Sonada, August 23,2024: Salesian College Sonada observed the 33rd Nepali Bhasa Manyata Diwas. It was conducted by the Department of Political science and the Department of English , where both the faculty and the students participated in various events such as poetry recitation, songs and dance performances.
Sir Rasik Chettri, from Ramesh Bandhu Prakashan, who is also a motivational speaker was the chief guest for the event. The program started by lighting the lamps by the dignitaries and garlanding ceremony of the chief guest. Next was the dance performance done by the students of the department of English and Political science. Followed by a speech by the chief guest Rasik Chettri on the importance of Nepali language, the history behind the recognition of Nepali language in the Constitution of India.
After that there was a poetry session by Miss Ashwini Tamang Assistant professor Department of English, Miss Rohini subba Assistant professor of History, Mr. Manish Sharma Assistant professor of the department of commerce and students Aachal Laver (B.Com), Aditya Tamang ( History), Milan Chettri (B.Com), Prasil Rai (BCA), Br. Edward (English) and Abhigyan (English),after which there was a song performance by Tshering (Department of political science)
Then there was a small speech by Mr. Deepraj Rai Assistant professor of English, And the last event of the day was a band performance by Anjana Rai and the group. The program was concluded by a token of appreciation to Mr Rasik Chettri and a final vote of thanks.
Ms. Shenaz Naznin
Assistant professor, Department of English.
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