpinfo(); ?>

Look for the PHP version information and confirm it is 7.4 or newer. If not, consult your hosting provider or server administrator to upgrade PHP.

Next, verify your WordPress version. Navigate to the WordPress dashboard, and in the bottom right corner, you will see the current version. Alternatively, you can check it by adding the following code to your theme's functions.php file:

global $wp_version;
echo $wp_version;

Ensure it is 6.0 or newer. If an update is needed, back up your site and proceed with the update through the WordPress dashboard.

These steps are crucial to guarantee that WPDoods functions seamlessly, allowing you to leverage its full suite of features for integrating Doodstream with your WordPress site effortlessly.

Purchase and Downloading the WPDoods Plugin

For webmasters seeking a seamless way to integrate Doodstream into their WordPress sites, the WPDoods plugin offers a robust solution starting with its easy purchase and download process from the official website of ZeroByteCode.

After purchasing a license, users will receive a downloadable .zip file along with a license key. This key is essential for activating WPDoods and accessing its complete feature set. Each license is valid for a single website and lasts for one year, guaranteeing dedicated support and updates.

To initiate the integration, simply upload the .zip file through WordPress's plugin installer and activate it using the provided key. This straightforward process ensures that even those with minimal coding experience can enhance their site's media capabilities efficiently.

Best For: Webmasters and content creators looking to integrate Doodstream videos seamlessly into their WordPress sites with minimal coding experience.


  • Automatic creation of WordPress posts with video data from Doodstream.
  • Supports dynamic shortcodes for responsive video embedding.
  • Allows remote video uploads directly through the WP Dashboard.


  • Requires a paid license for use, with a one-year validity.
  • License is limited to a single website.
  • Dependency on Doodstream's API for fetching video data.

Configuring WPDoods with Your Doodstream API Key

To configure WPDoods with your Doodstream API key, follow these steps:

  • Locate your API key within the Doodstream account settings under the API section.
  • Once you have the key, navigate to the WPDoods plugin settings page in your WordPress dashboard.
  • Enter the API information in the designated fields.

This integration will enable seamless video data fetching and embedding capabilities directly from Doodstream to your WordPress site.

Locating Your API Key

Accessing your Doodstream API key is an essential step to enable seamless integration with the WPDoods plugin on your WordPress site.

First, log in to your Doodstream account.

Navigate to the 'API' section under the 'Settings' menu. Here, you will find your unique API key.

Copy this key, as it will be required for configuring the WPDoods plugin to fetch video data efficiently.

Entering API Information in WPDoods Plugin Settings Page

Configuring the WPDoods plugin with your Doodstream API key is a crucial step to guarantee the smooth integration of video content into your WordPress site.

Navigate to the WPDoods plugin settings page in your WordPress dashboard. Enter your Doodstream API key into the designated API Key field.

This setup ensures that WPDoods can fetch and embed video data, streamlining your content management.

Customizing Settings for Video Management

When customizing settings for video management with WPDoods, users can precisely configure parameters such as video embedding options, post status defaults, and category assignments to streamline content integration with Doodstream. This feature-rich plugin allows users to tailor their video management workflow directly within the WordPress dashboard, providing a seamless experience for content creators and site administrators.

Key settings that can be customized include:

  • Video Embedding Options: Utilize dynamic shortcodes to control how videos are displayed across different pages and posts, ensuring a consistent presentation.
  • Post Status Defaults: Automate the publication process by setting default post statuses (e.g., Draft, Publish), thereby reducing manual intervention.
  • Category Assignments: Pre-assign categories to new video posts to maintain an organized content structure, improving site navigation and SEO.
  • Fetch Interval Settings: Configure the frequency at which the plugin syncs with Doodstream to fetch the latest video data, ensuring your site remains up-to-date.

Utilizing WPDoods to Manage Video Content

Implementing WPDoods to handle video content involves automating post creation from Doodstream videos by utilizing the video ID/URL and the Doodstream Official API.

Moreover, the remote upload feature facilitates video integration directly through the WordPress dashboard, streamlining the process of adding new videos to your Doodstream account.

This streamlined approach guarantees that video content is effectively embedded and managed within your WordPress site.

Creating Posts Automatically from Doodstream Videos

To create posts automatically from Doodstream videos using WPDoods, users can leverage video IDs or URLs to fetch video data seamlessly through the Doodstream Official API. This integration allows for an efficient workflow where video content is transformed into fully-fledged WordPress posts with minimal manual input.

By utilizing WPDoods, users can automate the process of creating posts, making sure that each video is accompanied by the appropriate metadata and formatting. The plugin handles essential components such as:

  • Post Title: Automatically populated from the video title.
  • Post Content: Embedded video along with any additional content fetched from Doodstream.
  • Featured Image: Automatically set from the video thumbnail.
  • Shortcode: Dynamically generated to guarantee responsive video embedding.

Users have the flexibility to customize various aspects of the post creation process. They can select the desired category for the post, set the post status to either Publish or Draft, and tailor the permalink structure. Additionally, WPDoods' Shortcode Generator feature enables users to customize how the video is embedded, offering a robust solution to match any design requirements.

Implementing WPDoods not only streamlines video content management but also enhances productivity by automating repetitive tasks, allowing users to focus on content quality and audience engagement.

Using Remote Upload Features to Add Videos

Building on the capabilities of automatically creating posts from Doodstream videos, WPDoods also offers a remote upload feature that enables users to add videos to their Doodstream account directly from the WordPress dashboard. This functionality streamlines the workflow for content creators, reducing the need to switch between multiple platforms.

To utilize this feature, navigate to the WPDoods menu in your WordPress dashboard and select the remote upload page. Enter the remote video URL in the provided field, and initiate the upload. The plugin handles the rest, uploading the video to your Doodstream account. Once the upload completes, WPDoods returns a Doodstream video ID, which you can immediately use to create a video post.

This feature is particularly beneficial for managing large volumes of video content efficiently. By leveraging the WPDoods plugin, content creators can maintain a seamless integration between WordPress and Doodstream, ensuring their video content is consistently updated and accessible.

The remote upload capability, combined with automatic post creation, offers a powerful toolset for optimizing video content management directly within WordPress, empowering users to focus on enhancing their content rather than managing tedious administrative tasks.

Conclusion: Maximizing Your Video Content Strategy with WPDoods

Incorporating WPDoods into your WordPress site greatly enhances your video content strategy by streamlining the process of embedding and managing video content directly from Doodstream. This premium plugin leverages the Doodstream API to automate content creation, simplifying the workflow for WordPress users who want to maximize their video content strategy.

WPDoods offers a range of features designed to facilitate seamless integration and management of video content:

  • Automated Content Creation: Fetch video data using the video ID/URL and automatically set up post titles, content, permalinks, featured images, and embedding shortcodes.
  • Dynamic Shortcode Support: Utilize dynamic shortcodes to embed responsive videos in any post or page, ensuring a consistent viewing experience across all devices.
  • Remote Upload Capabilities: Upload videos directly to your Doodstream account from the WordPress dashboard, streamlining content management and upload processes.
  • Account Information Fetching: Retrieve important account details such as storage status, account balance, and registered email directly within your WordPress dashboard.